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Name: Mussab Bin Shahid

Sap-Id: 2024
Subject: Mobile Application Computing

Project Proposal

Name: Note Taking App

Technologies: Java, XML, Firebase
Now a days every programmer in the beginning of his programming journey
faces so many problems. So he has to go to internet and search his problem on
different websites like stack overflow, codegrepper and many more. There are
all levels of programmers out there. As for and ordinary user it is difficult to
search their problems out on the internet. So, to solve this we are going to make
an application that will help the programmers to solve basic errors that every
programmer faces in the beginning of his programming journey. We will going
to address errors in some different kind of programming languages. Then it will
be very easy for a person who is doing software engineering or computer
science to find solution to his problems in a single application. There will be a
chat room in which user can add other people to ask about his problem. In this
cooperative manner every body is going to learn something. Further any
problem faced by an individual will going to be solved in this manner.

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