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30 May 2012

>Announcement of a new RPG game in the cyberpunk setting created by the same team which worked
on Witcher games.
>Non-linear scenario which allows for meaningful choices, going way outside the box compared to what
we are used to in these games
>Giant world full of details, combat and class system taken directly from pen n paper, hundreds of ways
to create our protag
>Different weapons, cars, implants
18 October 2012
>Announcing the official title: Cyberpunk 2077
>Sandbox with Open World, VR as a separate hub which will be important to gameplay
>Complex character editor in which we will pick the class of our character
>Hard choices, good dialogues, side activities (generic promises basically)
25 October 2012
>Game is said to appear at the next gen consoles (PS4 and XONE at the time)
>Big chances of modding tools
>Early production, creating fundaments of the game with Mike Pondsmith
>Part of the team started implementing first models (!)
27 December 2012
>Job application for Art Director, required experience in RPG games with Open World
>Second application is Multiplayer Programmer
10 Janurary 2013
>Personal Responsibility Trailer
27 February 2013
>Announcement of translation implants, which will allow us to talk with other NPCs.
13 March 2013
>Badowski confirms online elements
12 August 2013
>Game supports both first and third perspective
>Cyberpunk 2077 is made in Red Engine 3
8 Januray 2015 (so almost 2 years of silence)
>Just some confirmation that CDPR focuses on Witcher 3 and separate team works on Cyberpunk

28 May 2015
>After Witcher 3 launch, the team focuses exclusively on this brand, news about cyberpunk have to wait
until 2017, of course generic confirmation that they are still working on it
19 June 2015
>Main team still works on expansions/DLC, more and more move slowly to Cyberpunk.
>Iwiński says that Cyberpunk is a good opportunity for the team to gain energy, since they are burned
out from working on Witcher 3 all this time :geraltkappa: :geraltkappa: :geraltkappa: :geraltkappa:
:geraltkappa: :geraltkappa:
6 August 2015
>team is now mainly focused on Cyberpunk, CDPR still teases it as a new RPG game
6 Oct 2015
>Cyberpunk 2077 will be way bigger than Witcher 3 and experience gathered during making the Witcher
series will help a lot
1 Nov 2015
>CDPR is now full throttle working on Cyberpunk, which will be a completely different game than
Witcher 3
9 December 2015
>vice-CEO denies rumors that the game is supposed to launch in 2016
10 Dec 2015
>Kiciński in interview:
>"Most important is that Cyberpunk needs to be, just like Witcher, a great game. If you add marketing
on top of that, the game will sell greatly as well".
>Pondsmith confirmed to have basically the same role as Sapkowski, meaning almost not at all other
than occasional talk and showing him cool stuff they worked on and CDPR has the last say.
24 Feb 2016
>Music is composed by Przybyłowicz, same guy as Witcher 3
10 March 2016
>On CDPR conference, they announced that in years 2017-2021 we can expect two games, Cyberpunk +
another AAA RPG title
>In the same time the team is expected to double, creating four independent teams in the studio.
25 April 2016
>One of CDPR employees reveals that Witcher development was an enlightening experience. They have
many notes and team focuses on modyfing the dev tools. Some rumors about drastic changes in the
game but no details. They specifically just mention some visual editor stuff.

28 April 2016
>Iwiński says that Rockstar Games is their idol and they aim to be like them. The team is afraid of
Cyberpunk disappointing people. Because of that they focus a lot on testing things in game that will be
shown to the general public and obsession with the quality of the game. Iwiński prefers that his studio
worked harder on the game that will be breathtaking and stay in memory rather than just be released in
the best sale season.
>The goal of the game is to influence the whole industry. Iwiński dreams of becoming one of the giants,
listing Blizzard, Valve, Bethesda
14 May 2016
>The Cracow department (created in 2013) will grow from 30 to 100 people and will be important in the
production of Cyberpunk
>Warsaw department will grow to 500 people.
>They look for people for both junior and senior positions.
>Krakow studio already worked on Witcher DLC and expansions and on REDengine so they apparently
have some experience.
>John Mamais (boss of the Cracow Studio) reveals that all manager staff (?) moves to work on
30 Aug 2016
>Studio looks for people working on designing driving vehicles
>Suggestion of flying vehicles aswell
>Studio looks for people experienced in animation, AI etc.
27 Sept 2016
>CDPR looks for boost from polish fund GAMEINN. Apparently it's about 10 mln PLN for "City Creation
technology". Tools for creating "living, giant scale city" which would be then overseen by advanced AI.
>Animation Excellence (another technology) which would allow for complicated animation of face and
>Cinematic Feel (film-like quality in open world RPGs)
>Seamless Multiplayer as "technology alllowing for creation of unique gameplay for many players that
supports different types/genres of gameplay"

29 Sept 2016
>Kyle Rowley - main designer from Quantum Break joins the studio. Another person they got is someone
from Rockstar North who became Gameplay Producer

**Author here suggests that this is the moment when the original team is axed and they started to re-
write the engine**

14 Dec 2016
>CDPR will recieve 10 mln PLN from GAMEINN fund.
7 April 2017
>Cyberpunk trademark is registered
10 June 2017
>Someone stole the game's documentation and wants ransom for it. CDPR announces they won't pay it
and the leaked data is no longer up to date and do not represent the look of the game. They announced
that the lawyers are already working on it though.

**btw what happened to that? did we ever get any of these leaks?**

4 Oct 2017
>CDPR announces changes in senior positions
>Main level designer (Mateusz Piaskiewicz) leaves to work for Flying Wild Hog (studio which makes
Shadow Warrior games), he previously worked on COD Black Ops III
>Senior Gameplay Producer (Derek Patterson) leaves for Techland, worked on GTAV and RDR2
>Project Manager (Ovidiu Traian Vasilescu), moved to V11 Studio Game and worked for Ubishit
>Last person to leave was Senior Art Producer (Michał Stec)
>CDPR refused to give any comments on that

**personally i would say that this is where everything shits the bed**
16 Oct 2017
>CDPR finally gives comments:
>"Cyberpunk development goes as expected, but require some time and work - silence is the price of
making a great game" they also add that, to paraphrase "Leaving of a Senior Position person is not
important in a game of this scale, since it's future cannot be relied on one or even just few people".

8 Nov 2017
>Strefa Inwestorów interview (site for shareholders), Kiciński reveals that Cyberpunk budget is greater
than that of Witcher 3 (which was 300 mln PLN) and again, confirms online element.
9 Nov 2017
This the whole glassdoor review drama with YongYea etc. I think everyone is familiar with it so there is
no need to re-iterate anything here.
To summarise the rumors, game shits the bed. Ambitions are in the fucking space, RED Engine cannot
handle online, ridiculous ideas like completely separate plot for male and female characters, people who
previously worked on Cyberpunk were moved to salvage Witcher 3 development which was redone
because it didn't work on consoles, basically no one fucking knows now how Cyberpunk will look like
and they say it is unlikely we will see it before 2020.
19 Nov 2017
>89 (!) new job offers at CDPR, most related to Cyberpunk. Lead Gameplay and Lead Level Designer are
sought for. Also people working on multiplayer, world creation and CONCEPT ART (!)
20 Nov
CDPR denies the GaaS model, famous "we leave greed to others" quote.

5 Dec 2017
Okay so this part is whatever. Too much for me to write-up but it's repeat of YongYea drama. People
complain about crunch, that people at the top have no experience or vision working on games, some
people say that start of of the work on Cyberpunk in 2012 was amazing but everything shat the bed
once they almost fucked up Witcher 3 and everyone was moved there. It only got worse after that with
Cyberpunk. Management is again, mentioned as the worst part. Apparently many people there never
worked on anything so you have shit like industry veteran who worked on GTAV must listen to some
retard who never made a game in his life. Lack of communication, basically one supervisor will ask for
one feature while other will ask for something that completely not compatible. Shitton of time is wasted
to work on elements that are ultimately cut because nothing gets to the management and they want
their cake cooked now.

There is one very interesting part though, involving Badowski (CD Projekt RED CEO). He was left with a
dilemma because he had two separate teams which now had to work on Cyberpunk. One was the
original which didn't to much for long time since they wered moved to Witcher 3, but they had
experience, and Witcher 3 team which worked on previous titles but didn't know anything about the
next project and it was already far in development.
So the retard went full fucking Battle Royale and asked them to basically show off to him and present
what they can do so they can separate wheat from the chaff, which completely ruined any goodwill at
studio, created rivalry between teams and tanked any productivity left.

Everything else in the calendarium is basically all post E3 stuff since the BEEP announcement. It has been
talked, shitposted, Shazamposted here to death so i do not think i need to say anything about it here.

That is all, anons.

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