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FBAS – Computer Science Department

Technical Business Writing GC-120

Assignment - 01

Name: Muhammad Tayyab Najeeb

Registration # 355-FBAS/BSIT4/F18

Date: Sep-25-2021
Assignment - 01

Network administrator:

A network administrator is an IT expert who manages

an organization's network. A network administrator is responsible for installing,
maintaining and upgrading any software or hardware required to efficiently run a
computer network. A network administrator is the person designated in an
organization whose responsibility includes maintaining computer infrastructures
emphasis on local area networks up to wide area networks. A network
administrator is
responsible for keeping a company’s computer network running seamlessly and
up-to-the-minute. Every organization that uses more than one computer or software
platform needs a network administrator to coordinate and connect all the different
These responsibilities may seem somewhat similar and will sometimes overlap
those of a systems administrator, but their roles do differ more, the larger the
organization gets. In any case, the job duties of a network administrator will vary
considerably depending on the size and needs of the organization. While some may
take on broader roles, others may be filling more specialized duties.

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