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Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth Pune

Department of Computer Science

Practical Assignment MSc(CA)

Q.1 Create a tuple and perform all operation on it.

Q.2 WAP to display 1-50 no and display even and odd between them.
Q.3 Create a list And perform following operation on it.
a) append() b) extend() c) insert() d) index() e) sort().
Q.4 WAP to read the content of file in python.
Q.5 Create a Student class and initialize it with name and roll number. Make
methods to:
1. Display - It should display all informations of the student.
2. setAge - It should assign age to student
3. setMarks - It should assign marks to the student.
Q.6 1. Write a Python script to display the various Date Time formats –
a) Current date and time
b) Current year
c) Month of year
d) Week number of the year
e) Weekday of the week
Q.7 Write Python program to demonstrate simple Inheritance.
Q.8 Accept a no from the user. Print multiplication table of the given number
Q.9 Create a function in python showEmployee() in such a way that it should
accept employee name, and it’s salary and display both, and if the salary is
missing in function call it should show it as 5000 (default)
Q.10 Create a program in python that asks the user for a number and then
prints out a list of all the divisors of that number.

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