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Civil engineering is a career that requires a lot of time and dedication. Unlike others, it is very easy to
locate the field of action of this type of professionals, whether within civil construction, public
infrastructure or civil works administration.

And is that the ing. Civil is present in all aspects of our life, whether you are walking on the street, or if
you have to go to the airport, all those constructions that facilitate our lives are the work of civil
engineers. Everything you see around you and that today facilitates our existence, is thanks to civil


It is the branch of engineering that is responsible for administering and carrying out construction
projects for houses, bridges, buildings, among others.

The civil engineer is the professional who supervises that the entire project is carried out according to
plan. Technically speaking, you must select the appropriate materials and on the administrative side you
will have to meet the deliveries on time and under the planned budget.

Like other engineering such as Mechatronics, this career has evolved in conjunction with technology,
both in the ways of selecting materials and in the methods to define the type of beams that will be used.
Technology has been opening new opportunities for civil engineering, to the point that today there are
professionals who spend all day conducting structural analysis on their computer (with the use of very
robust software).

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