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a majority of the legal voters of the state.

The whites of

A.O. Alii omnes, Amico optimo.

AGNI, the Hindu God of Fire, second only to Indra in the

near the coast, so that the alumina can be transported by

the suburbs, about 400,000. The foreigners numbered over

The details of the working of the Food Acts in 1904 in

Phoenician town, afterwards the Roman colony, of Cartenna.

Aegina. Though this statement is probably to be rejected,

was first used by the physiologist Pavy, but other observers

organs, while sections of normal anatomy, applied to various

Strahlegg Pass (Grindelwald to the Grimsel), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,995

AMES, FISHER (1758-1808), American statesman, orator

being that the phenomenon was almost equivalent to a storage

of the marechal de Richelieu, was born on the 31st of July

information or to afford only partial information, as well

division of accounts and disbursements; (10) the division of

foreign-born and 3315 were negroes; of the foreign-born 12,022

Indian women, and formed a mixed race known as the bois

present-day application to the product of the distillation

mundi, miserere nobis. In the celebration of the mass it

prize. He held firmly to Atlanta, clearing the city of non-

Pizzo Rotondo. . . . . . . . . 10,489 Zervreilerhorn . . . . . . . . . .9,508

king at length (1904) sought to force a settlement by sending

Unwilling to grant a request counter to the papal claim

somewhat earlier sculpture of Pergamum. (See GREEK ART.)

ALLEMANDE (Fr. for danse allemande, or German dance),

Ewigschneehorn . . . . . . . . 10,929 Pilatus (Tomlishorn) . . . . . . .6,995

biography is H. Reuter, Geschichte Alexanders III. und der Kirche

sense to the public finances. The treasury contained the

influence was to start from the mouth of the river Wanga or

a marine glauconitic sand, known as ``blue earth,'' occurring

Savannah, in September also returned to Europe. In European

been almost immediately recognized as the leading man of his

resort of ``every one that was in distress,'' or ``in debt,''

its ratification by the chamber of deputies, resigned. In

In universities, the presenting and publicly maintaining a

(Mycenae, Vaphio, Tiryns). (3) Architectural plans and

Caledonians. Having explored the coasts of Fife and Forfar, he

m. N.E. of Yarkand, near the left bank of the Aksu river,

deeply the economic, social and political future of the

clumsiness, and the use of primitive forms of coin soon

he led the armed levy of his archbishopric. In 1343 he

Academy and the general attitude of Roman society when he

long remained in a backward condition; but under the Emperor

are treated with a certain respect, and are often employed

use of balloons, but this time there was not any aerostatic

follows:--the mixture is distilled with caustic potash, when

surface of the upper trunnion. The movable circuit CC thus

West Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480,000

Constantinople. He presented to the emperor Justinian, on his

the age of twelve, to Devonport, where his mother's cousin,

AMATEUR (Lat. amator, lover), a person who takes part in any

who were aware of the risks of their venture. Yusef opened

Norvo, which enclose the picturesque harbour. Founded

is now generally contended that the difficulties of storing

Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, which formed the basis

to maintain, or readily to recover, their equilibrium.

1882--a loss of over five million head in five years. This

children. When Amiles learnt this he killed the children, who

Hn Periodo delle storie Siciliane del XIII. secolo,

or dyke of the Amstel'', is so called from the Amstel, the

a foremost part, and, as chairman of the Board of Studies

the Leblanc process still furnishes nearly half of all the

latitude, and then made direct for a point on the southern

times the wave-length of luminous radiation, the properties

foolish!), a man of Judah whose son was a member of David's

necropolis of Anghelu Ruju was excavated in 1904 61

form of fraud. Great fortunes are thus made out of water.

British soldier, son of Baron Alten, a member of an old

every producer was in immediate personal contact with every

portion (called Leitimor) is united to the northern (Hitoe) by

Manseriche2 it victoriously breaks away from the mountains

power crows as the cube of the dimensions, and the resistance

the 13th of June A.D. 37 (according to others, 39) at Forum

there are fertile plains of great extent N. of Antakia, S. of

coal than ordinary boat-pans. It is a long trough, of nearly

Mesopotamia and Egypt, and a genealogical work, his fame rests

Dutch, and frightful tortures inflicted on the unfortunate

1880 1717 498 418 45

last-named meridian to the point of its intersection by the

advertisement. It hardly attempts to reason with the

V., count of Holland (d. 1296), a brass of 1546, and some

Ghent. As a result Agrippa was compelled to leave Dole;

son of Malcolm Canmore by his wife (St) Margaret, grand-niece

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