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Seguir robokitchen


October 23, 2014 1 note


PS2 controller pinout

I would like to use a PS2 controller with the quadcopter and maybe future My Pages Blog Tools
projects. The analog sticks may not be as precise as a dedicated RC About Archive
transmitter, but a dual shock is less thank half the size and much more RSS
durable for traveling.

I purchased a controller extension lead. I cut the cable in half: I’m only
interested in the controller side. I then crushed the console side with a vise
grip to identify the wires colors. The colors might differ from cable to cable,
don’t trust my findings.

From left to right, based on Curious Inventor’s pinout:

Green: Acknowledge
Blue: Clock
Yellow: Attention
Red: Power (3.3V)
Black: Ground
Grey: Motors power
Orange: Command
Brown: Data

Filed under ps2, controller, wire, color

robokitchen posted this

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