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POM stands for __ in maven.

project object model

Maven build process is composed of one build life cycles but has one or more
Comprehension and Management tool.

Maven is _
Comprehension and Management tool.

Command to generate Super POM view

mvn help:effective-pom

What are the minimal coordinate attributes required for pom xlm file

Which option stands true for Super POM

Both the options mentioned

What was POM named in maven 1


Exclusive quantifies boundary range is defined as


Inclusive quantifiers boundary range is defined as

[, 3.8]

Local repository could be one on the web server.


Maven search for dependency in _

search in all three repositories

What does dependency range mean, [2.0.7, 2.0.9)


Maven dependencies are stored in


Which of the flow is correct for clean life cycle.

pre clean , clean ,post clean

What are the three builds in maven life cycle


Which of the flow is correct for Build life cycle


A build goal is peripheral for a phase when pom binds all goal to the corresponding
life cycle

Which plugin is needed to compile project.


How to get the maven path

whereis mvn

While creating maven project, we must enter value for

i. groupId
ii. artifactId
iii. package
iv. version

I, ii, iii and iv

List of files generate from maven archetype

pom file, main and test folder

Syntax used for compiling the maven project.

mvn compile

Which plugin is needed to execute project.


How to generate war file

mvn package

Syntax to create maven project.

mvn archetype:generate

What is archetype
It is maven project templating toolkit11

How can we compile and generate war file using single command
mvn compile war:war

To generate war file using single command,which command in these option is correct
mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=First-WebApp
-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false

War files are created for

Web Application

Which command is used for generating Unit test reports

mvn surefire-report:report

What are the types of maven plugins

Build and Reporting Plugins.

Which command is used for checking upgrade check


Surefire plugins are used for

for running Junit test and report generation

Which command is used for skipping the test

mvn install -DskipTests

Maven plugin is
Both the options mentioned

Site life cycle have


Syntax used to build maven site

mvn site

Super POM is a view-only POM for attributes of all dependencies exists across
multiple POMs

It is mandatory to have at least one goal associated with a build phase


What does maven surefire plugins stands for?

Both of the options are correct about maven surefire plugins.

Syntax to skip the compilation of the test

mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

What is GAV in maven

None of the options mentioned

GAV is used minimal coordinate attributes for maven

Both options define GAV

GAV stands for groupId:artifactId:versionxxx

Dependency Management allows to

consolidate and centralize the management of dependency versions

Which command is used to remove build data and target directory .

mvn clean

Syntax to build maven project offline

mvn -o package.

Surefire reports are in

*.xml and *.html

*.txt and *.xml Format.

*.xml format

*.txt format.

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