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Report writing

Struck by scooter

20th July, 2020.

Malleshawaram, Bangalore.
Vidush Hebballi.

A boy was struck by a scooter at 4:20 pm on fourth cross road in malleshwaram, bangalore.
The accident was seen by a civilian who was shopping at the moment.

The boy was seen having a great fall resulting in two fractures and several bruises. The
witness claims that the scooter was crossing the speed limit and also tried to run a red light.
The boy was crossing the road as he had seen the red light but the man on the scooter
continued to speed up.

The boy was immediately taken to the nearest hospital in a car and was given the required

The doctor cleared up the boys wounds, and put on a cast on his wrist and ankle. The boys
family was called while the procedure was going on.
The police had come to take down notes regarding the incident so that appropriate action
could be taken.

The family was in tears but were thankful that the boy had lived.

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