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Name: Genesis Villa Course: 18:00-20:00

In this second SUPCLUB MEETING, Adrian and Karina were exceedingly excited and, in their
presentation, explaining about seven health benefits of taking a vacation using vocabulary that we have
learned and to support with body language and voice tone. Carolina played a game about differences that
we can find around here that helped to relax the atmosphere of our second SUPCLUB MEETING and she
used body language and voice tone. The phrase that Andrea gave us our speakers was undeniably beautiful,
"No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one.", and this phrase has a deep meaning.
Danny talked using grammar and the correct structure of a speech that we have learned in class and using
words such as: extremely, exceedingly, Compilation, that was an amazing advance word. Carol’s speech
used grammar and the correct structure of a speech and she knows to support her ideas with body language.
She can improve her speaking to practice little bit her voice tone to engage more people, and Sebastian
made a presentation using words learned in class like exceptional, extremely, superb, and he uses the
structure of speech in a correct way. Later, Carlos, Jairo and Erika successfully evaluated our speakers
because they knew the correct form how we must create a speech, and they congratulated the speaker on
their work and gave some suggestions to improve their speaking skills. Our work was done exceptionally
but we need to keep practicing every day.

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