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After reading your self-evaluation, I do not see any real issues with your food intake.

You are close to

meeting your recommended kilocalorie intake. Based off your summary, an immediate goal I would
suggest would be to try to get the recommended amounts for the vitamins and minerals you didn’t meet
the recommended intake for.  A long-term goal I would suggest for maintaining health would be to make
sure you get more foods that contain protein and carbohydrates into your diet like you mentioned which
could be by eating more beans, fish, chicken, whole grains, and many other things. I see you mentioned
the problems that can come from not meeting the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. A few
problems that can come from not meeting the recommended amounts for proteins and carbohydrates are
mental fatigue, nausea, and headaches. I also think the SMART goals you set and the three new goals
you set are great.

After reading your reflection, it seems to me like you are doing a pretty great job in terms of maintaining
healthy nutrition. I noticed that you mentioned how you are deficient in a few vitamins and minerals, and if
you want to fix that problem it might be a good idea to take multivitamin supplements everyday. I struggle
with this issue too, probably more so, and supplements seem to be helping so far. I also noticed that you
mentioned wanting to consume less fast food, which I think is a great idea. It would decrease the amount
of unhealthy fats you consume, as well as any excess sodium that it may carry. I think one immediate
goal you could make is to cut fast food out of your diet. It would definitely reap benefits to your health in
the long run. A long-term goal I would suggest for you since you mentioned consuming more vegetables,
would be to do research on any vegetables that contain nutrients that you may be lacking. Once you
discover some, you can find a way to incorporate a new vegetable into your diet each week. The only
main concern that I see in your diet is the fast food consumption. If you continue to eat fast food, in the
long run it may cause issues such as heart disease, diabetes, or high cholesterol. Besides that, I think
you are good as long as you get into the habit of consuming foods or supplements that contain any
vitamins/minerals that you may be lacking in your diet. Great job overall!!

Hello, Morgan! I enjoyed reading your self evaluation. As you currently take supplements for your vitamins
and minerals, I think the most concerning objectives would be to increase your carbohydrate, fruit,
vegetable intake. I would suggest immediately investing in a 32 oz waterbottle that you can carry around
and refill. I would also suggest meal prepping and snack prepping each week so that you can portion
yourself easy meals that will keep you on track. Long term, I would suggest monitoring your caloric and
carbohydrate intake to make sure you achieve suggested daily values. This intake will lead to
dehydration, low energy, and could possibly lead to overexertion and injury due to your frequent exercise.
I would also be sure to better monitor iron intake to manage anemia.

I do not see any real issues with your food intake not being "healthy" enough. It is probably really
hard to have an adequate caloric intake since you are restricted by milk and wheat allergens, I
actually try to avoid dairy as well. I have found that having replacements such as coconut milk
yogurt, almond milk, and vegan cheeses are a great way to consume calories and avoid dairy.
Your SMART goal for increasing daily water intake was what I immediately wanted to suggest. I
think drinking enough water everyday greatly impacts our well-being, and since you are very
athletic it also impacts performance. To maintain health I would recommend trying to find
vitamins and minerals in direct food sources instead of relying on vitamins. It is super hard to eat
adequate levels of all, I know I struggle as well. But I think it is something you could work towards
long-term. I do not see any issues with your intake that could lead to any future conditions.

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