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Task: What are the similarities and differences in the influence of
family and friends on teenagers? (word limit: 500)
Adolescence is regarded as the most vulnerable period in people's life,
when physical and mental changes are most noticeable (CS). As a result (TE),
both family and friends have a significant influence on their development. The
effect of parents (TE) or friends on young people will often have many parallels
as well as distinctions, both beneficial and harmful.
The first (TE) similarity between parents and friends who have an impact
on adolescents is that they may focus on providing spiritual and emotional
support (TS). Because (TE) young people (TE) have a hard time communicating
their ideas or closing themselves off, having parents or friends who can talk to
them has been relatively beneficial to their development. In addition (TE),
they(TE) also provide practical support and guidance to help young people
discern between right and evil (YoundMinds, Friends and Family, 2021) (C).
Family support, parenting approaches, and the impacts of peer pressure have all
been connected to adolescent health behavior (CS), according to the section on
Family and Relationships in the article U.S. Teens in Our World: Understanding
the Health of U.S. Youth in Comparison to Youth in Other Countries (C). The
environment, as well as toxic elements such as smoking, sexual activity, alcohol
use and aggressive behavior, can have a tremendous impact on the development
of young people. All of these factors have the potential to have unexpected
impacts on children, and the involvement of parents and friends in their
upbringing is crucially significant.
Although (TE) there are several similarities between the way family and
friends affect adolescents’ growth as listed above, we still have to mention their
differences. In general, parents (TE) can influence teenagers in both positive
and negative manner in many aspects (TS). First and foremost (TE), it is worth
noting that family could have a favourable impact on adolescents’ friendship
and peer pressure. In particular (TE), parents play an important role in shaping
adolescents’ behaviours and thoughts. They (TE) equip teens (TE) with abilities
and nurture their self-esteem so that they can foster positive friendships and deal
with peer pressure (CS) (Maria, 2007) (C). In contrast (TE), family also exerts
an adverse impact on teenagers’ (TE) development. Particularly (TE), parents
seem to be teens’ role-models, which leads to the fact that their actions could be
imitated by adolescents (CS). Therefore (TE), an unwholesome home
evironment could increase their involvement in aggressive behaviors, alcohol
use and suicide. (U.S. Teens in Our World, Understanding the Health of U.S.
Youth in Comparison to Youth in Other Countries, 2021). ( C )
In comparison with (TE) family, friendships are also both favourable and
detrimental factors in teenagers’ growth (TS). On the one hand (TE), friends are
an essential component of adolescents’ personal development. To be more
specific (TE), they can bring youngsters (TE) a sympathized feeling so they can
openly express themselves. These relationships are thought to provide safe
spaces for the young (TE) to explore their identities, feel accepted and build a
sense of belonging. On the other hand (TE), unhealthy friendships can lead to
several adverse outcomes. Specifically (TE), their association with a specific
group of fellows (TE) who have atypical thoughts and uncivilized
behaviours(CS) probably results in their involvement in illegal activities such as
use of drugs and weapons. (Secure teen, Peer pressure vs Parental influence:
Who is the winner?, 2021) ( C ). Moreover (TE), those can gradually form bad
habits and shape a depraved lifestyle.
In conclusion (TE), it shows that both parents and teenagers’ friends play
a key role during adolescence's (TE) maturation period, and it also affects the
behavior and youngsters’ (TE) characteristics in the long-term. Both of these
factors have positive and negative influences on teenagers (TE). Regardless of
which factor has a greater or lesser impact, it is up to the adolescents (TE) to
make their own decisions and live their own lives (CS), and aspects such as
family or friends can only serve as a supplement during the development of
adolescence (CS).

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