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I'm trying to study for HUN2000

Regarding fat chapter:

1. The most abundant mineral in the body is Calcium.
2. The difference between saturated fat and unsaturated fat.
3. Examples of saturated fat
4. How do we differentiate saturated fat from unsaturated fat visually
- Saturated will always look solid
- Unsaturated will be in liquid form
5. 2 essential fatty acids
- Omega 3 and omega 6
6. Hydrogenation of fat is adding a hydrogen atom to an unsaturated fat molecule to make
it saturated. This is done to stabilize fat. Food industry does this to increase shelf life of
products. Not healthy. This can be determined by the amount of trans fat in a product
- If trans fat is not declared in a product then you have to scan ingredients and
anything that contains hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil then by
default it contains trans fat.
7. Determine meal that is richer in cholesterol
- If a meal contains mostly animal products then it has higher cholesterol than
other meals.
- Cholesterol is usually in animal products
8. What types of enzymes are required to break down fat?
- Lipase
9. Bile is an emulsifying agent
10. Bile is produced in the liver
11. Gallbladder stores bile and emulsifies the fat content of the meat.
12. Micelle contains all of the fat soluble nutrients that are either partially broken down or
about to be broken down
13. Micelle will be mixed with protein, bile, fat soluble vitamins, and now the micelle is
preparing to be absorbed.
14. For it to be absorbed it must be changed into chylomicron
15. What does chylomicron do?
- If there is trouble in the system spreading triglycerides, micelle is needed for fat
to be absorbed and chylomicron is needed to transport the fat.
16. If too much fat is consumed, what disease are you putting yourself at higher risk to?
- Heart disease
17. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the united states
18. If fat is accumulated in the abdominal area, what kind of obesity are you getting?
- Apple shaped obesity
19. If fat is accumulated in the hip area, what kind of obesity are you getting?
- Pear shaped obesity
20. More than likely gender specific; apple shaped obesity is more common in men an pear
shaped obesity is more common in women
21. Men have higher risk of cardiac disease and heart disease compared to women.

Regarding protein chapter:

22. What is a unique fact about protein compared to other macronutrients:
- It has nitrogen; fat and carbs don't
23. When DNA duplicates itself it is known as replication.
24. When we make protein it has two phases
- Transcription and translation
- Transcription means when i transcript the code of the dna
- Translation means when code is taken outside of nucleus to make new protein
25. Once you are in the translation process, transfer RNA is needed.
26. Transfer RNA:brings me amino acids from here and there in cytoplasm because these
amino acids are needed to build protein.
27. What determines the quality of the protein?
- The type of amino acids it has. If it has all of the essential amino acids, then it is
a high quality protein.
- Quality of a protein is determined by the essential amino acids it has and its
28. Where do we get the highest quality proteins from?
- Animal products; eggs, milk, meat
29. What is the function of protein?
- Many functions; to make enzymes, muscles, reactions,
Regarding Metabolism:
30. The regular pathway of energy metabolism is glycolysis, Tricitric acid (TCA) cycle,
electron transport chain.
31. When glucose is broken down into pyruvate this process is called glycolysis.
32. Glycolysis happens regardless of the amount of oxygen around it. Whether its aerobic or
33. If the system runs out of glucose, what will the system do to give you energy?
- My system will do gluconeogenesis
- A process to produce glucose from non carbohydrate source, usually its protein
- When the system produces glucose from protein, the process is gluconeogenesis
34. Genetically modified food-
35. Process to do this is manipulation; changing the code of the gene; engineering
36. Modern kiwi is a genetically modified food

Free radicals and antioxidants:

37. Free radicals are substances the system creates naturally as a byproduct of
breathing, digestion, all of the metabolic pathways but they can also be acquired
from the environment. Smoke, pollution, processed foods.
- Sometimes the exposure is uncontrollable
38. Antioxidants balance the free radicals
39. What are the two nutrients that work together hand in hand and they act as
- Vitamin c and vitamin e
40. What is the function of calories?
- Calorie is a unit of measure that tells us the amount of energy provided by
the food.
- A calorimeter, food calorimetry, devices used to measure the energy
41. What does body mass index do?
- Tell me the status of my body weight.
- It has different ranges. If it is below 18, the person is underweight and if it
is above 40 the person is obese.
- If it is between 19.5 to 25 the person has normal body weight. Over 29.9 is
- Not used in the context of athletes because their body weight is more
likely muscle weight.
- Bmi does not tell anything about body composition ( fat or muscle)
- Bmi is to evaluate body weight but it is not used to evaluate athletes
42. What is basal metabolic rate?
- The minimum amount of energy i need to consume everyday because my
system needs it to maintain its biological functions
- 60- 75% of our energy intake goes to the body function
- Thermic effect of food accounts to 5- 10%. Needed to metabolize the food.
43. Leptin: the hormone that increases in proportion to the number of fat cells in the
44. People who are obese have higher levels of leptin
45. Associate leptin with the amount of fat a person has
46. This amount of fat is known as adiposity
47. Alcohol gives energy but it is not considered a nutrient
48. Fitness has multiple components:
- Endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance
49. Cardiorespiratory endurance determines how long I'm able to do the exercise.
Because it combines the fitness of my heart muscle and the fitness of my
pulmonary system. The more fit they are, the longer my exercise is.
Foodborne illness:
50. How to prevent foodborne illness
51. Appropriate temperature for food
52. Carnitine Supplement does not increase physical performance.

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