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Smart contracts are the self executing contracts which are termed and conditioned by the trusted by
parties. Smart contracts are independent of the third party and depend on blockchain and the
consensus submitted by the participants for security. Smart contract is more time and cost ef cient.
Hyper ledger fabric provides peer to peer network based distributed operating environment. This
paper proposes a design of the integration of multimodal biometric authentication system with the
permissioned blockchain based smart contract.Unimodal biometric system lacks in universality,
inter or intra class similarities, spoo ng detection, etc

Hyper ledger fabric blockchain platform when compared to Ethereum, outperforms it in terms of
latency, throughput, and execution time. Advanced technology is used in deceiving the biometric
authentication system through direct or indirect attacks. The direct attack uses data regarding the
possibility of generating arti cial biometric samples at the sensor level. Indirect attack, on the other
hand, uses the remaining seven ways of attacks and needs speci c qualitative and quantitative
components of the system such as the classi er used for mapping, a speci c feature extraction
procedure, database access for manipulation, and also possible weak links in the communication
channels within the database

It is also found that data mining offering shallow classi ers suffer from over tting on the learned
training data and produce results with high error rates. Deep neural network employs regularization
in form of L2regularization, adding Gaussian noise to inputs, dropout, i.e., eliminating few of the
neurons from the hidden layer during processing, data augmentation avoids the training error
getting reduced to zero. This can lead to better results when such trained classi er are applied to the
test dataset. This able biometric system plays an important role in personal, national and global

The rst module involves the multimodal biometric system. The integration of physiological and
behavioral traits such as ECG and ngerprint or voice and face biometric traits are mandatory to get
the liveliness assurance of the user. These extracted features are combined at different levels of the
recognition system. Past research work shows that the fusion at earliest stage of system is more
complex but yields result with high accuracy. The second module, the execute- order-validate
blockchain design established by fabric could be used for permissioned blockchain. Smart contract,
the chain code is going to be an integral part of this fabric. The chain code is a main part of a
distributed application in Fabric. Every peer, before being added to the blockchain would be
redirected to the SaaS for authentication. After authentication, it is allowed to enter into the
blockchain by performing consensus mechanisms




Blockchain is a state-of-the-art technology developed primarily for Bitcoin cryptocurrency. It is a

decentralized public ledger system which preserves the integrity of data transaction.Each
transaction in it is veri ed by consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. The entered
information can never be erased. The blockchain has a certain and veri able record of every single
transaction. Blockchain maintain high level of security and ensures the validity and authenticity of
the transactions with the help of consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work(PoW), Proof of
Stake(PoS), Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), Proof
of Capacity (PoC), Proof of Activity (PoA), Proof of Publication (PoP), Proof of Retrievability
(PoR), Proof of Importance (PoI), Proof of Burn (PoB), Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET), and Proof
of Ownership (PoO)

Smart Contracts are transaction protocols which are automatically executed when predetermined
conditions are met according to the terms of a contract or an agreement. It is used so that all
participants can be certain of the outcome, without any involvement of a third party or time loss


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