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Good afternoon everyone, My name is An.

I’m 22 years old,I come from HaNam

province recently I’m a final year student at HUST. I'm studying thermal
engineering with a major in the air conditioning. I'm an extrovert so I got a lot of
friends and partcipated in many community activities. I have a bunch of hobbies
but my favorite is watching movies on a rainy day. Once or twice a week. I have
studied for 4 years in university and I have gained a variety of knowledge and
practical experience because there are teachers who were very passionate about us.
In this final year, I hope that I will complete the course early and find a suitable job
for myself, as well. That's a little bit about me and I can't wait to hear about you,
see you soon!
+ fast food.very tasty and convenient. actually I rarely eat because I'm afraid of
getting fat... I like dogs. because they are cute, smart and take care of my house,as
well. Since studying in university until now, I have studied a lot of teachers but one
of them I admire is Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien who has extensive knowledge and there
have been many articles, scientific studies domestically and internationally.
+ I'm an extrovert so I got a lot of friends in university, especially girls and
partcipated in many community activities. That's centainly wrong because I
only focus on studying and completely ignore other things.
+ I have a lot of hobbies but my favorite is watching movies on a rainy day.
Once or twice a week.
Xin chào, tôi là An. Tôi 22 tuổi và gần đây tôi là sinh viên năm cuối trường
HUST. Tôi đang học kỹ thuật nhiệt với chuyên ngành điều hòa không khí. Tôi
đã học 4 năm đại học và tôi đã tích lũy được rất nhiều kiến thức cũng như
kinh nghiệm thực tế vì có những người thầy rất tâm huyết với chúng tôi.
Trong năm cuối này, tôi mong rằng mình sẽ sớm hoàn thành khóa học và tìm
được một công việc phù hợp.

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