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I was born in a village, but I currently live in the city,

in a building. If you ask me where I prefer to live, I

honestly admit that I prefer to live in the city. I love
movement, having everything close to me, among
many other things. I currently live on the second
floor, but that is the equivalent of a third and it has
wonderful views. My neighbors have days that are
quiet, but there are others days when they are very
Please, don’t make noise. – Por favor, não façam barulho.
Make - fazer
Village – aldeia
Building – prédio
Among – entre
Among you guys. (entre vós)
Among you guys, there is someone is very beautiful.
Among us (nós), there is someone is very beautiful.
Among them, there is someone who (alguém) has so much money.
There is , among them someone who has money
Among them, someone has so much money.
Ugly – feio
Floor – andar


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