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Table 1

Intracerebral hemorrhage Subdural hematoma Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Etiology Small penetrating artery rupture Bridging veins rupture 🌉 Saccular (berry) aneurysm rupture 🫐 🕷

RFx HTN →lipohyalinosis. AVM, amyloid Head trauma, old age, cerebral AVM
antipathy, vasculitis, neoplasm, atrophy, chronic alcoholism,
reperfusion injury anticoagulation
CT solitary hyperdense lesion crescent-shaped, concave focal or diffuse hyperdensity within the
surrounded by hypodense edema hemorrhage that crosses suture lines. subarachnoid space
(most commonly within the basal Acute-hyperdense, chronic-
ganglia or internal capsule). hypodense
CP acute onset of severe headache, acute loss of consciousness followed sudden onset of severe headache (“worst
vomiting, and focal neurologic by severe headache, nausea, headache of my life”), nausea/vomiting,
deficits (unilateral muscle vomiting, and impaired memory and and/or confusion, positive Kernig and/or
weakness and hyperreflexia) cognition to chronic, ↑ICP Brudzinski sign due to meningeal irritation.

Epidural hematoma
Etiology Middle meningeal artery rapture

RFx Trauma

CT biconvex, hyperdense, sharply

demarcated lesion located between the
brain and the calvarium and limited by
suture lines
CP initial loss of consciousness after a
trauma, → lucid interval (temporary
regaining of consciousness), → renewed
decline in their mental status.

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