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Thermal Expansion of Anatase and Rutile Between 300 and 575 K Using
Synchrotron Powder X-ray Diffraction

Article  in  Powder Diffraction · December 2007

DOI: 10.1154/1.2790965


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3 authors, including:

D. R. Hummer Peter J. Heaney

Southern Illinois University Carbondale Pennsylvania State University


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Thermal expansion of anatase and rutile between 300 and 575 K
using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction
D. R. Hummer and P. J. Heaney
Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16082
J. E. Post
Department of Mineral Sciences, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560-0119
共Received 24 May 2007; accepted 7 September 2007兲
High-precision unit-cell parameters for the TiO2 polymorphs anatase and rutile at temperatures
between 300 and 575 K have been determined using Rietveld analysis of synchrotron powder XRD
data. Polynomial models were used to express the tetragonal unit-cell parameters as a function of
absolute temperature, with a 共anatase兲 = 1.759 37⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 6.418 16⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T + 3.779 84,
c 共anatase兲 = 6.6545⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 4.0464⫻ 10−5 ⫻ T + 9.4910, V 共anatase兲 = 2.237 58⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T2
+ 1.027 77⫻ 10 ⫻ T + 135.602, a 共rutile兲 = −6.636 42⫻ 10 ⫻ T3 + 1.005 01⫻ 10−7 ⫻ T2 − 1.009 93
−3 −11

⫻10−5 ⫻ T + 4.586 34, c 共rutile兲 = −4.115 50⫻ 10−11 ⫻ T3 + 6.405 94⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 4.675 61⫻ 10−7T
+ 2.951 81, and V 共rutile兲 = −2.7790⫻ 10−9 ⫻ T3 + 4.2386⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T2 − 3.3551⫻ 10−4 ⫻ T + 62.100.
The polynomial expressions were used to calculate linear 共␣兲 and volume 共␤兲 thermal expansion
coefficients of anatase and rutile between 300 and 575 K. At 298.15 K, these values were ␣a
= 4.46943⫻ 10−6 K−1, ␣c = 8.4283⫻ 10−6 K−1, and ␤ = 17.3542⫻ 10−6 K−1 for anatase, and ␣a
= 6.99953⫻ 10−6 K−1, ␣c = 9.36625⫻ 10−6 K−1, and ␤ = 28.680⫻ 10−6 K−1 for rutile. © 2007
International Centre for Diffraction Data. 关DOI: 10.1154/1.2790965兴

Key words: anatase, rutile, thermal expansion, synchrotron, powder diffraction

I. INTRODUCTION strom range. Thus, high-precision unit-cell parameters for

TiO2 crystals of macroscopic dimensions provide a neces-
Titanium oxides are important industrial materials that sary baseline reference for the structural changes that attend
find use in pigments, catalysts, dielectrics, and many other both thermal expansion and particle growth.
applications. In addition, fine-grained titanium oxides are an Cromer and Herrington 共1955兲 used powder camera
important component of many soils and influence the local measurements to derive the first high-quality unit-cell param-
aqueous geochemistry 共Dolcater et al., 1970兲. The three most eters for anatase and rutile at room temperature, and later
commonly occurring titanium oxide minerals are rutile, ana- Rao et al. 共1970兲 used a similar technique to calculate the
tase, and brookite. Of these, rutile is the most naturally abun- thermal expansion of anatase and rutile from 300 K to
dant as it is thermodynamically stable in its bulk form over ⬃1000 K. Subsequent X-ray diffraction studies have at-
all crustal temperatures and pressures, whereas anatase and tempted to refine the values for the unit-cell parameters of
brookite are metastable 共Lindsley, 1976兲. Scientists have fo- anatase and rutile as a function of temperature 共Horn et al.,
cused on the nucleation and growth of titanium oxides, since 1972; Meagher and Lager, 1979; Sugiyama and Takeuchi,
these processes may involve changes in phase stability that 1991; Howard et al., 1991; Jagtap et al., 2005兲. The best
accompany the transition from nanoparticles to bulk phases errors in these studies are on the order of a few thousandths
共Gribb and Banfield, 1997; Zhang and Banfield, 1998, 2000; of an angstrom. However, no investigations to date have ex-
Ranade et al., 2002; Li et al., 2004兲. ploited the accuracy and precision provided by whole pattern
Recent interest in applications of titanium oxide analysis using synchrotron powder diffraction data, which is
nanophases underscores the need for detailed measurements capable of precision better than 0.001 Å.
of the structures of these phases as a function of temperature. Here, we report high-precision thermal expansion mea-
Nanocrystalline TiO2 particles and thin films have become surements of the bulk phases for both rutile and anatase us-
important materials for use in dye-sensitized solar cells ing temperature-resolved synchrotron powder X-ray diffrac-
共Gratzel, 2004; Richards et al., 2004; Sebastian et al., 2004; tion.
Santa-Nokki et al., 2006兲. The thermal expansion of some
solar cells gives rise to a change in the semiconductor band
gap 共Rincon et al., 1998兲, affecting electron transport and
hence the efficiency of the cell. Thermal expansion also af-
fects other structural, optical, and electronic parameters in Anatase TiO2 共Sigma Aldrich, 99.8%兲 and rutile TiO2
solar cells that are based on TiO2 thin films 共Karunagaran et 共Sigma Aldrich, 99.99%兲 powder standards were each loaded
al., 2002; Takeshita et al., 2004; Huang et al., 2006; into 0.7 mm internal diameter quartz glass capillaries
O’Regan and Durrant, 2006兲. In addition, recent modeling 共Charles Supper Co.兲. The average particle size as deter-
共Filyukov et al., 2006兲 and experimental 共Swamy et al., mined by SEM analysis was 0.2 ␮m for anatase, and be-
2006; Hummer et al., 2006兲 investigations of TiO2 nanopar- tween 0.5 and 5 ␮m for rutile 共with most particles being
ticles have revealed systematic structural changes as a func- ⬃1 ␮m兲. Powder diffraction patterns were collected with a
tion of particle size that are in the thousandths of an ang- MAR345 image plate at beam line X7B, National Synchro-

352 Powder Diffraction 22 共4兲, December 2007 0885-7156/2007/22共4兲/352/6/$23.00 © 2007 JCPDS-ICDD 352
TABLE I. Summary of Rietveld refinement parameters for anatase and
rutile between 300 and 575 K.

Anatase Rutile

Space group I41 / amd P42 / mnm

Total no. of refinements 11 15
No. of observations 1600–1650 1600–1700
No. of reflections 32–39 34–38
Diffraction range 共2␪兲 13– 46 deg 13– 47 deg
No. of variables 36–46 30–39
R共F2兲 0.026–0.044 0.029–0.038
Rwp ⬃0.037 0.040–0.046
␹2 3.1–4.2 4.3–6.7

tron Light Source 共NSLS兲, Brookhaven National Laboratory

共BNL兲. Samples were heated from room temperature at a
linear heating rate of 3.00 and 2.25 K / min for anatase and
rutile, respectively. During heating, exposures were taken for
a duration of 60 s at a regular interval of 157 s, and the
sample was rotated through an angle of 60 deg during each
exposure. Because a non-negligible amount of heating oc-
curred during a single exposure, the nominal temperature for
each pattern was assigned as the temperature at the midpoint
of a given exposure.
The X-ray wavelength was calibrated using silicon, co-
rundum, and lanthanum hexaboride NIST standards, and it
refined as 0.92194± 0.00027 Å 共N = 5兲. Temperature was
controlled with an Omega 3200 controller attached to a
forced air heater and monitored with a chromel-alumel ther-
mocouple adjacent to the sample. Known phase transitions of
rubidium nitrate 共RbNO3兲 and chalcocite 共Cu2S兲 between
373 and 583 K were used for temperature calibration. The
calculated calibration curve revealed that the measured tem-
perature was accurate to within an uncertainty of about 3 K
across the temperature range under study. Images were inte-
grated into intensity versus 2␪ plots with the program Fit2D Figure 1. Observed 共X’s兲, calculated 共solid line兲, and difference 共line below
pattern兲 intensities for typical Rietveld refinements of anatase and rutile: 共a兲
共Hammersley et al., 1996兲 using a polarization factor of 0.93. anatase with rutile impurity at 165 ° C and 共b兲 rutile with anatase impurity at
All structural refinements were carried out using the 131 ° C 共␭ = 0.92194± 0.00027 Å for both patterns兲.
General Structure Analysis System 共GSAS兲 developed by

TABLE II. Refined unit-cell parameters for anatase and rutile as a function of temperature.

Anatase Rutile

T 共°C兲 a 共Å兲 c 共Å兲 V 共Å3兲 T 共°C兲 a 共Å兲 c 共Å兲 V 共Å3兲

47共3兲 3.783 72共5兲 9.5108共1兲 136.162共5兲 43共3兲 4.591 06共7兲 2.957 04共5兲 62.328共2兲
71共3兲 3.784 10共5兲 9.5128共1兲 136.217共4兲 61共3兲 4.591 69共7兲 2.957 57共5兲 62.356共3兲
94共3兲 3.784 57共5兲 9.5149共1兲 136.282共5兲 78共3兲 4.592 38共7兲 2.958 14共5兲 62.387共3兲
118共3兲 3.785 06共5兲 9.5170共1兲 136.348共4兲 96共3兲 4.592 99共7兲 2.958 66共4兲 62.415共3兲
141共3兲 3.785 53共5兲 9.5191共1兲 136.411共4兲 113共3兲 4.593 64共7兲 2.959 19共4兲 62.443共2兲
165共3兲 3.786 02共5兲 9.5215共1兲 136.481共4兲 131共3兲 4.594 23共7兲 2.959 70共5兲 62.470共2兲
188共3兲 3.786 56共5兲 9.5239共1兲 136.554共4兲 149共3兲 4.595 00共7兲 2.960 33共4兲 62.504共2兲
212共3兲 3.787 07共5兲 9.5262共1兲 136.624共4兲 166共3兲 4.595 68共7兲 2.960 89共4兲 62.535共2兲
235共3兲 3.787 69共5兲 9.5288共1兲 136.706共5兲 184共3兲 4.596 38共7兲 2.961 48共4兲 62.566共2兲
259共3兲 3.788 23共5兲 9.5313共1兲 136.781共5兲 202共3兲 4.597 10共7兲 2.962 08共4兲 62.599共2兲
282共3兲 3.788 84共5兲 9.5340共1兲 136.864共4兲 219共3兲 4.597 82共7兲 2.962 66共4兲 62.631共2兲
237共3兲 4.598 52共6兲 2.963 25共4兲 62.662共2兲
255共3兲 4.599 29共7兲 2.963 88共4兲 62.696共2兲
272共3兲 4.600 00共7兲 2.964 46共4兲 62.728共2兲
290共3兲 4.600 63共6兲 2.965 02共4兲 62.757共2兲

353 Powder Diffr., Vol. 22, No. 4, December 2007 Thermal expansion of anatase and rutile ... 353
Larson and Von Dreele 共2000兲. Because the rutile standard TABLE III. Refined bond distances for anatase at 47 ° C and rutile at 43 ° C.
contained 5.2± 0.2% anatase and the anatase standard con-
Anatase Rutile
tained 2.1± 0.2% rutile as phase impurities 共according to
Rietveld refinement results兲, both phases were modeled in all Ti-Ti 共Å兲 3.039 54共0兲 3.036 49共19兲
refinements. Backgrounds were fit graphically using 12 to 18 Ti-O共1兲 共Å兲 1.965 59共0兲 2.013共10兲
terms of a Chebyschev polynomial, and peak profiles were Ti-O共2兲 共Å兲 1.937 02共0兲 1.9254共19兲
modeled using a pseudo-Voigt function described by Van
Laar and Yelon 共1984兲, adjusted for asymmetry attributable
to axial divergence by Finger et al. 共1994兲, and including
terms for anisotropic microstrain broadening by Stephens
共1999兲. After convergence of peak and background param- previous determinations 共Figure 2兲, with the exception of
eters, unit-cell dimensions were refined. Initial values of those of Jagtap et al. 共2005兲. These discrepancies most likely
unit-cell parameters were taken from Cromer and Herrington result from their use of synthetic nanoparticles, in which sur-
共1955兲. This was followed by refinement of atomic positions, face strain can significantly perturb the bulk structure.
isotropic temperature factors, and in some cases additional Although all data are reasonably well fit to a linear
background terms. Final Rietveld refinement parameters are model, careful inspection reveals that some unit-cell param-
summarized in Table I. Typical refinements for each standard eters show a curvature that is not explained by a linear re-
are illustrated in Figure 1. gression 共Figure 3兲. As an example, a significantly better fit
is obtained for the anatase a parameter using a quadratic
model 共r2 = 0.999 88兲 rather than a linear one 共r2 = 0.997 09兲.
However, this improvement may only reflect the increase in
the number of model parameters. To determine whether the
Refinement results are shown in Tables II and III. All better goodness-of-fit is real or is a result of the added model
refined unit-cell parameters show excellent linear correlation parameters, we performed a series of f-tests for each data set
with temperature 共r2 ⱖ 0.997兲 between 300 and 575 K. using linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomial models. The
Quoted uncertainties are the standard deviations calculated f-tests revealed that at an ␣ = 0.10 level of significance, a
by GSAS, which are known to underestimate random error. quadratic model is the simplest model adequate to describe
We report these uncertainties with the understanding that the the anatase unit-cell parameters, and a cubic model is most
actual uncertainties can be more than an order of magnitude appropriate for rutile parameters. This treatment yields the
higher than the calculated values. Results are consistent with following regression equations:

Figure 2. Refined unit-cell parameters for anatase and rutile versus temperature: 共a兲 a 共anatase兲, 共b兲 c 共anatase兲, 共c兲 a 共rutile兲, and 共d兲 c 共rutile兲. Results from
selected authors are shown for comparison. Linear regressions are shown for data from this work and from Rao et al. 共1970兲. Error bars for this work are ten
times the uncertainty calculated by GSAS; error bars from other authors are taken from the quoted uncertainties.

354 Powder Diffr., Vol. 22, No. 4, December 2007 Hummer, Heaney, and Post 354
TABLE IV. Calculated linear and volume thermal expansion coefficients for
anatase and rutile at 298.15 K.

This work Rao et al. 共1970兲a

␣a / 10−6 K−1 4.46943 3.676
␣c / 10−6 K−1 8.4283 7.557
␤ / 10−6 K−1 17.3542 ¯
␣a / 10−6 K−1 6.99953 7.305
␣c / 10−6 K−1 9.36625 8.911
␤ / 10−6 K−1 28.680 ¯
Defines thermal expansion coefficients to be either parallel 共储兲 or perpen-
dicular 共⬜兲 to the principal axis, thus ␣储 = ␣c and ␣⬜ = ␣a.

a 共rutile兲 = − 6.636 42 ⫻ 10−11 ⫻ T3 + 1.005 01 ⫻ 10−7 ⫻ T2

− 1.009 93 ⫻ 10−5 ⫻ T + 4.586 34, 共1d兲

c 共rutile兲 = − 4.115 50 ⫻ 10−11 ⫻ T3 + 6.405 94 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2

+ 4.675 61 ⫻ 10−7T + 2.951 81, 共1e兲

V 共rutile兲 = − 2.7790 ⫻ 10−9 ⫻ T3 + 4.2386 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T2

− 3.3551 ⫻ 10−4 ⫻ T + 62.100, 共1f兲
where a 共X兲 is the a parameter of phase X in angstroms,
c 共X兲 is the c parameter of phase X in angstroms, V 共X兲 is the
unit-cell volume of phase X in cubic angstroms, and T is the
Figure 3. 共a兲 Plot of a 共anatase兲 versus temperature from Rietveld refine-
absolute temperature.
ment results 共diamonds兲; a linear regression is shown to make the slight To obtain thermal expansion coefficients, the calculated
curvature of the data more visible. 共b兲 Plot of residuals from the linear expressions for each unit-cell parameter 关Eqs. 共1a兲–共1f兲兴
regression of a 共anatase兲 versus temperature 共dots兲, and residuals from the were substituted into the definitions for linear and volume
quadratic regression 共triangles兲. thermal expansion coefficients:

a 共anatase兲 = 1.759 37 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 6.418 16 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T ␣L = 冉 冊

1 ⳵L
L ⳵T
, 共2兲

+ 3.779 84, 共1a兲

c 共anatase兲 = 6.6545 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 4.0464 ⫻ 10−5 ⫻ T ␤= 冉 冊

1 ⳵V
V ⳵T
, 共3兲

+ 9.4910, 共1b兲
where L is any linear unit-cell dimension, ␣L is the linear
thermal expansion coefficient parallel to L, and ␤ is the vol-
V 共anatase兲 = 2.237 58 ⫻ 10 ⫻ T + 1.027 77 ⫻ 10 ⫻ T
−6 2 −3
ume thermal expansion coefficient. For the anatase a param-
+ 135.602, 共1c兲 eter, we obtain

冉 冊
共1.759 37 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 6.418 16 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T + 3.779 84兲
1 ⳵a ⳵T
␣a 共anatase兲 = =
a ⳵T 1.759 37 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 6.418 16 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T + 3.779 84
3.518 74 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T + 6.418 16 ⫻ 10−6
= . 共4a兲
1.759 37 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 6.418 16 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T + 3.779 84
Following an analogous derivation using Eqs. 共1b兲–共1f兲, we arrive at expressions for the thermal expansion coefficients of all
unit-cell parameters 关Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲兴:
1.3309 ⫻ 10−7 ⫻ T + 4.0464 ⫻ 10−5
␣c 共anatase兲 = , 共4b兲
6.6545 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 4.0464 ⫻ 10−5 ⫻ T + 9.4910

355 Powder Diffr., Vol. 22, No. 4, December 2007 Thermal expansion of anatase and rutile ... 355
4.475 16 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T + 1.027 77 ⫻ 10−3
␤ 共anatase兲 = , 共4c兲
2.237 58 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T2 + 1.027 77 ⫻ 10−3 ⫻ T + 135.602

− 1.990 93 ⫻ 10−10 ⫻ T2 + 2.010 02 ⫻ 10−7 ⫻ T − 1.009 93 ⫻ 10−5

␣a 共rutile兲 = , 共4d兲
− 6.636 42 ⫻ 10−11 ⫻ T3 + 1.005 01 ⫻ 10−7 ⫻ T2 − 1.009 93 ⫻ 10−5 ⫻ T + 4.586 34

1.234 56 ⫻ 10−10 ⫻ T2 + 1.281 19 ⫻ 10−7 ⫻ T + 4.675 61 ⫻ 10−7

␣c 共rutile兲 = , 共4e兲
− 4.115 50 ⫻ 10−11 ⫻ T3 + 6.405 94 ⫻ 10−8 ⫻ T2 + 4.675 61 ⫻ 10−7 ⫻ T + 2.951 81

8.3370 ⫻ 10−9 ⫻ T2 + 8.4772 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T + 3.3551 ⫻ 10−4

␤ 共rutile兲 = . 共4f兲
− 2.7790 ⫻ 10−9 ⫻ T3 + 4.2386 ⫻ 10−6 ⫻ T2 + 3.3551 ⫻ 10−4 ⫻ T + 62.100

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