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“My use of the Internet”

In recent years, along with the development of society, information technology in

general, social networking sites in particular, especially the Internet has developed very
strongly, it has been having a great influence on all activities and activities. With the
outstanding feature of fast connection, wide sharing, just a phone or a computer connected
to the Internet, we can access and participate in many websites such as : Facebook, Zalo,
Youtube, Twitter... in which, the most popular is Facebook. As for me, The Internet has
become my second life and I can't imagine without it how I would handle all activities.
Actually speaking, a day almost I used about 12-14 hours on the internet to serve
some of my needs for information search as well as entertainment. Specifically, I spend 2-3
hours searching for all kinds of documents on the subject, mainly scientific articles and
study textbooks, 3-4 hours for entertainment such as playing games, listening to music or
watching movies, 5-6 hours to join online classes and finally a few hours of surfing on
Facebook or other social networking sites.
Generally, I think that the Internet is a very good tool when you know how to use it
rationally and effectively, but when misused it that will bring negative effects to the users as
well as society.

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