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The hydrogen thyratron modulator= Modulatorul tiratronului cu hidrogen

Gas-filled=Umplut cu gaz
„The output device would typically be a klystron „ klystron ???
Drawbacks =Dezavantaje
Splitters= Divizoare
Loop = Bucla
Overlapping = Suprapunere
2. In the Figure 4 it is represented the main of a pseudo-coherent radar , with all
its components . The synchronizer generates the impulses, the modulator is
keyed by a high-power dc pulse of energy generated , while the Tx-Tube is a
self-oscillating tube generating high-power microwaves. The duplexer
alternately switches the antenna between the transmitter and receiver. The
Antenna transfers the transmitter energy to signals. The function of the mixer
stage is to convert the received rf energy to a lower, intermediate frequency.
3. In the figure 8 it is represented the charging of the currents . Once the power
supply is switched on , the current flows through the charging diode and the
charging impedance charges the condensers of the pulse forming network

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