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Elves´working conditions

The purpose of this report is to discuss whether elves are

getting the working conditions they deserve and to make a
recommendation to improve some of the problems.

While it is clear that the elves, with their nimble hands and
tireless hours of work, are indispensable to Santa's enterprise, what
is much less clear is how they are treated. This ambiguity has given
rise to concerns about their working conditions.
After a trip to the North Pole my initial findings at Mr. Nicholas
Claus' toy workshop indicate rampant violations of safety, sanitation,
health, and personnel regulations. Also after checking Mr. Claus'
Human Resources files I found out that is no history of an elf ever
taking a vacation or personal day.
In addiction their contracts don’t provide they any kind of
healthcare benefits. This is especially concerning given the high rates
of diabetes in the elf population. The typical work week for an elf
varies between 130 and 140 hours. This demanding pace is
unsustainable and dangerous and leads to workplace accidents and

Above all this, elves do all the work of making and wrapping the
presents all year and then on Christmas eve Santa Claus goes and
steals all their credit.

I recommend arresting Santa Claus and letting the elves do his job,
as this would at least give elves all the credit they deserve.

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