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Name: Mussab Bin Shahid

Sap-Id: 2024
Subject: Mobile Application Computing

Project Proposal

Name: Note Taking App

Technologies: Java, XML, SQL Lite
Now a days time is very short who has the time to take pen, paper and write on
a page. So, to solve this problem we are going to make note taking app. Today
every person requires to make notes of important things. These notes can be
related to anything your studies, house chores anything you want. Main goal of
this app is to help users to remember things that are important to them. All the
notes that user is going to create will be saved in the database. User can add the
notes delete them and can also restore them. Notes can also be searched and
edited. We will use sql lite database to store the notes. Every individual can get
advantage by using this app. This app will also have a reminder feature which is
going to remind user that he has to do the required work.

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