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EC2 Advanced:

1. Dynamic IP to Static IP/Elastic IP

Create an instance - Go to elastic IP and allocate a elastic IP - Select
Asscociate Elastic IP and try restarting the server to confirm the same
*** Terminate the Instance, and release the elastic IP.

2. Adding and Modifying Volume

Create an instance (windows-2012 base) - attach additional volume. Open the
server and confirm the same (2 drives C:// & D://)
Modify the volume, go to server - allocate the volume and confirm the
modified is reflected on the server or not.

3. Snapshot (Volume)
Create 2 different folders inside the D:// drive.
Go to snapshot - get the volume ID and paste it - create snapshot
Create another instance (windows-2016 base) - attach the snapshot - open
remote server and confirm the same folders availability
*** Terminate the Instance, windows-2012.
*** Terminate the Instance, windows-2016.
Manually delete all the snapshots.

4. AMI (Complete OS)

Create an linux OS - open the server - create 2 different directory (mkdir
Create an image from linux os
Create another instance by taking this linux image as base image, open putty
and confirm the directory availability.

5. Changing the RAM size

Stop the server - Change the Instance type.
*** Terminate the Instance, Degister the AMI, and Delete the snapshot manually.

(Link for Calculating the Charges:

Interview Question:
1. I got an stopped Instance, which has elastic IP, will I be charged by AWS?
2. I created an Elastic IP but I haven't attached it to any server; will I still be
For both the answer is yes, as elastic IP is a chargable service.
3. How many Elasstic IP's, I am eligible for?
Under one region, we will be able to get 5 Elastic Ip's, if there is a need
for more we need to contact the support either via email, chat or call.
4. How Termination protection works on Instances?

1. Try modifying the Hard disk on Linux server.
2. Try snapshot in Linux server.
3. Learn about Volume types, Instance Family types
4. Decrease the volume size
5. I do have dynamic IP, now I need to assign static/elastic Ip for that.

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