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Normally most feminine words in French end with "E" although there are many exceptions 

However, all adjectives end with E in the feminine form  

Rules for feminine :  

1. Add "e" to the masculin form 

For example :  
Intelligent- intelligente 
tetu- tetue (stubborn) 
Gourmand- gourmande ( greedy) 
Tolerant- tolerante- tolerant  
Fort- forte- strong  
ennuyant- ennuyante- annoying /irritating  
laid-laide- ugly  
Amical- amicale- friendly  

2. EUX/EUR ending masculin adjectives change into "EUSE" in feminine form 

Heureux- heureuse- happy 
Malheureux- malheureuse- unhappy 
Courageux- courageuse-  
Paresseux- paresseuse- lazy 
Serieux- Serieuse 
Genereux- genereuse- generous 
travailleur- travailleuse- hardworking 

3. Adjectives ending with "F" change into "Ive" in feminine 

Sportif- sportive 
actif-active –active  
Comprehensif-comprehensive – understanding  
4. Double consonant in feminine 
Few adjectives ending with consonants, turn into double consonants followed by e in the feminine
Gentil- gentille- kind  
Gros- grosse- fat 

5. Those adjectives that end with E, do not change in feminine form  
egoiste- egoistic 
Sociable- social 
drole – funny  
moche- ugly 
jeune- young  
sympa- doesnt change either 

6. Irregulars 
Beau- belle  
nouveau- nouvelle  

7. Those that end with c , add he to it 
blanc- blanche= white  


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