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Take-Home Exam SMIUSE-Fall 2020 Software Engineering

Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi

Department of Software Engineering
Fall 2020
SEN102 – Software Engineering
FINAL EXAM (TAKE HOME) Total Points: 40
Due Date and Time: Wednesday, January 27th, 2021, 04:30 PM

Question 01: Suggest the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used
as a basis for managing the development of the following systems. Explain your
answer according to the type of system being developed:
a. A system to filter incoming emails for Spam
b. A car registration system for the government
c. An interactive travel planning system that helps users plan journeys
[06 points (02 points each)]

Question 02: You are given the following description of a drone structure designed for search and
“The drone, a quad chopper, will be very useful in search and recovery
operations, especially in remote areas or in extreme weather conditions. It will click
high-resolution images. It will fly according to a path preset by a ground operator,
but will be able to avoid obstacles on its own, returning to its original path
whenever possible. The drone will also be able to identify various objects and
match them to the target it is looking for.”
You are given the responsibility to develop a software system for the above
structure. Write a detailed description of how you would move forward with the
development of the system (Process Models, Design, Architecture type, etc…). Also,
if you need to hire additional human resources, you must justify their usage with a
job title and description.
[10 points]

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Take-Home Exam SMIUSE-Fall 2020 Software Engineering

Question 03: Develop a sequence diagram showing the interactions involved when a student
registers for a course in a university. Courses may have limited enrollment, so the
registration process must include checks that places are available. Assume that the
student accesses an electronic course catalog to find out about available courses.
[04 points]

Question 04: Draw DFDs (from Level 0-2) of the architectures of the following systems:
a. A ticket machine used by passengers at a railway station.
b. A Chess Game between two players
[10 points (02 points each)]

Question 05: Following the recent debate on the privacy rules of Whatsapp, two prominent
mobile applications have been competing against the communication giant namely
Telegram and Signal. Write a detailed comparative study of between Signal and
Telegram. Focus on the design and implementation architecture of both
applications and how are these applications different from each other from the
perspective of a software engineer. [10 points]

***********END OF PROBLEM SET***********

1. Write all your questions in a Word document.
2. Save your solution’s Word file as BSE20F123_SE_2A_FinalExam (for your own roll
3. Upload the file on your LMS Assignment titled as “Final Exam Submissions – SE”.
4. No Update Submissions will be allowed. You can submit your solution only once.
5. No late submissions are allowed on LMS.
For Email
6. In addition to submitting on LMS, you are also required to submit your solution on email
as well.
7. Attach the file (as mentioned in point 2) in email.
8. Write subject as “Final Exam – SE – 2A – BSE20F123” (for your own roll number/section).
9. Write your full name and roll number in email body.
10. Send the email to
11. Email Submission’s due date is the same as the due of LMS.

*******THE END*******

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