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Asynchronous Activity

Name: Kate Ashley T. Sampang Date: 11/10/2021

Gr. and Section: Gr. 8 St. Joseph

1. Facial Expression

 With the use of Facial expression, we can show our own reaction and emotion or how we feel
about something.

2. Eye contact

 Eye contacts is a way to show our sincerity about something.

3. Physical Appearance

 Physical appearance helped us to described someone, and it also helped us to know who the
person is are they referring to.

4. Spatial Behavior

 Behavior helped us with someone who had a close relationship with us to know how they feel
based on how they act.

5. Paralinguistic: Pitch

 We can identify if someone’s mad with the helped of pitch. For example, a person is speaking to
someone with a high pitch we can tell that the person is mad.

6. Paralinguistic: Tone

 Tone helped us to know someone’s emotion based on how they deliver the sentence. It also
helped is to avoid being misinterpreted.

7. Paralinguistic: Tone

 Tone helped us to know someone’s emotion based on how they deliver the sentence. It also
helped is to avoid being misinterpreted.
8. Kinesics: Posture

 Posture can help to know if someone is listening and interested in communicating with you.

9. Kinesics: Gesture

 With the helped of gesture we can now someone’s unspoken thoughts.

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