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Concrete Experience:

I will share my impressions this third week, Monday to Wednesday we were packed
with many discussions with Ibu Fitri and Mr. facilities. Eyes from NCU. Our topic of
discussion is also very interesting related to the role of innovation in Nursing and How can
nurses adapt to today's technology?


Talking about technological developments, this hospital is one of the places that are
prone to Covid-19 transmission. The government allows people not to visit hospitals except
in an emergency if they are not healthy, people can check their health conditions through
technology services. Technology in its development has shown great benefits and changes in
various fields, in accordance with the health sector. There have been so many donations for
technology developers that have been given to support the progress of science so that it is
also beneficial for health. Nursing is one part of the applied science of several other sciences
incorporated in the health sciences. Nursing also participates in developing technology to
carry out its function in providing optimal services for its targets, which are none other than
individuals, families, as well as groups and communities.

Abstract Conceptualization:

Another form of technology development is telehealth, which is the provision of

health services and related information through telecommunications technology. Telehealth
can use the telephone, or by using video conferencing. Telehealth is an extension of
telemedicine. The difference is that telemedicine focuses on curative treatment while
telehealth focuses on preventive, promotive, and curative aspects. By using telehealth, health
care providers can monitor patients remotely, such as monitoring the patient's vital signs,
weight, blood pressure, pulse and other indications that are signs that appear as well as
patient complaints and medications. Patients who are at home can communicate with health
care providers using this medium. Telehealth is considered a modality of health provision for
rural and remote areas, but these resources are changing, due to limited resources and
especially patient expectations. It is emerging as a valuable tool for all levels of healthcare.
The characteristics of telehealth are interactive, require telecommunications and technology
costs, multimedia transmission, response time, provide patient data services, consultation,
primary collaboration services, reduce face-to-face costs (Muzammil, 2020). Telehealth is
really used in the cases above where the patient is assessed quickly according to the direction
of the doctor (medical staff) from the center so that the action can be carried out properly.

In Indonesia, technology is still being developed, for example PKU Gamping

implements discharge planning. Discharge planning is carried out to complete the
administration of the return resume record, including presenting the information provided
regarding control time information, how to take medication changes and lifestyle. The
implementation of discharge planning in hospitals generally uses the lecture and discussion
method, but currently existing technological developments can use more than one sensor, one
of which is video. Video is a medium that has characteristics, presents a visual dynamic and,
before being used, is produced through mechanical and electronic processes. Media
information systems have developed a lot in Indonesia, several prototypes and even media
have been used in various service fields including as learning media, but most of the
telehealth applications developed are in the form of service orders to doctors, regarding
complaints of illnesses experienced. by users, including those who developed the current
Halodoc application (, Alodokter (
This application provides consulting services, health promotion, to doctors who prescribe
drugs, and others.

Active experiment:

Indonesia is currently entering the era of technology 4.0 and is estimated to have a
population of 250 million, which is a demographic bonus where the age ranges from 18 years
to 55 years, and this is the target of non-communicable diseases caused by lifestyle. and other
factors. Adequate health supervision and control is required, including through techniques
(Istifada, Sukihananto, & Laagu, 2017).

Ida Jean Orlando is one of the most influential experts in the world. She developed the
theory of "The Nursing Process Theory" or process theory which is still used in the world
both in education and practice. The international community recognizes her as a mental
health nurse. Through this theory nurses can understand

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