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Course Task 8

Schistosomiasis, Rabies, Pediculosis, Bubonic Plague, Anthrax, Helminthes

Why bubonic plague is called black death? Do you think bubonic plague and COVID 19 is just
re-existing today? Read the history and explain your answer? Submit a 200–300-word essay

Bubonic plague is a disease carried by infected fleas that travel on rats and infect people.
During the Middle Ages, a plague known as the Black Death killed millions of Europeans. A
vaccine isn't available for prevention, but you can reduce your exposure to infected mice, rats,
squirrels, and other animals. The plague is an infectious disease caused by a bacteria known as
Yersinia pestis. Y. Pestis is a disease that may affect both humans and animals and is carried
mostly by fleas. One form of plague is bubonic plague. The condition causes enlarged lymph
nodes (buboes), which gives it its name. Armpit, groin, and neck nodes can swell to the size of
eggs and exude pus.
Septicemic plague can cause blackened flesh from gangrene, which usually affects the
fingers and toes, as well as peculiar bleeding. Pneumonic plague patients may have more
difficulty breathing and cough up blood. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting might occur.
Cats, in particular, are susceptible to plague and can become infected by eating diseased rodents.
These cats can infect their owners or the veterinarians who treat them with plague-infected
droplets. Except in rare situations of someone with pneumonic plague (infected lungs)
disseminating plague by droplets blasted into the air, person-to-person dissemination is
improbable. People have been infected with pneumonic plague by their dogs or cats in other
unusual occasions.

“From black death to corona virus: a brief history of quarantines”; “Iran’s coronavirus
outbreak is bizarrely reminiscent of the black death”; “Learn from history: black death killed
millions of people”; “Black death offers lessons for dealing with covid-19 outbreak” (Ali
Shamekh, Ata Mahmoodpoor, and Sarvin Sanaie, 2020)

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