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Nowadays, when the body feels uncomfortable, people are tending to buy medicine and

treat their home by themselves. However, this can also cause many unpredictable
consequences. To my extend, I disagree with the opinion that we should diagnose and
treat ourselves at home before going to the doctor. First, if people only have common
illnesses like the flu, self-medicating at home may not cause much harm. However, some
diseases are more dangerous but have simple symptoms such as abdominal pain, runny
nose, and when people see them with such symptoms, they often buy oral medications
and treat them at home. This can make the illness worse and endanger their lives. Next,
people are tending to use antibiotics arbitrarily without a doctor's prescription, arbitrarily
buying antibiotics at pharmacies, many pharmacists selling drugs improperly, treating
doctors prescribe them. overuse of antibiotics prescriptions, inappropriate antibiotic
prescriptions, or expensive, new-generation antibiotics... Irrational use of antibiotics,
overuse of antibiotics, antibiotic treatment when there is no infectious disease… have
increased the resistance of pathogenic bacteria. Finally, many unscrupulous, greedy,
money-hungry people sell "heirloom medicines" that they claim to cure all kinds of
diseases. They even insert logos of TV programs such as VTV24, VTC, .... to make users
fall into traps and they will earn a big profit. In conclusion, everyone should go to a
reputable clinic or hospital to be examined by a doctor and given a suitable solution.

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