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Topic 2.

Menstrual function and its disorders (amenorrhea,

dismenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding).


1. Neurohumoral regulation of menstrual cycle.

2. Characteristics of the normal menstrual cycle.
3. Classification of menstrual disorders.
4. Amenorrhea: definition, classification.
5. Primary amenorrhea without delay of sexual development (atresia of
the hymen, the syndrome of Mayer-Rokitansky-Kustner): clinic, diagnostics,
6. Primary amenorrhea with delayed sexual development (gonadal
dysgenesis, testicular feminization syndrome, pituitary hypogonadotropic
hypogonadism, hypothalamic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism,
hypothalamic hypopituitarism): clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
7. Secondary hypothalamic amenorrhea (anorexia nervosa, psychogenic
amenorrhea, amenorrhea with weight loss, hyperprolactinemia): clinic,
diagnosis, treatment.
8. Secondary pituitary amenorrhea (Shihen's syndrome, Simmonds '
disease, amenorrhea in Cushing's disease, acromegaly and gigantism,
prolactin-secretory pituitary adenoma): clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
9. Secondary amenorrhea ovarian syndrome (resistant ovary syndrome,
ovarian failure): clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
10. Secondary uterine amenorrhea: clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
11. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and treatment of
12. Dysfunctional (abnormal) uterine bleeding: definition, classification.
13. Etiology, pathogenesis of AUB.
14. Clinic, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of juvenile bleeding.
15. Clinic, diagnosis of bleeding in reproductive age.
16. Clinic, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of bleeding in menopausal
17. Treatment of AUB in different age periods of a woman's life.
18. Types of hemostasis, indications and contraindications.

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