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For English:

- Make your account on and do daily 4-5 lessons.

- Go to and solve all tests.

- Download Mangoosh app from playstore for vocabulary. Do daily one list.

- Read novels/books or daily one article of Dawn news paper.

- Keep a diary and write one page article on daily basis.

- Speak with your friends in English. Chat with them in English.

For Math:

SAT#1 Barron's any edition. Do all math topics from it and solve exercise of each
topic. One done with them, solve all practice tests given in the last.

If still you have time, do SAT Math Level 1 and SAT Math Level 2.

If you follow these instructions, I assure you will easily pass IBA admission test.

Course OutLine:


-Sets and Number Systems

-Factorization, Equations and Expressions
-Rules of exponents
-Algebraic representation, Sentences & manipulation
-Quadratic Equations
-Decimal Fractions and Percentages
-Ratio, proportion, rate
-Sequences and Series
-Matrices and Determinants
-Permutation, Combination and Probability
-Functions and Graphs


- Vocabulary
- Sentence correction & sentence Completion
- Error Identification
- Reading comprehension & Cloze Passages
- Grammatical concepts
- Tenses and Modal verbs
- Verbs, Articles and Prepositions
- Subject-verb agreement,
- usage of sentence modifiers, such as adjectives, adjective clauses, adverbs,
adverb clauses etc.
- Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and clauses
- Punctuations

You can download NTHP past papers here:
You can download IBA Karachi Admission past Papers here:

Moreover I have copiled a full course pack for IBA Karachi Admission test
Preparation. You can download it from here:

This file is ZIP file. So after download, you will need to extact it. How? Right
click on the file and click on extract here.
Make sure you have RaR software installed on your PC. If not, you can download it
from Google.

- Parkash Heerani (IBA BSCS)

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