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Based on the results of my Compulsive Hoarding Quiz, I agree because all of it shows the

real me, my environment and attitude towards possessions. Thanks to this compulsive
Hoarding Quiz, because of it I found out what kind of person I am and I am able to
determine my behavior towards possessions and clutter. It really matched with what I still do
and perform until now.

I have a difficulty in disregarding stuffs, it is true that I have a hoarding problem likely
because I am a person who still keep things even if I don't need it because I felt I could still
use it in the future but sometimes I tend to disregard stuffs which are broken or damaged
thinking that I could not use it already. Even with excessive acquisition of new stuff, I buy
things even if I still have one or don't need it immediately just like shopping online which I
couldn't control myself unless I don't have money to pay for it. Because of my hoarding
problem and excessive acquisition of new stuff, our home especially my room is filled with
clutters and somehow disordered.

About the material possessions that have deep personal connection I am really into it, I
mean I really saved and keep things that has a sentimental value to me and not considering
how cheap or expensive it is, what matters to me is that it has a great impact, influence, and
connection to my whole human being and that losing it will somehow make me mad for
being careless.

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