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The Word of God1 at the Feast of the Covering of the Lord’s Mother

I am accompanied by the heavenly powers and I am coming near to enter the citadel of
My word with a day of feast for My mother Virgin and We are welcomed and waited to arrive.

I am Who I am, the One Who give Myself as word over the earth to be to the end of the
time with those who have Me as their God, following My way, in My steps, and not just anyhow
with the steps of their lives and I am with them and cannot leave those who believe in Me and
in My walking with them all the time.

I am placing My strengthening and comforting word and I am saying: Peace to you, sons
of the citadel of My word! And peace to you, sons of the people of this word! Oh, strengthen
My walking and My power for you on earth to be with you to the end and to the new and
glorified beginning, which I, the Lord, set aside for those who follow Me on earth with their

Oh, sons, be comforted with My comfort, with the word with which I speak, prepare
and watch for you. All that I am asking you is because your preparation has to be beautiful all
the time for the day of My glory with you, for the earth has to be completely cleaned from
everything is against God so that I may place on it the brightness that comes with Me from
above for the renewal of the world made by God, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic
fire2”, r.n.) and over which man has walked and done according to his mind, after his will by
his separation from God, and behold, the world sleeps through those who sleep, oh, for it is
darkness on earth and those who sleep, sleep at night, as it is written; (1 Thess: 5/7)3 however,
My day is with Us and with you, sons, and My mother Virgin has great work near Me, dear
sons, and you have to look at her and to her life on earth before God and you also have to work
like that and to dress with clean and proper little clothes, sons, with great care lest your clothing,
with which you cover, may have some thread of fire, (Is about garments that contain synthetic
yarns, especially those made from crude oil or gas from the basement, and that can burn vio-
lently, r.n.) for you have to keep away so that I may keep you away from fire, so that you may
not be known but only as God’s sons in everything, dear sons, oh, for I have much word to put
over this people during My time for more than sixty years of word, and My word had to be
fulfilled, for any word coming out of My mouth is full of power and truth, and I want you to be
able to do everything that I give you to work and to fulfill for the preparation of your protection,
for My will with you is the covering upon you, sons.

The Word of God in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, translated by I.A.,
redactor note.
You can also see on:!EdcDHSBY!l9mpmN3C8ejAaurFO_SG8r2i8FnOQQ0UIS1Oa3HMqas
«Therefore, let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be clear minded [Or “sober”].
Those who sleep, sleep in the night, and those who are drunk are drunk in the night.» (1 Thess: 5/6, 7)


Oh, and then fight for the forgiveness of your sins and stay in My arm so that you may
no longer go wrong, sons. And now I am giving you a sweet clarification so that you may know
why I often told you to work with your hands in great order, all on the left and then all on the
right so that in this way to be always together and to learn in this way by the fulfilling of My
word upon you, because the work done by the hand is the time when you have fellowship with
one another for the work of brotherhood, and on the work done by the hand will be easy and
you will have time for the work of the spirit of brotherhood, of the sweet speaking among
brothers, and you should feed your soul from one another and to be gathered within Me all the
time, sons.

Oh, you shall not want to be alone, to stay alone; rather let the work with your hand be
a great occasion of spiritual fellowship for you, not separated for it as in the time when it will
be to find you so that I may gather you near Me, to find you in unity, one in Christ, sons, and
no one of you should stay separated, and behold, this weakens satan’s power completely and
he flees from you with all that he lies in ambush to draw you to the sides for him, for his will
and yours, when it would not be to listen to the word near you, which protects you so much.

Oh, sons, wash your body, soul and spirit, wash with your tongue (With clean, decent,
blessed speech, r.n.) and you will be clean concerning the shirt of your soul and you will be
kept from pains like some children protected by God. The water and soup wash the dirty shirt,
but if it does not come out clean then it must be boiled so that it might catch a white face;
however, if the heart is clean then its washing is otherwise, because washing is needed anyway,
for this is what God left it to be, but the best washing is with the language, as the cat washes
with her tongue, sons, and behold you have where to take this parable from, and let us prepare
the country of the New Jerusalem and its heavenly protection, sons.

Oh, let the Romanian people hear God’s word, let it be believed, do My will, and let
them also know My love! Only a lost man, fallen, crushed and then healed, only that one knows
what God means, Who God is and what His love is.

Oh, Romanian sons, it is My mother Virgin with her arms outstretched towards you and
to Me for you. Oh, do no longer gather things on earth for those that perish once with the end
of this deceiving end, but prepare your love of God, for only God remains, He and His love
and those like Him as is written about those that will meet Him when He comes visibly
with His saints and angels to lift up His elected ones, (1 Thess: 4/16, 17)4 (See the selection
topic: „The rapture (the abduction) of the Church5”, r.n.) and the winepress of His wrath for

«For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and
with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first,
Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord
in the air. And so, we will be with the Lord forever». (1 Thess: 4/16, 17)
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the cleansing and whitening of the earth, and then to establish God’s kingdom on it, the
paradise, oh, sons, and all is imperishable, not as are those for which you work to have them on
your table.

Oh, Romanian sons, do no longer love, do no longer bow to this fleeting life and full of
its ugliness. The endless life is beautiful and it has to start even from the earth.

Oh, Romanian sons, oh, Christians sons, come, sons, let us go to the beauty of the eternal
life, for behold, it is given to you so that you may get ready beautifully for it, for its beauties,
and which you cannot imagine if you do not start to work, for these are kept, are set aside for
God’s sons, for the joy of those who love the Lord so much on earth, oh, for the love of God
has great reward for the one who has it as his life!

Oh, My today’s country, Romanian people, tear down the golden calf of this wilderness,
through which you pass. You are a Christian people from the fathers of old and you must not
make any idols from false gods, but you should worship only the Lord your God. Behold, the
devil takes out his devilish merchandise, naked bodies, which are used by the bitter taste of the
sin, that which is coming out of the bottom of the hell to kill the world of the people, the sin of
debauchery, and this is how the great and the small bow to the work against God, Who made
the world, the sun and the moon, before which man sins with the heavy sin and not tolerated by
God and by saints. These watchmen, of the day and of the night, are the witnesses of the com-
mitted sins, day and night, and I, the Lord, said ahead of time to the people of My word from
the Romanians: “Christian, you will see coming out the torments of the hell on earth, but you
hide in God so that you may not see them and so that you may receive them!”

I have been gathering behind man all the sins and putting them before Me for seven
thousand years. Oh, it’s enough!

Oh, behold why I have been calling out over the people of My word and I have always
said: «Come out of the world, sons!» Oh, who wanted to understand why I have been calling
that way? Oh, the antichrist has overcome over everything through those who do not want to
listen to the calling from God and behold the golden calf before which every man bows!

Oh, man, oh, man, oh Christian people, you should forgive Me, but I have mercy when
I see what you have chosen and how much you can no longer separate yourself from this idol,
from this god, with which you ask yourself and consider, and which answers to your questions
when you ask it. (The Internet, Google, Facebook, r.n.)

Oh, man, My pain, oh, when would you confront yourself with the true God? How
many times would you ask Him so that He may answer you?

Man has a wire through the air, (The Optical fiber, r.n.) an invisible wire, (4G, 5G,
networks, r.n.) built by satan’s spirit to deceive with this wire between man and man even those
who are chosen by God.


Oh, what a hard painful on My Spirit because of this golden calf, of this idol with
which man plays and worships day and night as before a god! This sign is on the head of
each man, oh, and behold the Christians are caught by this wave, by this idol, without which no
one can do anything, and the antichrist overcomes and keeps on overcoming. Oh, but I, the
Lord, too, hurry and will put angels on guard and I will watch to keep what is Mine and I will
deceive satan, for behold, those who have nothing to do, do what they do not have to do, poor
of them.

Oh, but you, My people, I have advised you to work always, to be always caught into
My work with you, to have work to do, son, to make the Lord over you and in you, well My
people, and to stand powerfully against satan in order to be able to work by obedience, like
those who in time have listened to Me against satan and to be able to stand by obedience, like
those who in time have listened to Me, chose and followed Me, and who belong to the heaven

Oh, keep away from satan, keep away from the world and stay with the Lord and with
the brothers, stay and work God’s fellowship, your living with God, God’s houses, to be and
spend holy moments so that your little wings and their prayer may be strengthened to God,
Christian sons, and My mother Virgin is your way between Me and you, oh, and pray near her
for your country, My today’s country, Romanian land, in which I, the Lord, have you, grow
you to be Mine and to keep you in the nest to warm you at My bosom, and behold, My mother
Virgin wishes you peace, peace, My people, peace from her over you!

― Oh, Son Jesus, let Us give them much peace, always, always, for sadness tries to
come over them, oh, for no one knows to protect them for Your power in them, but let Us keep
them at Our bosom, for those who are here are helping Us for all Our people everywhere, and
whom We ask to rely on God in everything they may ask for help, and let those in the city of
Your word help them praying for their peace, for their power on Your behalf Lord, for behold,
how much You need to be able to work here and from here!

Oh, sons from the spring, the holy prayer is that which keeps the Lord, my Son Jesus,
here, near you. Speak with Him everything you need for Him with you, sons. All the peace comes
from His calling to you, and He loves much to hear you calling Him near you. He is the Way,
and your speaking with Him, keeps you walking on the way, sons.

Now, I am covering you under my comfort, you and all the sons of this word, Who is my
Son, Jesus Christ. Oh, you should also be Our comfort, of those from heaven near you, and
peace to you, and peace to You, Son Jesus with them!

― Oh, My mother, We are their peace, and they are Ours, mother. Oh, happy are those
who live with God on earth, mother! Happy and happy are and will be those who will receive
God to the end over them by this word and will fulfill it, mother!

Oh, sons, I remain with you kept tight at My bosom. I keep you close, sons, and you
shall be so and you should stay like that. Ask so that I may keep you strong for Me and for you.
Carry all of your worries with Me and it will be easy. There is a prayer from the fathers: “The
worry of life took me out of paradise!” This is how they were taking care to tell God, and they
were saying: “Lord, have mercy on us!”


Oh, peace with you, sons! Keep what I give you and multiply the gifts that I am giving
to you. Ask Me what you have from Me and you will have what you ask for, oh, sons, for I give
you, I will give you. Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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