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Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a very important part of aging well, and living life
with less health risks. Our bodies are constantly changing especially
in our 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. A majority of U.S. citizens eat too much,
and most importantly too much of the wrong foods. Along with
that many people eat out way too much at fast food places and
restaurants. This all results in people having many health problems
like cardiovascular/heart disease, obesity, cancer, and many more.
To prevent all of this and live a long healthy life, healthy eating is a
good way to do that. By drinking many fluids and staying hydrated
will already improve your health and energy. Furthermore,
knowing how much to eat will help you from overeating. Using apps
like myfitnesspal and are very beneficial. In
addition, adding more micronutrients like fruits and vegetables
along with just more fibrous foods will improve health greatly.
Vegetables/fruits of all colors have many different vitamins and
minerals that your body needs, and that most people really aren’t
getting in their diet. Another habit to start doing would be to read
food labels. The ingredients in most foods will surprise you, by
eating foods with healthy ingredients will boost physical and
mental health.

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