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When you see this letter, everything would have ended.

I hid the letter in your desk without second thought. If you haven't sat down to
think of your past quietly, you can't find this letter.

These are for you in the past.

...Do you still remember the theories you've taught me? I still remember.

You say the earth is not infinte; it's only a pile of dirt on the vast sphere.

You say our bodies aren't created innately; we crawled before we've learnt to walk.

You say the skies are like the ground, as both of them are rafts drifting in the

I remember them all, Kal'tsit.

You said, you want to know the answer about yourself apart from the meaning of what
we do; you once asked me what we've entrusted within this ship, and why I cared
about it so much.

I think my answer is childish, so I have never answered it directly.

...Kal'tsit, I can feel your loneliness. You are lonely because you think you have
nothing similar to others.

Kal'tsit, my answer is, I wish that Rhodes Island becomes your home.

I've once thought to see the future with you together.

But loneliness has no cure, being astray has no end, and cancer cannot be cured...

I've did what I can do. I won't fret on my result.

The mission of Babel ended, while you and your ship has just started its journey.

Now, go find the answer to your own question. After a long, long night, Rhodes
Island will face the new dawn.

The future gliding on the soft ground belongs to you all.

I am not one of you, Kal'tsit. I cannot solve your problems.

—But I am your friend. Always.

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