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Good day sir! I am one of your students in this subject.

Glad to be a part of
you class.
Having good manners is a mark of a civilized society. Manners are unwritten
rules of conduct, such as saying "thank you" and "please". Sometimes, they
are written as social etiquette. It is an outward expression of our
consideration to the rights of others. Thus, good manners help everyone get
along better.
Regarding with this subject, I believe that Good Manners and Right Conduct
is a major element in rearing kids to become better individuals in the
society. As a future teacher, it is our goal to influence them and leave a
lasting impression that will guide them in life. Manners also show our
upbringing. It is a precious tool for intelligent living. One thing that I expect
in this subject is that, it will be the perfect gate way to inculcate among us
students the importance of having good behaviour and possessing the right
beatitudes. I expect that our professor will be helpful in achieving those
things. I expect that as we go along with this semester, we will learn a lot
from you, sir. I am very much excited to explore different ideas and aspects
that surrounds GMRC. Thank you sir and may God bless you!

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