Breakout Room Faci Sheets PDF

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Saturday, 16 January 2021 BREAKOUT ROOM FACILITATORS NOTES The breakout raoms FACILITATORS job is not ta LEAD the team, a good facilitator is someone who can get people involved, and participate so as to let help people in the process of creating awareness for themselves. because how they would behave in this breakout groups will show you what kind of people they are in the real world. the real winner is not the one who has the most score, bul the one who's members they are facilitating had a breakthrough in themselves and eventually become successful in their respective lives. for this weekend, forget about yourself and your ego, as you are not there to please or impress others, you are there to CONTRIBUTE and make a difference in the lives of the people in your team the number thing you need to be worried about is the TIME. we have a very light schedule so make sure you that you keep to the time and keep your people ON TIME. , and make sure that you “pass the mic around” and de not let people DOMINATE the sharing ( you are in control and you decide who you will pass the mic to, if you notice there are people whe tend to take a longer time speaking/sharing, make them the last person to share so you cover more ground. similarly, if you notice someone has a bit of negativity, make sure you do not ask these people to be the first to share and leave them last or second to the last and make sure you pass the mic to the next speaker and mute them when times up.) MAKE SURE YOU BRING ENERGY into the room and BE SMILING and cheerful all the time = ‘Welcome to your family, and before we start, aren't we all HAPPY AND GRATEFUL that despite this pandemic, we can choose to GROW OURSELVES to be better and we have an amazing chance as entrepreneurs to make a difference . Even during this, Pandemic, shouldn't we alll have a grateful heart and count our blessings? let me share a quote from Eckhart Tolle “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance” because a grateful heart is truly a MAGNET for miracles, + first ask everyone if they had already read and signed their personal commitment sheets and show it on their cameras so everyone can see. then say“ okay now. the very first thing we need to be successful is ownership and responsibilty. can we all Saturday, 16 January 2021 AM RESPONSIBLE! , | AM RELIABLE!" 1-2-3. then say “are you sure? WELL say SEE ‘ask all of the to take turns 30 seconds to introduce their names, their background and 11 thing that they are grateful for and number1 goal as a result of their success in this business, "1 thing lang ha, para maka share tayong lahat °) then pass the mic call them by their names one at a time. ( as they are introducing themselves pls write down the names of your participants, just in case your team wins and you can assign another mature distributor in your breakout room to keep score and check attendance) ill start with myself (ie. "i'm Sandy Martinez, illbe your facilitator, previously iwas vice president of merchandising of a department store, im thankful that despite this crisis, ‘our business is booming, my number 1 goal is to create time freedom for me to travel ‘and be with family while being a seif made millionaire (Use a goal that is emotional ‘and personalto you instead of a very generic thing like -passive income) be strict about the passing of the mic especially in the beginning so they will be used to the FAST PACE NEXT ROUNDT Ick at the time so you know how much time you canikill) - Since we know that we are all hore to LEARN, and what we gat out of this 2 days could change ‘our lives forever, HOW DO YOU THINK could we make the most learning out of this bootcamp? what must we do, any suggestions? ( at this point, watch the time because breakout room will be over at 8:05am 50 target to finish at 8:00am because you still have things to say) ‘save some time to say that okay thats all great inputs folks i'm so excited to work with ‘everyone here in the WINNING team yes? so remember that there willbe activities in ‘our rooms and we willbe scored, even on being ON TIME. for every person that is, not here ON TIME , a point will be deducted from this family, and everytime we are 100% present and on time, we will have § points added to this family, so let us make ‘sure that we understand, WHAT WE DO AND DON'T do affects everyone in the family as in the real world diba?. and RESULTS in life will always follow COMMITMENT ,so doi have your COMMITMENT to make this family WIN in this challenge? ( TELLTHEM HOW MANY MEMBERS ARE THERE IN THE FAMILY, and to make sure that when we meet again we-are 100% present and ON TIME) return to main ZOOM room. Saturday, 16 January 2021 The next meeting where you will meet is AFTER LUNCH { estimated at between 12:45pm -1:00pmmake sure that you are 5 minutes earlier inside to all your team because when you do breakout, you should start facilitating right away) At exactly the instructed time. do a count off and see if everyone is 100% present, it not, mention it and say that you are missing ___and will have 5 points deducted (important to be strict in implementation otherwise, they will not think you are serious and your team will always have people late.) everytime the group is complete, 10 points should be added. also make sure you have appainted a secretary who will keep all the names of those in the team, and who are absent for avery session the team meets, you need to get this list from her/him after sunday lunch, after which, we will play an ice breaker game instructions will be separately attached, Play this gamein.20 minutes. 5 minutes fr your instructions and scoring and 15 minutes game time. watch your time and be ready to go back into the main zoom room @1:15 am, make sure to keep scores strictly as the winning teams WILL get prices on top of their Ireebies trom this bootcamp The NEXT TIME you will meet your zoom breakout team is AFTER DINNER 7PM. ‘Again, at 7:05pm you need to doa count to see it everybody is present and purposely let them see that you are serious and everyone who is late or absent will definitely lose points for the whole team. ( this way they will be on time for the activities always) This session is where you will give instructions for them on how to wark on their FOCUS BOARDS or their DREAMBQARDS, you have 40 minutes so you can return to the main Zoom room at 7:45pm) before getting started, weloome everyone and more than the good dinner they had, that you hope na di lang sa food, kundi nabusag sila sa mga leamings today, as the bible says " men shail not live by bread alone” the important thing is that they work on themselves because for things to get batter they need to gat better, for dinner to always be better, they need to work harder ( joke) , as they say you only HARVEST whatever you sow. 50 youlhope they sow much seeds to success for themselves and talking Saturday, 16 January 2021 about SEED the first thing everyone who is serious about their success needs to have is the SEED OF VISION. as they say, * IMAGINATION IS A PREVIEW OF LIFES COMING ATTRACTIONS" before you can become strategic about your success DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO? your intemal mental GPS only works when you have a DEFINITE PURPOSE. Until then, you will be like a ship at seat going nowhere , swayed by the tide left and right depending on the situation. share your own dreamboard and how setting goals has helped you in your success journey. ask them to take 1 minute each to share their top Smast important geals then give them the dream board instructions = using their 1/2 cartilina ( divide cartolina to2 because cartolina is too big to-fill with pictures) and using the crosswise 1/2 cartolina, use a pencil to draw lines on the cartolina to divide itto QUARTERS SECTIONS. on 1st quadrant, write - FINANCES , rd quadrant - FAMILY/relationships , 2nd quadrant - HEALTH, 4- Spiritual/contribution now give them 1 0minutes each te write using their pencil their goals in words for each of the quacrant, the first thing they need to ask themselves what is the target time for completion of my ream project ( what is your non negotiable commitment to yourself to. complete this project because goals should be time bound) - 5 years? 3 years? 1 year ? write that at the top of your cartolina. MY 5 year project ( or 3 or 1) you can start now. after the 10 minutes( play soft music while people are writing their goals ) , give them them time:to share their goals to each other. 1 minute each. and after that, ask everyone - "ARE THESE GOALS REALLY IMPORTANT FOR YOU? HOW MANY OF YOU ARE YOUARE COMMITTED to them ? raise your hands. okay because there is big difference between INTERESTED and COMMITTED. when you are interested, you only do whats CONVENIENT, when you are COMMITTED, you do WHATEVER IT TAKES. and the MOMENT you definitely commits, and make that DECISION that you will make this happen WHATEVER It TAKES, thats when things start to really happen. read - from William Hutchinson Murray from the Scotish Himalayan Expedition, “ UNTIL ONE IS COMMITTED, THERE IS HESITANCY , THE CHANCE TO DRAW BACK, ALWAYS INEFFECTIVENESS. Saturday, 16 January 2021 CONCERNING ALL ACTS OF INITIATIVE AND CREATION, THERE IS ONE ELEMENTARY TRUTH THE IGNORANCE OF WHICH KILLS COUNTLESS IDEAS AND SPLENDID PLANS. THAT THE MOMENT ONE DEFINITELY COMMITS ONESELF, THEN PROVIDENCE MOVESTOO. ALL SORTS OF THINGS OCCUR TO HELP ONE THAT WOULD NEVER OTHERWISE HAVE OCCURRED. A WHOLE STREAM OF EVENTS ISSUES FROM THE DECISION, RAISING IN ONES'S FLAVOUR ALL MANNER OF UNFORESEEN INCIDENTS MEETINGS AND MATERLAL ASSISTANCE WHICH NO MAN COULD HAVE DREAMED WOULD HAVE COME HIS WAY. WHATEVER YOU CAN DO OR DREAM YOU CAN, BEGIN IT, BOLDNESS HAS GENIUS, POWERAND MAGIC INIT. BEGIN IT NOW, The dream board taps into the SUBCONSCIOUS, whatever your mind is focused on, expands, it will ind a way to-achieve. Wherever FOCUS GOES, energy flows, and RESULTS SHOW. so you want to remind yourself especially with all the crisis and Jistractions around, to be FOCUSED FORWARD On your GOALS. as the quote says “ OBSTACLES ARE WHAT YOU SEE , WHEN YOU TAKE YOUR EYES OF THE GOAL.” so make sure you are FOCUSED on the RESULTS you want, ALWAYS. put your dream boards wherever you can see it all the time wether be in your wall, even share it with your spouse and tell them that thats what you want for your them and your family and wether he will support you on this project. 80 HOW many of you are SERIOUSLY committed to your goals? ( wait forthem to respond ), "WE'LL SEE” tonight i want you to complete your dreamboards, using oli magazines, cut out pictures to represent what you wrote down and paste it there. and complete that tonight, so you ban show it to us tomorrow in the morning besause we will use this for an activity. how many of you believe that it is easier to make plans. and complete the dream boards than become a millionaire? ( wait for them to raise their hands) soremember, HOW YOU DO ANYTHING IS HOW YOU DO EVERYTHING. who's goals are these? say | okay, so how many of you are committed to your goals that you will finish this by tomorrow morning? ( wait for everyone to raise their hands} , okay we'll see who is really a DOER in this room. remind them also that the dreamboards are a part of the competition and will also add or subtract to their group scoring and will be inspected in the moming. REMIND THEM TO BE WITH THE TEAM ON OR BEFORE 7:45AM TOMORROW, after this, pls get them to return to the EMERGE group at latest 7 55pm. Saturday, 16 January 2021 the next time you will see your group is 7:45am JUL 19 morning i and you will be back in your rooms at 8:00am , the minute you are in, you should start counting the numbers of people in your team. if it is complete ( or more , kase baka me dagdag), you add 10 points, if anyone is late or absent, deduct 5 point) you have 25 minutes (no more ) at 8:25am you will be back to your main zoom rooms. Ask them how many of them completed their dream boards? ask them to show it on the video. and congratulate all those who had completed them and tell them that this really is the first step of CREATING RESULTS. because everything is created twice, the first time in the MIND before it is created PHYSICALLY. just as an architect has to design everything and think of the design before they find the STRATEGY to build the house. so if you do not have your goals , then you will fail to be STRATEGIC with your actions and tend to be distracted and waste alot of your time your years, while others are creating big results, you may get left behind. so make sure that you complete this process. before this day ends. remember that RESULTS TAKES COMMITMENT. now for those who were unable to finish, why were'nt you able to complete this? for who is this activity for? who is the one that will most benefit from this? what is the Lord is watching you now and looking to see what you want in your life and was gonna bless you with your hearts desire? tapos wala ka man lang ma drawing? Saturday, 16 January 2021 remember always HOW YOU DO ANYTHING IS HOW YOU DO. EVERYTHING. the question is . what petty things kept you from creating your FOCUS BOARDS today? how many of you agree that IT IS EASIER TO COMPLETE YOUR DREAM BOARDS today, than becoming a millionaire? agree? so if you cannot even do this and can create excuses with such an easy tasks, what more the life changing goals? so today, we will deduct points based on how many were unable to complete ( deduct 1 point for every 1 that did not do their dreamboard) then after that, proceed to ask each one of them to take QUICK 1 MINUTE to share their goals to the team. and get everyone to open their microphones and CLAP for everyone after their sharing and go to the next. if you still have left over time, after everyone shared, get them to continue sharing. for those who were unable to finish. by 8:25am back to the main zoom room to await instructions. The next time you will meet your team is AFTER LUNCH between 12:45-1pm make sure you check attendance immediately to make sure everyone is complete. you will play another icebreaker instructions will also be separately attached. you should finish this game in no more than 20 minutes, and instruct everyone to be back in the Main EMERGE GROUP LIVE at latest 1:25pm. This is the last time you will meet your team, unless there additional instructions for processing with your team from your respective TE groups.

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