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Animated Video (Minimum of 3 minutes)

Intro: Opening Chuchu

Because most of the time, people tend to forget that in order to prove your love to God
you have to give your faith to Him.
Just look at this illustration (If makaya sya nga may tao gid ga storyahanay)
(Convo: God and boy.)
God: Do you Love me?
Boy: Yes God!!
God: In order for you to prove your love for me, you need to have faith in me.
Boy: How can I do that God?
God: Are you willing to share my Word to your friends?
Boy: God I’m shy they might think I’m too churchy
God: what if I will remove some toxic people you love, will you give your trust in
me with this matter?
God: No God, I also love them just like I love you.
God: Are you willing to give up your life just to prove your faith to Me and to the
Boy: God I love you but I don’t think I can do those things for you

ENNGGKK!!!! (transition)
Do you want to see what real faith is?

In this video you will witness the sacrifices of the people before just to establish the free
Christian community that we are now experiencing and enjoying.
(Insert Intro nila Dereck)
The period of Christian persecution lasted over three hundred years but there
were times during this period when there was peace and happiness, and the Christian
faith grew strong and spread throughout the Roman Empire.

There are 3 Periods in the Persecution of Christians

-----First Period (54-60 A.D.)-----
(Dw text lang siya nga naga dalagan)
This period consists of 3 emperors, Nero, Vespacian, Domitian
Let us know better these emperors and their part in the life of the Christians. Let us start
with Nero… (voice over)

Nero is the grandnephew and stepson of Cladius. Nero thought of himself as a god. He
allowed the Jews back into Rome but, neither they nor the Christians would call him a
god. In the year AD 64, Nero burnt the city of Rome. He wanted to see the city burning
and he wanted to build a new city. The people were very angry. Nero said that it was
the Christians who had burnt the city. He therefore passed a law that all Christians
should be put to death. This was the first of the Roman persecutions of the Christians.
During this period Peter and Paul were executed.

The next emperor is Emperor Vespasian…

Emperor Vespasian was an army general then sent by Emperor Nero to put down the
revolt in Jerusalem. Nero committed suicide and Vespasian was called to Rome to be
the new emperor.

Lastly, Emperor Domitian…

Emperor Domitian insisted that citizens show their loyalty by taking part in ceremonies
in honor of Roman Gods. He ordered that he be addressed as “My Lord and my God.”
Refusal to do his order is equivalent to death. There were long periods of time when the
laws were not enforced. Many local magistrates and Roman officials chose to ignore the
laws, provided the Christians cause no problem in their areas.

------Second Period (100-250 A.D.)-----

This period consists of 4 emperors, namely: Emperors Trajan, Hadrian Marcus
Aurelius, and Septemius Severus.

What happened in this emperors’ reigns? Let us start with Emperors Trajan…

In Emperor Trajan, Christians were to be allowed to live as long as they renounce their
faith and offered sacrifice to the gods. He left the Christians with an awful choice –
death or apostacy. Pliny the younger wrote to Emperor Trajan asking how he should
interpret the laws about Christians. The emperor’s replied, the authorities shall not look
for Christians and start proceedings against them. Also, he said, complains against
them must be presented to the authorities officially. Lastly, he said if the Christian
agrees to deny his faith, there should be no punishment.

Another emperor in this period is Hadrian Marcus Aurelius…

Marcus Aurelius did not hesitate to kill Christians if it served the Empire’s interest.
Permitted mob violence against Christians if it served as an outlet of popular anger,
which otherwise might turn against the empire. When persecutions were not so strong –
Christians were able to move closer together

Lastly, we have Septemius Severus…

On Septemius Severus time, he made a change in the laws about Christians led to
terrible times of persecution. Forbade conversations to the Jewish religion that includes
Christianity. The authorities should take immediate actions against any person who
caused the conversation. Septemius Severus died in 211 and the next emperors did not
reverse the law but they did not enforce it.

------Third Period (249-251 A.D.)-----

This period consists of 3 emperors, these are Emperors Decius, Valerian and

What are the significant events in this period? Let us discover this together. Let us see
start with Emperors Decius…

Decius aims to restore the empire to its greatness and so restored the old customs.
Official religion (Pantheism) is to be a part of political and social system (that includes
the worship of pagan gods and emperors). In his reign to be absent from this worship is
considered a treason. He had a very fierce persecution.

The next emperor was Valerian…

Valerian repeated the same kind of organized persecution. He was attacked by the
Persians. He was captured and died in captivity.

Lastly, we have Diocletian…

In Diocletian time, the empire was in a very poor condition so he built himself a palace.
He divided the empire into two and named another emperor to be equal to himself. Both
would have the title, Augustus. He reintroduced the custom that Emperors be
addressed as “My Lord and my God”. In this time, it was the worst persecution ever. In
293, he modified the system by adding two more emperors, each to govern a distinct
region but they have a lower status. They will be called Caesar. In 303 He issued a
proclamation ordering a cessation of Christian assemblies, demolition of Christian
churches, burning of sacred books, resignation of all Christians from public positions,
every Christian must be ordered to offer sacrifice.

The Christian had experienced a lot of persecution but why do they suffer so much?
What are the reasons why they were persecuted? Listed below are some causes why
Christian in the early times are persecuted.

- Refusal to participate in pagan rituals

- Reluctance to worship the emperors and their gods.
- Christians are threats to the empire.
- Cannibalism and incest
- The nature and content of the Christian beliefs

(Tig isa ka frame bawat reasons and insert pictures lang para legit and daw may
idea kung ano ibig sabhihin sini)

Alongside with the experience of persecution in the hands of the emperors, were the
birth of the early Heresies and the Apologist.

Who are the early Heresies?

Heresies are those people who opposed the teachings of the Church Fathers.

-------The Early Heresies------

This comes from “gnosis” which means knowledge. They claimed to have a special
salvific type of knowledge. They also believe that salvation is through knowledge given
only for the few
Gnostics viewed the world of matter as evil and the spirit alone is good. Human body is
deemed to be defiled and evil. Therefore, the bodily resurrection of Jesus was denied
by the Gnostics

Named after Marcion of Sinope. He rejected the God of the Old Testament in favor of
the God of the New Testament. For them, there were two Gods, the lesser God who is
the creator who was jealous of his creatures and so expelled them from paradise, and
the good God who sent Jesus Christ to save us. Formulated his own canon of
Scriptures that exclude the Old Testament.

It was named after their leader Montanus. They claim a special inspiration from the Holy
Spirit. He proclaimed that he was the mouthpiece and prophet of the Holy Spirit who
through him will lead the Church to all Truths. It was condemned by the Pope that led to
its gradual end.

It was named after their founder Mani, a Persian priest who had the plan to unite in a
new religion the best elements of the old. It retained Gnosticism’s attitude on matter as
evil. They preached that there is a fundamental battle between good and evil with
opposing forces struggling for the souls of humans.

This time let us know better the Apologist.

Who are the Early Apologists?

Apologists are the dedicated Christian men who devoted their lives for the propagation
and defense of the faith through their writings.

-------The Early Heresies------

He was the 4TH POPE OF THE Church who wrote an epistle to the Church in Corinth.
He is a friend of Paul. His writings seek to defend and propagate the Christian Faith.
Exhort on the examples of martyrs as exemplars of holiness and humility. He reminded
the Corinthians of the commandment of love, pursuit of good works and virtues. He had
won reverence and praise of being a great pastoral leader in the 1 st c.

He was a former member of Manichaenism but was converted to the Christian faith and
turned into an ultimate adversary of Manichaenism and a great defender of Christian
faith and doctrine.

The Bishop of Smyrna who wrote to the wrote at Philippi on the exhortation of virtue, the
practice of love, hope and patience. He was asked to denounce his faith by the
persecutors, refused to revile Christ, stood unthreatened by torture and death, and
embraced martyrdom by being burned alive inside the stadium before a multitude of
people. His martyrdom was considered as one of the most inspiring stories of the early
Christians that defiled human persecution and withstood the trial of faith, even the
fearful test of death.

He fought the Judaizers and the Docetists. He is an ardent believer of his vocation to
Christ, emphasized the divine vindication of the Christians as the new people of God;
stressed the superiority of the Christian Faith.

He defended the Christian practice and doctrine against the heresies. He labored to
dispel the exclusive claim of the Gnostics in receiving a special revelation from God. He
laid the ground of “Scripture and Tradition” as an acid test for the veracity of the Truth
against those who deviate from the Church.

He acted being an evangelist proclaiming the Gospel as the only way to salvation after
being converted from paganism, and impressed by the courage shown by the Christians
amidst persecution.

He is most remembered by his strong character and pure brilliance for the Church’s
defense against the heresies. He was the first great Latin Christian writer. He was a
fighter against faulty reasoning and divisive false teachings, produced a number of
apologetical writings against some of the heresies.
After these several events, how does this affect the Christian faith and the formation of
the Christian community? The answer is that some have contributed to the betterment
of it but there are also down side. Such as:

- Strengthen the faith of the Christians

- Attracted more converts to Christianity
- Increased the number of Christians
- Many died for the faith
- Many turned apostates
- Hampered the missionary activities of the Church


Insert statement as conclusion and realization (Dereck and other’s part)

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