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AMERICAN [aoe] ffairs tyne The CIA and the New Dialect of Power by River Pas The advertisement was almost universally panned. As one Forbes headline put, "The Internet Comes Together to Mock the CA's New "Woke Ad"! The pusack was so intense tha the CLA el the need to respond, with a spokesman ling Fox News that "2020 was standout recruitment year forthe CIA despite the pandemic... Our 2021 incoming clas she thi agest ina decade” Apparently the rebrand was working forts target audience. Te broader public may have ben repulse bythe unfair, academic language, but it was noe dete at he public This sth language of he professional clas the bea ite shor, anew dle of power. Diatrers oF PowrR, Titty anp Now Previous enerations oF CIA ofcers spoke an older dialect of power-the pete patrician transaanic acon of Franklin Dean Roose Jscke Onassis, Gore Vid from the masses. was taught in boarding schools mode on the Bish system, asthe sen it was modeled afer the Enh, Many’ ofthe and Katherine Hepburn. Like the new das of power, the transla accent was used ta itngsh the speaker (CIN nil recrits were brought up in sch hoarding school, where, Vicent Bens points ou, they inherited the upper ass imperil vals ofthe Binh S “The way the old ete spoke abour the underlass would seem outrageous to our new ete I Conversations with « Masked Man, John Halen secon with horror his CA agent father's description of watching a steet bral betwen union workers a scabs from a limousine window, sefercng to the brawlers a “these peopl.” Haden writes, “The small phrase gies me a chill The way he syst eas contmpe Fr the abe ot ‘those brsinless clos hes above the Fay, dsocite and inifeent“® OF cours, not all the eal CA offices came frm Maylowerdescende, Bish oanling school tock James Jesus Angleton, former OSS member and one ofthe CN’ east eeu, who became its chi of -ounserineligense fom 19549 197, had a Mesican American mother Ye itis filo magne Alton uring" Mia, youre wort ie Hews, howe tig rane by langage a terse was onetime companion ofthe poet and Musolinisympathier Es Pond igi, and clone control a the means illuminate dhe amoral arts of spying thar became hijab, Literary eric led hie athe profession clay the New Crim. As his bigrapherfeeon Morley putt, "He would come tal edd langage tex anabis of secret intligence. Poetry gave bint 08 py “Today's new dale of powe, which has supplanted theo, ada Nw Lefe polities internalize, indiualize, nd regurtaed by the professional clas. Its imparted by the universes jas ay the previous elie idiom was imbue at Brittle boarding schools This dalet, ike ‘the translate accent before ii clas sii. But ody this lass contains hot CIA agents and lefewing journals, tothe embarrassment ofthe later. This langage ws no “o-pted” bythe professional class, as Natasa Lennard insisted in The Intenspt Quite the contr the (CIA a5 much dai othe new das of power as anyone clin the professional clas, having had some han increasing the New Left Inlet ram which sean ‘Tue CIA ano tHe New Leer “The CIA was heal nese in midecorieth-cetury a and ula potion dhrough the Congres of Cultural Feedom (CCP, and was invoked in the noncommunist Left more broadly, much othe chagrin of conservatives atthe time The CCF’ tenis were seemingly endless, «ven reaching the precsinent postcolonial writer Deck Walco! The CIA ws consistent init anticommnism, but it ws never conser, Te feminist Gloria Steinem went so fara to charcterze the CIA as“iheral, nonviolent and honors" Steinem woul know-she fel admit to working withthe CIA through font ongnizaton called he Indepsnene Rescarch Sev. The CAs Hary Lan encourage her te become the face ofthe organization, sending her lad a group which woudl dsrupe proceedings athe Marxist Vienna Youth Festal in 1959, an later toHesink in 1962!" These fliasions were hardly problem for Sinem onthe es he lng served as honors chair of the Democratic Soca of America unl sch postions were abolished in 201724 The DSA offically condemned Stciner ea ltr 208 ints -magazine-not for bing. CIA agent but rather for her insinstion tha oung women soporte Berni Sanders over Hillary Clinton besase the bop ate with Bernie" ‘OF course the CIA's ration withthe New Left soon became untenable, seit ous ik the Weather Underground began pking up arms and wtng bomb, The most adcal elements ofthe New Left would be arrested orl. Some, like the former Weather Underground leaders Bl Ajers au Bernadine Dora, would late help lunch the policalearcer of one Barack Hussein Obama. Many others erate 0 acidemia, the site of profesional das production and there culated fem of radial beam from which the new dst of power aos. In addtion to eduction and law, many new ales, who place premium on diversity, would fd work in varios area seudies"-which 36 Brace Cuming points out, werea pet project of Willan “Wild Bil” Donnan, dicetor ofthe Ofc of Strategie Series (05S), the CLN's sme predecessor: “Tie CIA: Vaxcuaro oF Linrrauisy Another Humans ofthe CIA advertisement fares a ay CIA librarian wh expresses his “shock” a scing a sinbow lag on former CUA recor John Brcnnan’s lang upon swearngin. He ater learned shat thad Been design by aN, the CIA's LGBT resource group. The spun ring wearing protagonist ofthis video won be delighted to ko ha he CIA's poston on homosexalty has aba ben bra for is sting: Macht the annoyance of Joseph McCarthy an ther conscnasves, Angleton employed openly gay men athe CIA ncn hiring, ‘Carmel Of sory after he hae ie frm she State Department for proposiioning an Army fer. Angleton alo befsiende an openly nd flamboyant gay Beis diploma named Guy Burges, a ren (and posible lover) of Angleton’ ose coun, a British py named Kin, Phy. Unfortunatly for Angleton, both men in fae turned oto be Sov pes. In 1985, at he height ofthe Moral Maoriy’s poms, and decades before thir-something CIA agent wold cal esl “err millenia” Jina recruitment vio, a itera CIA report express great hope in France's “New Philosophers” Theis icalarly Miche Focal, ‘wold help form the bass of a emerging academic eld called quer theory, which pioncered eancets aterm ike “gene (On Apri 24, 206, Juth Butler, wha Became the mast famous ving ser theorist hy aking Focal’ idea of seal assoc consrct nd applbng ito gore spoke a “teachin” at UC Sata Cr agains the rag War Calling teachin” was deliberate chose, an homage to the New Left radian ofthe Vietnam protests. But something had changed. Ding the Vietnam War, it ha heen the stunts wh el the teachinss now twas the professional, profesor ike Baler, a wells politicians, lawyers, and in this ease, former diploma named Joseph ‘Wilson. Wom had worked he Irn embassy before it closed daring the st Gulf War and waste ast diploma to mec with Sadan Hissin, The CIA had presously sent hi a fee nding sion wo Niger to inesigate whether Saddam had purchased yellwcakeurniast from that country. Te dictator of Iraq had not, and Wilson wrote as much in he New York Times. Bur Wilson ws ao there because of an oped in the Times nor because he was former diplomat; he was there because the Bush administration ‘nad outed his wife a an undercover CLA opera. esi o imagine the sudene radia of the Viet War era ating a man who had ‘nenly worked forthe CIA to speak atone oftheir tachns. Gloria Stine had at est here wo kee he afilaon with the ageney sete Bur he wold ad changed and so had the forme college radials at UC Sana Cr. Wilson was one of them: professional concerned withthe particulars of his work, in is ease,intligenc, in the wake of 9/1, andan exper ignored by consenatve politicians and the impulsive, vengel rubes thy epesented, The Bush aminsrason’s retaliation against Wibon and his wife uned them ino the ultimate professionals mates. Her name, Valerie lane, was ll vc the now, athe Hal inligensia woudl never Fong “Thirteen years late, Vlei lame drove a peeling Chewolet Carnara through the New Mexican desert, ecaunting the sory of her betrayal ‘Seaoter Libby, Dick Cheney's former che of staf, ha heen convicted af leaking her idee nd Temp had js rane hi 2 al pars. “You right have heard my name,” she sid, as VALERIE FLAME appeared in bod tes o the seeen ach word accompanied bya metalic clicking sound. Then, stepping ofthe Camaro, Plame tok offer singsss, “And Me Presden, [have some scores to sete" “This campaign advertisement garnered almost wo milion views, and small donations began flooding nto New Mexico's Thi Con sressonal Disc. "he hid where 9% fhe campaign contusions came fom by no ising hem,” ne rial campaign manager sad implying ‘thar most of her denors were from out of sate. The Plane campaign responded only that the numberof campaign contributors is evden of broad polite support rom everday people." Plame's fadesing success was indicative of larger phenomenon. There was an explosion of poll contributions during the Temp years from individuals whom the poll sient Eitan Hersch alls “political bobs," people who watch CNN the way other people wate ESPN They ae collegeelucated, mostly white and mostly though ofen new, Democratic f Obama was “the apotheosis ofthe PMC (profesional managerial clas) elit" ab Catherine Li suggts, the Trump was its ma, the an Ohams, the vulgarity of his language revealing |i positon outside she professional elt As Force Republican representative Ryan Costello (PA6), who ree rather than sdk election in his uppermilecasssbuthan distri, ol! Vos, "We are Facing the prospect af elgnment in your Rockefeller Republican dri [because when] thins ar ing wel papchec’s coming in, kids are in god school ita Tie easier to he outrage by whats ong on and ‘what the president sae and does These vores helped Democrats retake the Hots in 2018, ncn he cect of tw former CIA as, Democrats Abigail Spanberger(VA7) and Ess Slskin (MIS). Despite he impressive fandrsising homer, Plame would not be as sive Ihe much poorer, mach bres district in New Mewica. She ls hee primary, gaenering only 248 percent ofthe vote “Tue Fovune (oF Estionact) Is FEMALE In popular cular, the CIA is often thought of a8 rob of reactionary conser, presenting the worst ofthe American Right Thor are ‘sumerous examples, of which the longest cunning and most ight hare the animate comedy series American Dual”, which porta the agency as bok socially conservative and jingu. Created in 2005, protagonist, Stan Stith, mincompetent, bigoted, middleclass Republican. He insults his ay neighbors and eansvestite alien sidekick, makes racist comments about his wie's adopted Chinese parts (Theyre cheap, dheyte pushy they come in and take ove") an frequently squabbles with his peace daughter However funny, de show i rote a parody of Busea conservatism than ofthe CIA ise Two recent memoirs by former CLA agents reveal that he image of «ypc fier ‘is mor like Valerie Pam than Stan Smith. The irs, The Unesected Spy by Tracy Waller traces the ator fe fram booksh psychology” professor's daughter to sorority gil the CIA and evenly othe FB fom thers retrment to teaching The hook ends with Walder oe, “8 nC Cad Wa Amen fa 6 Wn 22 "Lecce Zs“ 1 Pt De Th ch Cl Now Yr Tones, Mac 6,290, "Ma Metis “Theat Wa Sok” ap Tung, a 1,208, "toa Ch Ta, "om ard“ lA Sua sn Ms" Nan, 9.205, "amber Ate Fost “hs Chass Orr he Mantle Ay yn. (er 209% 126-3, "Damo Sx Ane, SCS Ga is" Demet ef ay 1,26 "nS, “ha Vs Ras Pai ebay 2208 "hace Camie Bens a Ss stn Sa anh Ca War" uti of Cancer se Sk 29,1972 "onal tence An, a ae "Meco The oe 467 "aes efi asus Aca CN Sot Ron sn Ons cain Yt Hue line ent US Cr 0 Sn in No Mh 9,26, ie Mane Cons "Uns YuTie, 20. Noga Lee "EsA ps P's au Gs ay Sula" Asoc Pes a 720. tn He Cll A A ai, Ade, 220, > abrir Hak The Cae pint hPa Monger la Mins Une o Mint 22145, bye Dae Sas Wa Wo, Dee, 8 *Cunpsaal D3 NM" Dats UA acne Nah 26,20, > New Ae uma a Re 202° NPR ceed Mach 25,20 trae nan Amr lo Btn Come, Nowe 207 ry Wer an f n B Uec Spy:Fom the CA tthe, My Set Taig DS of Se Win Mat otras eas New Ye amas Lif eer: Coming of ain te IA Ne os Vis, 2091, 910, a Ts ered ie ge Une, 27-30, "Sou Lie Undencer 9 ag Le Une, rife ener 3656 ag Le Une, 6.20 sm Dungeon Bo Ks i as um IA Os Amadis Ft she Kec Cm To Cam oh 208 Yer Bh "Gn as th Ra: UA Deseo ht Bah Sh La” NBCNewn my 260, tr Ech of lig Te er fe of te Mae tase ak: a, 19 Ne YT, 202. ui il Fn Wl. ea hss Lia Pow Resear Gee, A 22020 Tose," Coe Wh a Misia Pt ay 1,208 p-RIRIK, Now Bok Ag Was © Dat Karbon “Ton Gases Cia as hs ean? NP ne 3,281 at the Ahr Riera rite in he lida Pin previous next “The Weakness of Conservative AniWokeness Heroic Ansiety inthe Age of Socal Media Riana br ane Mati ‘AMERICA’ Fououes N flairs ay rennet eee Pie

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