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Process Seatvo “82 Itfooks like an ordinary weekday in Mexico City: buses and the subway are packed; there is trafic noise, pollution, queues, impatience, stress. People eat tacos at road corners. But take a second look and i is fr from normal. Many people stil wear masks. Few walk hand- inchand or kiss. In lits, everyone is suspicious of one another. Its impossible to tell who carries the influenza virus that is now known to have led to more than 40 deaths and infected more 1,000 people in recent weeks. After several days of sort of voluntary house arrest, people have started getting back out in numbers onto the streets of the capital. The "pseudo-quarantine” is over, but is Mexico getting back to normal? “Of course itis, dont you see the drug gangs have started kiling people again?" a smiling man told the BBC while rushing to catch the green man sign at a road crossing. Despite the light-hearted mood, many wonder how long this "normality" will have to co-exist with restrictions that aim to eliminate the virus. The tourist sector, restaurants, cinemas and sports arenas are not the only tones that have been affected. Many people who work in the informal or black economy saw their income vanish ovemight. "Im happy that | have work again,” said Enrique Landeros, who sells tacos at one of Mexico City’s metro stations. ‘The Mexican govemment alowed businesses to start re-opening, with restrictions on bars, theatres, sports arenas and football stadiums. University and high schools students could go back to class, although younger pups have another few days off ‘nti their schools can re-open. Most of Mexico City’s 35,000 restaurants are open again, but with only half of their previous capacity. This is due to an official recommendation to Keep a gap of at least 2.5m between tables. The measure was labeled as “impractical” by many businessmen, “We lost almost 100% of our sales ‘and we have to pay the rent, the employees, the suppliers," said Alexandro Franco, who owns the Non Solo restaurant in Mexico City. "Its good to re-open, but this is only a paliatve.” According to the new rules, waiters must clean the tables, the menus and the salt and pepper containers after each ‘customer. They must not lend their pens to anyone and are expected to wash their hands constantly. "We'll do our best {o follow all the rules, but we cannot tum waiters into doctors who are about to start surgery,” says Francisco Mijares, president of the naional restaurants’ association, ‘Some people think Mexico will never be the same, The government remains cautious, although it has alowed ise to show a litle opimism. Health Seoretary Jose Angel Cordova sai that the threat of new deaths had diminished - most of them happened before 29 Apri. But he stopped shor of saying the disease is under control. “Speaking of control means not having a single case in at least 15 days,” he said. President Felipe Calderon echoed his health secretary's ‘comments, saying “is not time to shout victory orto say thatthe luis under control and over’ Even when Mexico emerges from the immediate crisis, the epidemic will have a lasting impact on the people and the economy. Many jobs have been lost and will not easily be recreated as the epidemic has coincided with the biggest global economic downtum for a generation. However, most analysts believe that there willbe along, sow, steady recovery - but only as long as the virus does not return. Source: 88 News (, May/2009) 411, We can say the author ofthe texts ©) optimistic about swine flu impact on Mexican people ie; a) discouraged with Government contol of swine 4) assured that the virus wil retum shorty; fy; ) convinced that life in Mexico is stil far fom b) critical of restaurant owners response to the normal. new rules; a po 12 The sentence: “Many people who work in the informal or black economy saw their income vanish ‘ovemight” means that: @) Mexican economy had enhanced number of informal businesses. b) Black people had suddenly improved their returns. ¢) Informal economy had been augmented in Mexican cites. 4) Informal workers had enhanced their income ‘working during the night. ) Informal workers had their eamings disappeared promptly 18. Which alternative below has the correct information ‘bout the word and its function in the text? 4) suspicious (paragraph 1) - adjective b) voluntary (paragraph 2) - preposition ©) aim (paragraph 2) - noun ) although (paragraph 3) ~ adjective ) constantly (paragraph 4) - ver 14, Whatis the best title forthe text? a) Mexico breathes a bit easier. b) Swine fuis totally under conto. ©) Mexican population barely knows new disease. ) Mexican businesses eam higher profits during last season, ©) Mexico is entirely recovered from epidemic, 15. Choose the item which best completes the sentence below: “Although uncomplicated influenza- Ike itness (fever, cough or sore toa) ____ reported in many cases, mild respiratory illness (nasal congestion, —_rhinorthea) without fever and occasional severe disease also reported.” a) have been; has been b) have been; have been ©) has been; have been 4) has been; has been @) been; been 16. According to the information in the text, the Mexican Goverment: 2) is easily interfering on Mexican business, lke bars, theatres and sports arenas. Proceso Sento ‘082 ) is stil viglant about the epidemic although believes risk of new death had already reduced, ©) is not driving safely the epidemic consequences on Mexican people days. 4) is not supported by other South American governors, specially United States. ) is not driving multinational managers decision regarding re-opening their businesses, 17. In the sentence: “Even when Mexico emerges from the immediate crisis, the epidemic wil have a lasting ‘impact on the people and the economy. Many jobs ‘have been lost and wil not easily be recreated a the epidemic has coincided with the biggest global economic downturn for a generation", the words in bold could be respectively replaced by: a) robust, boom; b) strong, roar, ©) durable, recession; 4) shot, deci €) tiny, collapse. Textil ‘Arnew type of air-ueled battery being studied Could provide up to 10 times the energy storage of designs currently available, and someday be used to power electric cars, mobile phones, and laptops, say researchers. “Our results so far are very encouraging and have fat exceeded our expectations,” said professor Peter Bruce, of the University of St Andrews’ chemistry department ‘The new idea the researchers are examining is to replace the lthium cobalt oxide electrode in today's rechargeable lithium batteries with a porous carbon electrode. This allows lithium ions and electrons in the cel to react instead with oxygen in the ambient ai. According to the researchers, the new design could potentially improve the performance of portable electronic devices and provide a big boost to the renewable-energy industry. The researchers see a scenario in which the batteries will enable a constant electrical output from sources such as wind or solar. Also the STAIR (St. Andrews Air) cell could help power electric cars, The STAIR cellis expected to be cheaper than rechargeable batteries of today, the researchers said, The new component is made of porous carbon, which is much less expensive than the lithium cobalt oxide it would be replacing. “The key is to use oxygen in the air as a reagent, rather than cary the necessary chemicals around inside the battery," Bruce said. The four-year research project began two years ago and is ‘scheduled to end in June 2011. Bruce expects it wil be at least five years before the STAIR cell is commercially available. ‘Source: CNET News, May2008) 5 18, Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text? a) The new type of battery will probably be more Presto Seo 7082 19. Read the sentence: “A new type of air-fueled battery being studied could provide up to 10 times the eneray storage of designs currently available, and someday be used to ‘power electric cars, mobile phones, and laptops, say ‘expensive than current designs. researchers". Which underlined word has the suffix that b) Future air fueled battery could store 10 times makes an adverb from an adjective? more power. ©) The new battery could potentially enhance the a) battery renewable-energy industry. b) energy d) The new battery someday could be used to ©) power power mobile phones and laptops. 4) researchers e) The STAIR call use oxygen in the air as a e) currently reagent. 220. Look atthe picture below and answer: We can say the cartoon author sounds: a) pleasant; ) regretful; )ctticat 4) inquisitive; ) overconfident. BIOLOGIA 21. Sabe-se que um dos graves problemas de sade piblica esta relacionado desnutrigao ou subnuttiggo infantil, e que estes indices sao maiores principalmente nos paises subdesenvovidos. A desnuttiggo é responsavel pela _caréncia de determinadas substéncias, que s80 fundamentals a0 organismo humano; entre elas, estéo as vitaminas, Analise as altemativas relacionadas as vitaminas, e marque o item correspondente & allerativa cometa: () A vitamina D atua_no desenvolvimento dos 105806, € sua fonte principal é obtida dos peixes, figado, leite © através da apo da luz solar incidindo sobre @ pele. Sua caréncia provoca raquitismo. (ll) 0 &cido fico atua na sintese da nucleoproteina e sua caréncia provoca danos nas elapas de maturagdo das hemécias, levando 0 individuo 20 quadro de anemia. AS frutas citricas representa a ‘unica fonte natural de &cido falco. (Ill) Os pigmentos visuais s20 obfides por meio dos carotenos, assim como a manutencéo das estruturas dos epitéios. Sua sintese se deve & agdo de enterobactérias e sua caréncia provoca transtomos de ressecamento da pele e cegueira notuma. 2) Apenas ile Il s20 verdadeiras, b) Apenas |e Il so verdadeiras. ©) Apenas Il € verdadeira. 4) Apenas | verdadeira ) Apenas Ill é verdadeira. 22, No laboratirio de Biologia Celular, 0s montores redizaram purficagoes de quatro substéncias diferentes, e observaram que elas apresentavam as ‘seguintes caracteristicas: (0. Polssacarideo estrutural encontrado em grande uantidade na parede das células vegetais. (ll) Polimero de nucleotideos composto por ribose encontrado no ctoplasma. (ll) Polssacarideo de reserva encontrado em ‘grande quantidade no figado de bovino. (WV). Polimero de aminodcido com alto poder cataitico. ‘As substancias |, Il, Ill e IV sao respectivamente: 2) amido, RNA, gicogénio, vtamina

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