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The Violet Flame is one of a series of cosmic rays that bring in energy for specific
purposes from Source to us on this plain. The Violet ray/flame is the 7 and is
responsible for transformation and transmutation of energy. It is in essence the
flame of the alchemist. I am not going to show you how to turn lead in to gold,
which was considered the ultimate in alchemy, but I will help you turn a heavy
leaden heart into a radiant pulse of happy golden light light.

The rays are all under specific guardianships of higher beings. Until relatively
recent years, Kwan Yin has been the major Cohan or guardian, but St Germain is
now seen as the principal. However, there are several independent changelings of
healing energy using the Violet Flame than work with Kwan Yin. My truth is as
follows, but please don't follow his blindly - your truth may well be different.
When working with the cosmic rays its important for you to feel comfortable with
the way you work. There is not so much a right or wrong way of getting there, as
being there is by far the most important aspect. I see energy in balanced triangles,
a bit like an electric plug. There are 2 opposite polarities and 1 neutral to
balance/moderate these. So with guardianship of the Violet Flame is see the
guardianship as being St Germain and Kwan Yin balanced by the Archangel Zadkiel.
(there are very many different spellings of this name, due to the linguistics involved
in this spoken name). Again, not everyone sees the Archangels as being neutral
gender, so its up to you to find your own truth.

At this point it must be pointed out that St Germain has that name, not because he
was a Saint - far from it, if you read his biography, - but because his title on this
plain was le Compte de St Germain. I would also like to draw you attention to the
spelling of Germain, which I will give the French pronunciation to 'Jsherman'. There
is a canonized Saint Germaine (pronounced 'Jshermayne'), who was an abused female
child. She is worthy of note in her own right and I do see parallels between her life
and Kwan Yin's. However, she is not the guardian of the Violet Flame, and when
invoking you must be clear who you are summoning.

The Violet flame can be used for healing but more importantly, for psychic
protection and transmutation of energy. When I am healing I use Violet Flame like
etheric disinfectant, to protect me, my premises and my client. I also run drawn
off energy into it so that it can be cleansed and put back into the the universal
resource bank. Violet flame is also very good at resolving issues, including karma.
However, there is no quick fix to karmic release unless we genuinely have learnt our
lessons. Kwan Yin is on the Karmic Board, and will gladly help with these issues but
it needs a pure heart for eternal forgiveness to kick in. If we have done our best,
then Kwan Yin will acknowledge this and moderate what we have produced to the
level and magnitude that suits divine purpose. She is the Goddess of mercy and that
is the reason I have included in these notes a copy of Portia's speech from
Shakespear's 'Merchant of Venice'. It really is a wonderful piece on mercy. It's
also fitting because, some say that St Germain in one of his incarnations w as
Francis Bacon, who is alleged to have written some of Shakespear's plays.

One very useful way of sorting things out with Violet Flame, is when we have
problems that we cant sort out - the type you would say, maybe it would be best to
sleep on. Well sleep on it is exactly what we should do. Just before sleeping -
you can do this from between the sheets – talk to the angels of The Violet Fire and
give them the problem to sort out while you sleep. You will be surprised how many
times you wake up knowing how you to tackle problems!

Invoking the Violet Fire/Flame and its beings is easy. All you have to do is ask!
You can use decrees and invocations, which in my opinion are more powerful,
especially in units of 3. I have problems with the sanskrit one for Kwan Yin and
have now got it written into my signature block on one e forum I post in. This
has worked very well for me, I now connect well to Kwan Yin using that because I
have integrated it into my daily life. However, that was only one line, I don't
advocate putting long I AM invocations into signature blocks!

The I AM invocations refer to our upper selves/monad becoming like, or filled with,
what ever we are invoking, in this case Violet Flame. Don't think you are invoking
some thing that will create ego issues here. There's no place for ego with
ascension work, and that really what work with the Violet Flame is. It is a very
grounded energy so works best when you are in touch with the reality of this

There is no doubt daily invocations do raise your energy levels and increase
connections. But you don't have to use quasi Judeo-Christian type prayer. I
favour pagan style chanting and see no reason why you can't rap or sing in what
ever style you like. Basically if it works for you, then that's fine. Remember the
higher beings can understand everything and know no language barriers. (And if the
talk in riddles to you, just remind them to speak in terms you understand, they are

Finally there is no need for anyone other than yourself to attune you to Violet
Flame. We will do a guided meditation that will connect you directly to those
who are right for you to bring down this energy for you. The Violet Flame is about
freeing from control issues and self empowerment. Why put yourself in a position
where you are dependant on another to make such a valuable connection to energy
from source? I am merely here to guide you to make your own connection.

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