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Ion Irimescu – The master of

the sculptures of life

Ion Irimescu is one of the most know sculptors from Romania. He was
born in the 29th of February 1903 and died on the 29 th of October 2005 at
the age of 102. He was known for sculpting and sketching some of the
most beautiful pieces of art from this country. He is also a member of the
Romanian Academy and in 2001 he was awarded the Prize of Excellence
for Romanian Culture.

In 1975, he donated a lot of his impressive art and sculptures to the

Falticeni Museum , witch it was created the “Ion Irimescu” collection, as
he will spend the rest of his live in Falticeni, where he took care of the
museum that contained over half of his work.

He donated approximately 300 sculptures and 1000 drawings, and, as a result, he created the biggest
permanent collection of an author from Romania.

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