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Bhava Deepika
(In the year Kali 4715)

Chapter I

Effects of the first house

The following are the effects produced by planets posited in the 1st house :-

Sun in the lagna bhava but below the horizon - quick in picking up education; moneyed; craving for girls; inclined
to be engaged in inferior professions; bereft of house; lacking in perseverance; funky and unsteady mentally;
bereft of wife and children.

Moon - Almost always in bitter terms with public; sickly throughout life; moderate wealth; beautiful hair;
enjoyments of a high order. If Moon is debilitated or conjunct with a malefic - Poor quality food and drinks.

Mars - Dental troubles; lean body; highly bilious and phlegmatic; dark blood; fickle minded; cruel in his actions;
engaged in daring professions; not well dressed; almost always without much happiness in life; sinful.

Mercury - Broad built body; dark wheat complexion; broad mind; ability in writing; sweet talk; speaks truth;
knowledge of scriptures; helpful to relatives; liked by public.

Jupiter - Deep knowledge of various scriptures; happy; charitable; respected by many; has many good deeds to his

Venus - Charitable; respected by many; proficient in various arts done by hands; his looks and deeds attract young

Saturn - in debilitation/enemy sign - A person of mediocre status; bereft of happiness; rheumatic pains; dull in
activities; suffers poverty.

Rahu - Sickly throughout; utters lies; sinful; quarrelsome; haughty and deceitful; ill-dressed; questionable gains;
very courageous.

Ketu - Over-sized stomach; bereft of mother; his dynasty/family will cease with him; sufferings from heart
diseases and sorrow thereby.

If lord of Asdt is conjunct with a benefic or occupying the deep exaltation degree which happens to be a
quadrant/trine or with benefic aspect/conjunction of lord of 10th or in own house which happens to be a
quadrant/trine - Good luck, reputation, financial prosperity and enjoyments of a high order.

If lord of Asdt is in a quadrant/trine with aspect/conjunction of a benefic; failing connection with a benefic, the
lord of Asdt should be posited in a sign owned by benefic, which happens to be a quadrant/trine - Reputation;
never hears anything adverse about his character.

If lord of Asdt is strong and/or Jupiter is in quadrants of Asdt, the native will have enjoyments and happiness.

If lord of Asdt is conjunct/aspected by a benefic, the native will have wife, children, friends and happiness.

If lord of Asdt is very strong with aspect of a benefic and is posited in a quadrant, the native will enjoy world-wide
reputation, kingly paraphernalia, possesses many praiseworthy qualities and full span of life. Malefic Yogas
affecting longevity get nullified.

If malefics do not occupy quadrants/trines/2nd whilst lord of Asdt and Venus are standing in 4 and/or 8th, the
native will be charitable and prosperous enjoying longevity upto 100 years free from diseases. Further, during the
sub-periods of lord of Asdt and Venus, he will enjoy happiness in various directions.

If lord of Asdt has vargothamamsa, exalted navamsa or navamsa in own house and has in addition,
aspect/conjunction of a benefic, the native will enjoy happiness comparable to that of a King Raja Samaana Bhoga.

If lord of Asdt is in 12 or debilitation or in enemy house or is otherwise weak, such natives spend their life time
away from birth place.

If lord of Asdt is exalted or in moolatrikona or own/friendly house, which happens to be a a quadrant/trine/2nd

from Asdt, such natives spend their life time in their place of birth. sloka #18.

If lord of 4th is posited in sign owned by a benefic, in company of Jupiter, whilst the lord of Asdt is enjoying status
as outlined in the previous (above) sloka #18, the native will be spending his life time a holy place.

In spite of an enemy to lord of Asdt being posited in Asdt, if lord of Asdt enjoys status outlined in the sloka 18
above, the native will be spending his life time in his place of birth.

If lord of Asdt is hemmed in between planets who are inimical to him, the native will be troubled by his enemies.

if such lord of Asdt (hemmed in between enemies) is conjunct/aspected by a benefic, the native will be free from
troubles from enemies.

Itches & Boils

Whilst the lord of Asdt is in 3/6/8/12, the Asdt is occupied by Rahu/Ketu, the native will suffer from itches/boils

Moon & Rahu in Asdt in the above Yoga signifies deformity in limbs in major/sub-period of Moon/Rahu

Conjunction of lord of 6th with Rahu/Ketu signifies sufferings from boils etc.

Bodily happiness

The native will have no bodily happiness if lord of Asdt is standing in 6/8/12 in company of a malefic or lord of

The presence of a malefic in Asdt even with lord of Asdt indicates that the native will become weak. Lord of Asdt
and a malefic standing in quadrant/trine indicates not only weakness but also sufferings from diseases.

Sickly & Short-tempered

If the dispositor of lord of Asdt is standing in 6/8/12, the native will be short tempered and suffer occasional

Stature & Complexion

The lord of Asdt should be looked to in regard to the stature, complexion etc. concerning a native.

Lord of Asdt and the planets aspecting the Asdt denote shape and looks of a native. Planets posited in Asdt (other
than the lord of Asdt) confer effects based on their lordship.

If benefics are standing in exaltation/moolatrikona/own/friendly house, the prosperity of the native will be from
birth place; malefics similarly placed in Asdt indicate prosperity away from birth place.

If Asdt falls in a movable sign, lord of Asdt happens to be a movable planet, aspected by or conjunct with a
movable planet, indicates that the native will enjoy prosperity arising from a foreign country. Fixed sign and fixed
planets indicate much greater luck and prosperity within the country.

Chara or Movable Planets are :- Moon, Venus & Mercury

Sthira or Fixed Planets are :- Saturn, Mars & Jupiter

based on the Authority of sloka #88, Chapter I of Sarwartha Chintamani


If the lord of Asdt is strong and is posited in quadrant/trine, in spite of the presence of strong malefic Yogas that
may indicate poor longevity, the native will enjoy long life.

If Mars and Moon are standing in Asdt whilst Mars happens to be the lord of Asdt, and Sun.Moon, Venus and
Saturn are standing in friendly signs, there will be fame, luck and growing prosperity.

Benefic in Asdt whilst the lord of Asdt is aspecting the Asdt, indicates daily growth of prosperity & happiness.
Nityam Bahu Mangalani.

Chapter II

Dhana Bhava - Effects of the 2nd House

The following are the effects produced by the planets posited in the second house :-

Sun - Bereft of wife and children; lean body; suffers from eye diseases; ill-dressed; possesses wealth in the form of
copper and steel; frequent travels; suffers many a sorrow.

Moon - Renouncing spirit; sensible; birth in a wealthy family; good looks; changes his looks frequently; very happy;
reputation and prosperity; bright broad face; fair complexion.

Mars - Travels far and wide; gains wealth but wastes it in enjoyments; speculation and gambling; good in
agricultural pursuits; success in undertakings; lean body; enjoys much; always respected.

Mercury - By nature, he always speaks truth; enjoyments in various directions; frequent travels; adores his father;
wife and children; soft body with long hair; very fair.

Jupiter - Always happy and contented with his good wife; health; self-respect; wears studded ornaments; enjoys
kingly status.

Venus - Wealthy, having acquired the same from others; depends on women; his wealth is mostly in silver; funky

like a coward; soft body; his appearance is as beautiful as that of a Full Moon.

Saturn - Prosperity in various directions; gain of horse and agricultural products; always engaged in profession.

Rahu - Under-sexed; very proud; suffers many a sorrow; flesh eater; lives in untidy houses always.

Ketu - Courageous; tendency to incite quarrels; inimical to his own relatives; unkempt and unshaven;
blameworthy; sinful; buffoonery.


If lords of 1, 2 and 11 stand in 1, 2 and 11 respectively, good wealth is indicated.

Wealth & Reputation

Exchange of signs between lords of 2 and 11 and the planets concerned stand in friendly signs or the two lords
stand in 2 & 11 respectively with exaltation/moolatrikona --- indicates that the native will earn much and have

If lords of 2 and 11 conjoin in Ascendant whilst they both happen to be mutual friends, the native will become very

If lords of 11th and Ascendant together stand in Asdt, much wealth and reputation is indicated. If they stand in 2nd
or aspect the 2nd house, much wealth is indicated.

Financial Gains - When ?

The native will enjoy good income or earn well during the major period of planets aspecting the 2nd and lord of
2nd, but particularly when the major period lord is connected with Jupiter in transit. In other words, the periods
when Jupiter is conjunct with or aspects the major period lord (who is aspecting the 2nd or standing in the 2nd or
happens to be lord of 2nd) bring in greater income for the native.

Income referred to in the previous sloka will arise from outside the birth place, if lord of Asdt is posited in a
movable sign or a movable planet happens to be the lord of major period.

If the planets are fixed, income will arise from within the country

Even the major period of lord of 2nd placed in 6/8/12 with dispositor thereof in exaltation/own/friendly house
confer financial prosperity.

If the lord of 2nd, planets in the 2nd, planets aspecting the 2nd and the significator for 2nd, Jupiter, - all the four
planets, if strong, there will be great income.

Out of the 4 planets mentioned, assuming one of them is strong and the remaining 3 are weak, and if the one
planet that is strong happens to be malefic, there will be loss of wife.

From the nature and direction of the sign occupied by lords of 2 and 11, the source and type of income could be
deciphered. Delineation of the type and source of income could be accurately done when the said 2 planets
exchange signs or are posited in quadrants.

If lords of Asdt and 2nd are strong and occupy quadrants/trines whilst both the Asdt and 2nd are aspected by
benefics, the native will earn wealth from his community.

If lord of 2nd is strong and is in 2nd whilst a strong benefic iss posited in 11th, there will be good gains.

If lords of Asdt and 2nd are in quadrants which happen to be exaltation/own/friendly houses for them, good gains
are indicated.

If lords of 2 and 12 exchange signs whilst lord of 11 is standing in 6/8/12, the native would be called upon to make
very heavy expenses.

If lord of 2nd is weak, Jupiter in 12th whilst there is a benefic aspect on Asdt, there will be minor gains but heavy

If lord of 2 is in 6th or 12th, whilst lord of 12th is occupying a malefic sign with malefic aspect, little income is
Lord of 2 in a sign owned by a benefic, which happens to be a quadrant/trine and at the same time is conjunct with
the lord of 2nd, the native will have higher education coupled with good earnings. Similarly, if lord of 5 occupies a
quadrant/trine in company of a benefic, higher education would result.

The larger the number of strong planets in association with the lord of 2nd/9th, the greater will be the gain of

In company of malefic(s), if Venus, lord of 2 and lord of 7 are posited in dusthana (6/8/12) either all in one sign or
one in each sign, there will be loss of as many wives as there are malefics in conjunction with Venus or lord of 2/7.

If lord of 2nd is in company of Venus standing in 6/8/12 conjunct/aspected by lord of Asdt, loss of eye is indicated.

Lord of 2 in 6/8/12 indicates that the native may have defective speech or become dumb, depending upon the
severity of affliction; if the sign occupied by lord of 2 , in spite of being a dusthana (6/8/12), if it also happens to be
exaltation/friendly house, there will pro-rata reduced malefic effects.

Lords of 2 and 5 with Mercury, if standing in 6/8/12, speech will be affected; if they are standing in quadrant/trine,
the speech of the native will depend on the strength of the planets involved.

Financial status of a native has to be decided first with reference to the planets posited in the 2nd, next the
aspects thereto, then the lord of 2nd and lastly, Jupiter, the significator for the 2nd house.

If lord of 2nd in conjunction with a benefic is standing in quadrant/trine, which also happens to be the
exaltation/own/friendly house or aspected by benefic or masculine planet, the native will become a great orator.


If Mercury is exalted in 2nd, whilst Jupiter is in Asdt, Saturn in 6th, the native will become a

Powerful Jupiter, Venus, lord of 2nd - all standing in one sign in the 2nd house, indicates that the native will
become an eminent expert in Semantics.

The same Yoga arises when the 3 planets are posited in signs other than the 2nd house, but with reduced effect.

Jupiter/Venus in exaltation/moolatrikona with aspect of Sun or Mars indicates that the native will become an
eminent logician.

Whilst Jupiter/Venus is in quadrants, if Mercury who is also in quadrant/trine, happens to be either the lord of
navamsa occupied by lord of 2nd or the dispositor of 2nd house lord, the native will possess knowledge of all
scriptures. Aspect of Full Moon or Mercury is also required.

Jupiter, Venus, Moon, all of them or any two or any one, in quadrant/trine, conjunct/aspected by Mercury confers
knowledge of philosophy.

A native having Jupiter in 4th conjunct/aspected by Mercury will become a linguist.

Chapter III

3rd House

The following are the effects of planets posited in the third house :-

Sun - Valorous; engages himself in senseless arguments; strong and wealthy; self confident; reputed; a large
number of people are grateful to him and respect him; god-fearing.

Moon -

Malefic - Lacking in push and courage; talks much; bereft of brothers; foolish.

Benefic and strong - Various enjoyments; praiseworthy habits; well up in poetry.

Mars - bereft of siblings; lean body; enjoyments in various direction; capable.

if Mars is exalted - Sensuous pleasures.

if Mars is debilitated - bereft of wealth and happiness.

if Mars is in Saturnian sign - literally no effect on the native.

Exalted Mercury - Very wealthy; bereft of brothers; wife and children; sinful; wavering mentality and shy.

Mercury - Weak in legs; lean body; sickly in young age.

Jupiter - Due to his dislike of brothers, he troubles them frequently; miserly; moderate financial status; bereft of

Venus - A number of brothers and sisters; suffers from eye troubles; wealthy but always miserly.

Saturn - Forsaken by his own brothers; lustrous body; liked by highly placed persons; good wife and good children.

Rahu - Loss of brother/sister; hated by public; happiness; wealth; children and wife.

Exalted Rahu - Will have brothers, good wealth and high class conveyances.

Ketu - All round prosperity; loves his relatives; renouncing nature; charitable outlook; fearless.

The number of brothers a native will have is determined by the navamsas attained by :-

the 3rd bhava madhya

the lord of 3rd house

navamsa attained by Mars

preferably the strongest amongst the three.

The following 5 Yogas indicate that the native will have siblings :-

Whilst a benefic is standing in 3rd, if lord of 3 is standing in quadrant/trine conjunct or aspected by benefic

If lord of 3 has vargothamamsa and/or stay in quadrant/trine or the lord of 3 is conjunct with a yoga karaka or has
navamsas in a sign owned by a benefic or stay in a benefic sign.

Lord of 3 in exaltation whilst the significator for brother, Mars, is in quadrant/trine or aspected by a benefic.

Moon with lordship over 3rd has the aspect of Sun, whilst significator for the 3rd is in a quadrant.

Lord of 3 in 3rd or exaltation/moolatrikona and is strong.

Brothers Only

If significator for brothers, Mars, is standing in a masculine sign aspected by Jupiter/Sun or whilst a masculine
planet is standing the 3rd, the native will have brothers only.

Similarly feminine planets in and aspect of feminine planets to 3rd should be considered in regard to sisters.

Saturn & Mercury or their classifications denote eunuchs.

If Moon sign happens to be stronger than Ascendant, consideration should be given to 3rd from Moon instead of

If lord of 3 and Mars are in 6/8/12, loss of brothers/sisters is certain. If they are posited in signs other than 6/8/12
aspected by a malefic, the first born will thrive whilst the rest may perish depending upon the severity of the Yoga.

If lord of 3 is in 6th or debilitation whilst a malefic occupies the 3rd without benefic aspect, loss of brothers will

Lord of 3 with malefic posited in a house owned by a feminine planet or aspected by a feminine planet indicates
birth of a few brothers and more of sisters.

Lord of 3 standing in a masculine sign denotes brothers.

Lord of 3 standing in a feminine sign denotes sisters.

A malefic in 3rd, even if aspected by Jupiter or benefic, will still cause loss of some brothers/sisters.

In the major period of lord of 3 or the significator for 3 who is in debilitation/combustion/6th, the native will face
adversities like bitterness with brothers, folly, loss of wealth and the like.

If both lords of Asdt and the 3rd are posited in enemy signs but in the 3rd of lord of 8/12/debilitated planet or a
planet in inimical sign, the native's relations with his brothers will be bitter.

If lord of 3 is conjunct with lord of Asdt and the two planets are friendly between themselves, cordial relations with
brothers is indicated.

Lord of 3 in Asdt. which is owned by a benefic and which happens to be friendly to lord of 3 or lord of Asdt being
placed similarly in 3rd house denotes good relations amongst brothers. if the above planets are standing in enemy
signs, bitterness would result.

If both the lord of 3 and the significator for 3 are in 12th or debilitation, destruction of brothers will occur.


If lord of 3 is in own house or in benefic house which happens to be the 10th in company fo a benefic, the native
will possess wealth consisting of jewels.

If Venus and lord of 3 occupy signs owned by benefics and have benefic aspect, gain of a good quantity of jewels is


If lord of 3 is strong, commensurate with his strength, the native will be courageous.

Sweet/soft voice

If a benefic stays in 3 or there is benefic aspect to 3rd, native's voice will be sweet/soft.


If lord of 3 is conjunct with Mars, the native will be speaking truth. If lord of 3 is conjunct with Venus, happiness
generally, and particularly with women, is indicated.

Depending on the strength of the planet who happens to be lord of 3, or posited in 3 and planet aspecting 3, the
native will be valorous.

During the major period of lord of 3, significator for 3, planet posited in 3 and planet aspecting 3, father, mother &
brothers enjoy happiness.

3rd house, planet in 3rd, lord thereof and Mars, particularly the quantum of strength enjoyed by them collectively
determines the courage of the native.

Chapter IV

4th House

The effects produced by planets in the 4th house in a horoscope are as follows :-

Sun - Possesses wealth of various kinds; soft hearted; taste for music and liking for musical instruments; wife and
family; liked by all his relations.

Moon - Much wealth; sons; helpful to relatives; liked by women; enjoys company of girl friends; flesh eater;
elephants and horses in his stables (or conveyance).

Mars - Thinks in low terms; poverty; capable of becoming the head of his family; bereft of happiness; suffers
severe sorrows; serves low class people; living in foreign country; eats in others' houses; wavering; little happiness.

Mercury - Suffers from many diseases; many sons and many brothers.

Jupiter - Devoted; humble; praiseworthy habits; high status; higher class of conveyances; sons; happiness.

Venus - Highly sexed; a number of girl friends; wife and children; if lord of 9 is in 4th, great prosperity and
enjoyments in many directions.

Saturn - Loss of relations slowly but surely; loses his wife and children, as also is health; leaves his birth place or
permanent abode and goes elsewhere; bereft of happiness.

Rahu - Loses his wealth and relations; stays continuously in one place; his friends below to low class; his only son
will be helpful to him but as dutiful as son to father.

Ketu - Untidy appearance; bad character; never discharges his duties as a member of his community; low thinking;

House property

If there is exchange of signs between lords of of 1 and 5 and there is benefic aspect to one or both, the native will
have a number of houses.

House haunted by spirits

If lord of 4th is posited in 6, 8 or 12, which happens tobe a sign owned by a malefic and aspected by a malefic, the
native's residence will be haunted by spirits or devils.

Loss of house is indicated by the following 3 Yogas :-

If lords of 2, 10 and 12 are associated with malefics and stand in 6/8/12,. Under this Yoga, the number of malefics
in association with lords of 2, 12 & 10 indicate the number of houses that will be lost.

If lord of 4th is debilitated and stands in 12/2, whilst lord of Asdt is combust.

Weak lord of 4th in 6/12 whilst a malefic is standing in or aspecting the 4th house.

Loss of mother

If lord of 4th is in 6/8/12 or Moon is very weak/debilitated/combust, loss of mother is indicated.

Whilst the lords of 4th is in 6/8/12, Moon is standing in 3 or 5 hemmed in between malefics, loss of mother is

If lord of 4th or 4th house or Moon is hemmed in between malefics, without benefic aspect, loss of mother is

Waning Moon close to Amavasya in 6/8/12 whilst Sun & Mercury are standing in 4th, also indicates loss of mother.

Mother's Longevity

The planet standing in 4th, lord of 4, planet aspecting the 4th and the significator for 4th viz. Moon. If these 4
planets enjoy stay in won/friendly houses or exaltation, possess strength, full span of life for mother would result.
Sloka #19

Prosperity & Longevity

Lord of 9th in 4th, which happens to be Taurus, Libra or Cancer, whilst the rest of planets mentioned in sloka #19
enjoy strength as stated therein :-

The native will possess conveyances, palanquins, enjoy happiness daily, full span of life, paraphernalia, comforts
for mother, help from relatives; costly and tasty food daily; respect and reputation.

Bodily Happiness

If lord of 9 is in 9 whilst lord of 4 occupies the 4th, the native will enjoy bodily happiness & prosperity. If at the
same time, lord of Asdt is in Asdt or aspects Asdt or a benefic aspects the Asdt, the native will also have a good
number of friends, acquaintances and following.

General Happiness

Lord of Asdt in 4th and lord of 9 in 9th or powerful lord of Asdt standing in Asdt denotes that the native will be
enjoying happiness in all directions.

Asdt, 4th and 9th are the 3 houses involved in this Yoga. If only two of these are strong, there will be 75% benefic
effects; if only one of them is strong, only 25% benefic effects effects are likely.

If strong lord of 4th is conjunct with lord of Asdt, in their major periods, all travels and journeys will be joyful and
happy; particularly the major period of lord of 4th will confer more auspicious results; If lord of 4th is conjunct with
lord of 2 and/or 9, there will be gain of wealth and prosperity.

Lord of 4th in 4th whilst lord of 9th is standing in 9th, aspected by Jupiter OR lords of 4, 9 and Jupiter stand in Asdt
with strength, the native will enjoy high prosperity and have a pious & benevolent outlook, strength, respect and

Loss of mother

Lord of 4th, planet standing in 4th and the significator for 4th -- if all these 3 are debilitated or combust and if lord
of Asdt happens to be inimical to them, there will be loss of home & happiness. If Moon is weak, debilitated or a
combust planet is standing in 4th, loss of mother, servitude with humiliation, frustration etc. is indicated.

Bodily Happiness

If lord of Asdt is in 4th, in the major period of lord of 4th, there will be bodily happiness and growth of relatives.

If strong lord of 9th is in 4th or Asdt or the significator for 4th viz. Moon is similarly placed (in 4th or Asdt), in their
major periods, auspicious effects concerning the 4th house will occur.

Even when lord of 4th is in inimical house or debilitation whilst lord of 9th (who is himself in inimical house or
weak otherwise) is standing with debilitated or weak lord Asdt, there will be a mixture of good and bad effects in
their respective major periods.

Note : The author seems to imply that the connection between lords of 1 & 9 will always produce good results,

upon the strength of the planets involved. Since the lord of 4th is very weak in this Yoga, bodily
comforts & happiness

will be almost NIL.

If a benefic is in 4th with Moon, the happiness derived by the native will depend upon the significations of the

The effects of the 4th house depend upon the strength of lord of 4th, planet posited in the 4th, planet aspecting
the 4th and the significator.


Lord of 4 in 6, lord of 8 conjunct malefic whilst a malefic is standing in Asdt or 5th, the native will have no
education and will become an idiot.


The native will get good education if the lord of 4th is in quadrant/trine which happens to be a sign owned by a
benefic; or is conjunct/aspected by a benefic; or standing on good number of benefic vargas.

Lord of 4th in a benefic sign conjunct/aspected by Jupiter/Venus indicates high academic achievements.


Delineations/predictions concerning death & reputation of a native should be made from 4th/10th or Mars, if
strong. Similarly, other aspects of life are determined as follows :-

Happiness - from the strength of Jupiter

Ornaments - ............................... Mercury

Cosmetics and sweet smelling articles - Moon

Intelligence - 5th House

Daughters from 9, 7, 5 or Jupiter

Sons from 9, 5 and their lords and Sun

Ability to write and conveyances from 9, 7, 5.


f the lord of the sign occupied by the dispositor of Mars is conjunct with lord of 4th or in 4th, the native will
possess vast landed property.


If Venus in 4th is conjunct/aspected by a benefic, the native will will have a conveyance.


Jupiter's aspect to 4th indicates a number of relatives.

Moon's aspect on lord of 4th indicates longevity for mother.


Lord of 4 in Asdt whilst Moon is conjunct with lord of Asdt, the native will have horses for conveyances.

Lord of 4 conjunct Venus indicates that the native will have palanquins.

Moon occupying the vargas of lord of Asdt and having connections with Venus & Jupiter indicates conveyances of
3 different types that will be owned by the native.


Lord of 9 in Asdt, 4th or 9th whilst lord of 10th is in Asdt or aspects Asdt, the native will become a Prabhu.

Lord of 4 in 9 in company of Venus and Jupiter, whilst lord of 9 is in 4th or quadrants/trines, the native will possess

many types of conveyances in addition to having lordship over a country.

Whilst lords of 9 and 10 are united, if lord of 4th is exalted, same results as in the previous Yoga.

Lord of 4 conjunct benefic whilst lord of 9th is exalted indicates that the native will assume position equivalent to a

If lord of 9 is aspected by Jupiter whilst lord of 4 is in Asdt, the native will be respected by King.


If lords of 11, 9 and 4 aspect the 4th, the native will possess conveyances, enjoy good health and happiness.

Lord of 4 in 12 aspected by lord of 9th indicates rickety conveyances.

Chapter V

5th House

The following are the effects of planets posited in the 5th House :-

Sun - Suffers serious sorrows in childhood; mediocre financial status; poor enjoyments; likes company of those
young in age; will have one son; wealth earned by himself; hard hearted but with wavering mentality; professions
involving much labour.


Full Moon - Good financial status; happiness in various directions; loss of mother in early age; happiness
concerning children.

Weak/Malefic Moon - Bereft of happiness concerning mother and children.

Mars - Suffers sorrow due to loss of children.

Mars in exaltation - Ability to argue; successful; very miserly; will have one son.

Mars in 5th from Moon - High devotion.

Mercury - Happy with wife and children; prosperity; good looking broad face; devotion towards Preceptor &
Brahmins; neat & tidy.

Jupiter - Prosperous with family and children; lustrous body; pleasant to look at; does good to all.

Venus - Prosperous with family and children; loved by his relations; very wealthy; praiseworthy habits; assumes
positions like Head of a society; well wisher; loved by beautiful women.


in enemy house - Poor financial status; bereft of sons; suffers sorrows.

exalted/own/friendly house - moderate financial status; moderate happiness & sons.

Rahu -

in Cancer/Leo - Bereft of sons and almost always angry.

in other signs - Wanders in various places; adopts a son from a low family; ill dressed.

Ketu - Proficiency in writing/astronomy/mathematics; evil thoughts always; quarrelsome; does harm to his father.


If Jupiter/Venus is in 5th conjunct/aspected by a benefic whilst lord of 5 is conjunct benefic, the native will have
many sons/daughters; great prosperity; ability to understand the various sciences.

If lord of 5 is strong and posited in 5, 7 or Asdt without a malefic aspect, birth of children is sure.

If lord of 5 happens to be Sun, Mars or Jupiter, occupying a masculine navamsa, sons will be born depending the
strength of lord of 5.

In the same way as sons are determined, daughters should be determined through Venus & feminine planets
occupying feminine navamsas.

If lord of 5 is in extreme exaltation with navamsa in a masculine sign, aspected by a benefic and without any
malefic aspect, many sons will be born.

Even when the lord of 5 is occupying a sign other than 6/8/12, with benefic aspect, and the lord of 5 is strong, birth
of children is certain.

No children

Unaspected by benefic, a malefic in 5th of Jupiter/Moon/Asdt, indicates that no children will be born.

Malefic in 5th, un aspected by benefic, whilst lord of 5th is hemmed in between malefics, indicates no children.

Adopted Son

If the 5th happens to be a Mercurian/Saturnian sign, conjunct/aspected by Mercury/Saturn respectively, the native
will adopt a son.

Loss of children

if lord of 5 is in 8 or lord of 8 in 5, and if there is no benefic aspect on lord of 8th, loss of children will occur.

If lord of 5 is weak whilst Jupiter is hemmed in between malefics and not conjunct/aspected by benefic, loss of
children would occur.

Lord of 5 with a malefic whilst lord of 5th is hemmed in between malefics and not aspected by benefic, loss of
children would occur.


If lord of 5 is posited in 8th, the native will become very intelligent. Mercury/Jupiter in trine also denotes same


Children and prosperity can be determined from lord of 9th or 5th.

Feminine planet in feminine sign, conjunct/aspected by a feminine planet indicates birth of a daughter without fail.


If lord of 5 is conjunct/aspected by a masculine planet or Jupiter, son will be born.

If Jupiter is posited in a friendly house, own house/exaltation, or conjunct with a masculine planet or Jupiter
aspects the 5th, son will be born.

Time of birth

If there is exchange of signs between lord of 5 and Jupiter, in major period of lord of 5 but in the sub-period of
Jupiter, a son will be born.


If the significator for children and lord of 5 are both standing in feminine signs, birth of daughter is indicated; if
both in masculine signs, sons are indicated.

Either lord of 5 and/or Jupiter in 5th in conjunction of a feminine planet indicates birth of twins --- a boy and a girl.

In the matter of delineations to be made concerning children, the significator for children, viz. Jupiter, is to be
given importance; and if Jupiter is in 6/8/12, the effects flowing from the 5th house will be moderate.

Lord of 5, significator for 5, planets posited in 5 and planets aspecting 5th, in the order of priority given --- if these
4 planets are benefics, the native will be highly educated, birth of son is certain, increase of children, luck from
children etc. depending on the strength of the 4 planets. Even death of children will occur in their major period, if

The intelligence of the child to be born has to be determined from the navamsa occupied by the 5th bhava
madhya. The languages mastered by the native, prayer, worship, inclination towards philosophy and scriptures are
all to be decided with reference to the 5th house.
The planets in conjunction with Jupiter and lord of 5th indicates the habits, temperaments and inclinations of the
children to be born.

If lord of 3 and Moon are standing in 5th, aspected by lord of 5th, there will be birth in mother's house.

If the 4th from the sign occupied by lord of 5, or the 5th is occupied by Jupiter, a number of sons are indicated.
Mars in 5th from Jupiter indicates loss of children. Saturn's aspect on such Jupiter indicates a few children. Venus

in 5th indicates happiness on account of children. Sun in 6/8/12 conjunct an inimical planet, whilst Saturn is
aspecting Jupiter, indicates the native will adopt a child.

Chapter VI

6th House

The following are the effects produced by the planets posited in the sixth house :-

Sun - Intelligent; helpful to relatives and family; head of the household; handsome and sensual; conquers enemies;
versed in methodology.


Weak or debilitated - Bereft of happiness; sickly; suffers sorrow.

Full Moon - Good stature; happiness of a high order; respect.

Mars - Defeats enemies; sons; finance.

Weak Mars - Unpleasant to look at; engaged in sinful and harsh actions.


debilitated - Depends on those whom he dislikes.

in benefic sign or aspected by benefic - Success over enemies.

Jupiter - Suffers defeat at the hands of his enemy initially but ultimately, gains the upper hand.

Venus - Wastes away his own wealth; success over enemies.


in enemy house/debilitation - Fear from low class people

in other houses - Clears debts; success over enemy; children and finance.

Rahu - Defeats enemies; enjoyments from children; finance; his wife will have a peaceful mind; educated;
prosperous; happy.

Ketu - Inclined to be associated with rogues and cheats; almost always sickly; ill-dressed.


In some cases, Saturn in the 6th which happens to be an inimical sign, causes death. The reasoning for such an
effect is that the 6th which is an Upachaya House, denoting increase. 6th House governs diseases and Saturn in
there aggravates the trouble and causes death, being in an inimical sign.

Benefics cause increase, abundance etc. depending on their strength and goodness. Malefics cause destruction. By
nature, malefics and benefics do so. There is a school of thought which believes that benefics in the 6th cause
increased sickness and malefics in the 6th cause destruction of sickness, enemies etc. Yavanas, another school of
thought, do not agree with them, but hold that benefics in 6/8/12 destroy the effects flowing from that house,
thereby indirectly causing good to the native. In view of the opposing views held by many, these houses and the
effects flowing therefrom, should be intelligently considered.

Malefics are destroyed by benefics; the aspect from a benefic to malefic has the effect of softening/reducing the
malefic effects conferred by a malefic. So also, benefics in 6/8/12 go to destroy the bhava, thus causing indirectly,
good to the native. Malefics in dusthana cause more troubles to the native, than otherwise.

Chapter VII

7th House

The following are the effects produced by planets posited in the seventh house :-

Sun - in exaltation - Frequently moves about; suffers deafness; dark red complexion; light yellow coloured hair;
suffers from loss of wife; learning.

Moon - Broad round face; fulfils desired of young women; very fair complexion;

if malefic or aspected by malefic - lean body; bereft of happiness; sickly wife.

Mars -

in debilitation/enemy house - loss of wife.

in exaltation or otherwise strong - separation from wife.

Mercury - Handsome looking; lucky; slightly oversexed wife; the native will be sexually weak or undersexed;
defeated by women; loves wife.

Jupiter - Wife, wealth and respect; religious minded; enjoyments; full happiness as a householder.

Venus - Son; very wealthy; large family; his wife will be a bit oversexed; good looking face; his company is desired
by beautiful women.

Saturn - He will lose his wife due to sickness; he will marry again and lose his wife again; Once more he will marry,
even she will die. Literally there will be death of as many wives as he marries.

Rahu - The native will lose his wife due to sickness and thereafter, will be going after women of questionable
character, adulterous girls, dirty women, barren women and widows.

Ketu - Engaged in professions considered low class or below dignity by many; looks charming; desired by young
women; causes sorrow to himself and his wife.

# of Girl-friends

If lord of 7th is in deep exaltation or own house, with aspect of benefic or Venus, the native will have a number of
girl friends.

Loss of wife

If 7th house is hemmed in between malefics whilst lord of 8th is posited in the 8th or Venus is conjunct malefic,
loss of wife will occur for sure.


Venus in quadrant/trine/own house whilst lord of 2nd/7th is in 4th house, the native will spend his life joyfully
with his wife. If Venus is this Yoga is elsewhere and aspected by a malefic, more than one wife is indicated.

Venus in quadrant/trine or 2nd/7th with aspect/conjunction of lord of 2nd/7th, the native will enjoy life with his
wife and wealth.


A native with strong Venus in 7th conjunct or aspected by Mercury will be highly sexed.

Little Marital Happiness

Lord of 7 is dusthana 6/8/12 whilst dispositor thereof is standing elsewhere not with lord of 7, denotes that the
native will have little marital happiness.

Good Wife

Lord of 7th in quadrant/trine aspected by benefic, indicates a good wife.


If lord of 7th is conjunct/aspected by Venus, the native will passionately love his wife.

Same results as above if lord of 7th is in Taurus/Libra whilst Venus is in 2nd.


If Venus and lord of 7th are conjunct in one sign along with other planets, the native will have as many girl-friends
as there are planets with Venus.

The number of planets conjunct with lord of 7th indicates the number of girl-friends of the native. Under this Yoga,
the native will have a married wife plus a certain number of girl friends.

If lord of 7 and 4 are conjunct with malefics, number of girl-friends will equal the number of strong planets
associated with lords of 7 and 4, in addition to having a wife.

If Venus is posited in 2/6/7 or conjunct with malefics, the native will have girl-friends besides wife.

Father's Character

If lords of 4 & 6 are united in 10th house, the native's father should be presumed to have had contacts with
women other than his wife.

Contacts with other women

The native will have contacts with women other wife if

Lord of Asdt along with a malefic is posited in 2/6/7

Lord of Asdt, 7th and a malefic posited in the 2nd.

One Wife

Lord of 2nd in 2nd along with lord of 7th indicates that the native will enjoy with his wife throughout life. If there
are other strong planets in their company, additional number of girl-friends or wives have to be determined from
their number.

Two wives

If lords of 2 and 7 are together in signs other than the 2nd, or there is a malefic in the 7th and the lord of 7th is
conjunct malefic(s), the native will have 2 wives.

Two marriages

If lord of 7th in debilitation in company of Venus, whilst a malefic stays in the 7th, there will be 2 marriages.

Loss of wife

If Venus and 2nd house are simultaneously conjunct/aspected by a malefic whilst lord of 2nd is weak, there will be
death of wife.

Lord of 7th in enemy sign, debilitation or combustion or aspected by malefic whilst the 7th house is also aspected
by a malefic, loss of wife is certain.

Lord of 7 is 6/8/12 or without strength, whilst Venus is conjunct with a malefic, loss of wife will occur.

Lord of 7 in 2 or 4 whilst Mars is strong in the horoscope and lord of Asdt is in 12/8, loss of wife will occur.

If the from Asdt/Moon is aspected by both Mercury & Saturn, death/separation from wife will occur.

Married Life

Where the 7th house is aspected by a retrograde or malefic planet, the house will come to grief and the married
life of the native will be unsatisfactory.

Effects of Mars in 7/8

It is harmful to have Mars in 7th/8th from Asdt/Moon/Venus at the time of birth, marriage or puberty. Marital
Happiness is assured with a strong lord of Asdt, 7th lord and dispositor of the 7th lord. Consider these from Moon
& Venus also.

Chapter VIII

8th House

The following are the effects produced by planets posited in the eighth house :-

Sun - Renouncing spirit; frequent changes; diseases caused due to poison; lucky; talkative; too many travels; bad
mentality; low minded.

Moon -

In malefic sign - Death in young age

Jupiter in quadrants from Moon/Asdt - Long life.

Mars - Widower/widow; native's death will be due to accident in water or through weapons or sickness due to
vitiation of blood; poverty in 1st year; sufferings due to piles; weak constitution.

Mercury - Evil thoughts; evil-minded; professions where cruelty is exercised; happiness.

Jupiter - Pilgrimages; long life; good name; happiness from wife and children; lustrous body; charitably inclined but

Venus - The native would be serving under a person credit with many good deeds/charities, but the native himself
will be half as charitable; eats meat; evil looks; sinful.

Saturn - Wanders far and wide; bad luck; troubles and sufferings in young age; some happiness in middle age; very
happy in old age.

Rahu - Sickly; death by snake-bite; evil minded; likes company of low class people but rich.

Ketu - Talks ill of Lord, Preceptor and even his parents; stealing habit; evil minded.

Long Life

If lord of 8th is exalted, in own house, quadrant/trine with conjunction or aspect of benefic or standing in a
benefic sign, the native will enjoy long life.

Even if lord of 8th is is in dusthana 6/8/12, with a malefic, if Saturn is powerful enough, the native will enjoy long

If lord of 8th and Saturn are both strong in the horoscope, and if both are conjunct with a malefic, whilst long life is
assured for the native, he will be undergoing various adversities.

If lord of 8th is exalted whilst Saturn is conjunct with a benefic and is fairly strong, long life is assured.

If lords of Asdt & 8th conjointly stand in 6 or 12 OR lords of 6 and 12 conjointly stand in Asdt or 8th, long life is

Lords of 10, Asdt and 8th (individually or severally) standing in 11 or quadrant/trine indicates long life, depending
upon the strength enjoyed by Saturn in the horoscope.

If benefics are standing in quadrant/trine or own house, whilst lord of 8th is in 8th or lord of Asdt is in Asdt, long
life and full prosperity are assured.

Poor Longevity

If lord of 8th is conjunct with a malefic or standing in a sign owned by a malefic which happens to be 6th, 8th or
12th, poor longevity is indicated.

Death when ?

In the major period of lord of 8th in 6/8/12, but in the sub-period of the dispositor thereof, there is possibility of
death of the native.

In the major period of the dispositor of Saturn posited in 8th, in own sub-period or the sub-period of malefic,
death will occur.

Short Life

If lord of 8th in company of lord of Asdt and a malefic, stands in 6/8/12, short life is indicated.

Lord of Asdt in company of Rahu/Ketu if standing in 6/8/12 indicates short life.

if there is another malefic in company of lord of Asdt and Rahu/Ketu, death will occur in the major period of the
dispositor or the malefic standing in 8th or one of the planets in conjunction with the lord of 8th.

Atma Pinda
Lord of 10 in 8th or vice-versa whilst lord of Asdt is with a benefic, the native will be performing the ceremony
whereby he will offer Atma Pinda in Gaya.

Long Life

If lord of 8th, Asdt and Saturn are involved or connected with a benefic Yoga, operating on the horoscope, long life
is indicated provided Rahu is not involved.

Death when ?

If lord of 10th is with Rahu and any other planet(s) and they are all standing in 6/8/12, death will occur in the sub-
period of Rahu in the major period of the planet in association with the lord of 10th or dispositor of lord of 10th.

Death by sunstroke

If lord of Asdt is debilitated or in enemy house or in 8th in conjunction of a benefic, the native will die of sunstroke
in early age.

Death when ?

If lord of Asdt is in Asdt and lord of 8 in 8th, then death will occur in the major period of one of these and in sub-
period of the other; death is also likely in the major periods of benefics but in the sub-periods of lord of Asdt or

Should the major period of lord of 8th be running at birth, death is likely in the sub-period of lord of Asdt.

If either lord of Asdt or 8th is standing in company of Saturn in 5th/9th or quadrant, death will occur in the major
period of the weakest planet involved in the Yoga.

If weak lord of 8th is conjunct another planet and is standing in quadrant/trine, death will occur in the major
period of lord of 8th.


In the major period of Saturn standing in Asdt or 8th, the native will suffer various adversities.

Death when ?

If the lord of Asdt and 8th are standing in company of another planet in quadrant/trine, death is likely in the major
period of the planet posited in 8th, if any.

If the lord of Asdt along with a malefic planet is standing in the 8th, death will occur in the major period of the
weaker of the two in 8th.

Death of Father - when ?

Find out the planet or planets standing in conjunction with the lord of 5th and add up their major period years
Vimshottari Maha Dasa Years. If there is only one planet in conjunction with lord of 5, his major period years only
should be considered. Divide the above major period years by 12; the balance counted from Aries indicates the
sign through which --- when Sun passes --- death of father will occur.

If lord of 5 is standing alone, then his major period years only are considered i.e. the major period years of lord of 5
will be divided by 12; the balance left over indicates the month of death.

Now we proceed to determine the date on which death will occur in the month already indicated, as follow :-

Find out the planet(s) standing in conjunction with the lord of Asdt and add up their major period years and divide
by 30; the balance counted from the date on which Sun entered the sign indicated above will give the date of
death. Where the lord of Asdt is standing alone the major period years of the lord of 5th is again taken into
consideration and divided by 30; the balance counted from the date of entry of Sun into the sign first indicated,
gives the date of death. In other words,where both the lord of 5th and lord of Asdt are standing alone in a
horoscope, the major period years of lord of 5 is divided by 12, to find out the month and then, divided by 30 to
find out the date.

In the horoscope given below, the lord of Asdt is standing alone whilst the lord of 5th is in company of Jupiter.
Therefore, major period years of planet in conjunction with lord of 5 i.e. Venus (lord of 5) in conjunction with
Jupiter - 16 years divided by 12, gives a balance (remainder) of 4 pointing to Cancer Karkata.

Since lord of Asdt is standing alone, the major period years of lord of 5 Venus i.e. 20 years is divided by 30; balance
20 or the death of father is to be expected on the 20th day counted from the date of entry of Sun into Cancer.

Cause of Death

The 22nd decanate drekkana is highly inauspicious and denotes all about the death of a native. From it, from its
lord, planet in conjunction with or aspecting such lord, the dispositor (by sign) of the lord of the 22nd decanate,
cause of death of native can be determined. The strongest of the above or Saturn will be the one causing death.
Sloka # 39


Benefics in 8th cause death, whilst malefics in 8th with or without malefic aspect indicate that the native's means
of livelihood is through evil ways.

Accidental Death

A malefic in 6th Kalaha sthana - house of enemies, indicates that the native will be highly quarrelsome; if
dispositor thereof is in Varga Sandhi, in between signs or other classifications, accidental death is indicated.

Death - How ?

The type of death or diseases which cause death are to be determined from the lord of 22nd decanate, the sign in
which posited and the planets in association with the lord of the sign.

Death of relatives

Whilst the death and manner of death are determined with reference to the 8th from Asdt in regard to the native,
likewise, the death of father, mother, brother, wife are indicated by :-

8th house counted from the house of father 9th

........................................................ mother 4th

........................................................ brother 3rd

........................................................ wife 7th

In the same way as the 22nd decanate has been determined for the native, the 22nd decanate should be
determined for the concerned relatives from the decanate in which the centre of the house falls. In determining
the cause of death of relatives, follow the instructions given sloka #39 above.

Long Life for Father

If benefics stand in both 4th and 9th, father of the native will be long lived.

Death of Mother - When ?

Death of mother will occur in the sub-period of lord of 6th occurring in the major period of lord of 4th, if lord of
8th is posited in 6/12.

Death of Parents

Death of father is likely in the major period of lord of 4th conjunct with lord of 12 or in the major period of Saturn.
Death of mother is likely in the major period of planet in conjunction with the above planets.

Death of mother will occur in the sub-period of Rahu which occurs prior to major period of Moon, if lord of 4th is
in 3rd in the company of eclipsed Moon.

Death of mother will occur in the sub-period of the dispositor of Moon who is standing in 4th if it happens to be a
friendly sign or exaltation for Moon.

Death of mother is possible in the sub-period of Moon in the major period of dispositor of lord of 4th, if dispositor
of lord of 4th & Moon are standing together.

If Moon and lord of 4th are standing together in 4th; death of mother is likely in the major period/sub-period of
lord of 12th, occurring prior to Moon's major period.

Death of mother is likely in the sub-period of Rahu in the major period of Moon or lord of 6th, if Moon or lord of
6th has the aspect of lord of 4th.

Lord of 9th in conjunction with Rahu will cause early death of father. Death likely in the major period of the

Lord of 9th standing even otherwise can cause death of father. Planet in 9th, lord of 9th, planet in conjunction with
Sun also cause death of father in their major periods.

Death due to sins

Rahu/Ketu standing alone in the 9th, denotes that the native will die due to sins committed in his previous birth.

If the dispositor of lord of 9th or the dispositor of Sun is conjunct Rahu, death should be presumed to be due to
sins of previous birth.

Death of Father

Death of father will occur in the major period of lord of 9th, if lord of 9th is in 9th with Rahu.

If Sun or lord of 9th is conjunct with Rahu or lord of 9th is with Saturn, death of father is indicated in the major
period of one of the planets involved.

Even if a planet(s0 enjoying exaltation/moolatrikona/own house is conjunct with Rahu, death of father is likely in
the major period of the former.

If Sun at birth is in 5 or 9, loss of father is likely in the major period of Saturn.

Death of father is likely in the major period of a malefic,connected with Sun and Rahu, standing in the 8th from
lord of 5th/9th/Asdt; if not, in the major period of the worst malefic in this lot.

Any planet along with Rahu/Ketu in Leo; in the major period of the weaker planet in this group, death of father will

Death of father will occur in the major period of a planet associated with Sun.


Destruction will occur to a particular house or its significations from the 8th house thereof. Predictions
concerning a bhava should be based on the bhava concerned, planets in there, lord of the house, the aspects on
that house; malefic/benefic nature and the intensity of the results will depend on their strength.

Prediction should take into account the times (age) and the country in which the native is lives; highly malefic
yogas operating on a horoscope with connections to 8th house may cause premature death or death in

Longevity of a native should be thought of ONLY after the native has completed 16 years.

Chapter IX

9th House

The following are the effects produced by planets posited in the 9th house :-

Sun - Speaks truth; helpful to his family; devotion; suffers from sickness during early age; courageous; various
enjoyments and wealth; long life; good looking.

Moon -

Full Moon - Various kinds of enjoyments; wealth; passionate; his company is sought by women.

Weak Moon/Debilitated - Bereft of enjoyments; poor; dull headed; foolish.

Mars - Suffers from eye troubles in bith eyes; his eyes will be pale yellowish in colour; financially a good status;
enjoyments; luck; untidy in dressing; in service of high personalities; proficiency in work done by hands.

Mercury - Prosperity, sons and happiness; taste for inciting quarrels; sinful notions; most of his prosperity is in the
form of lands and ancestral wealth.

Jupiter - Importance or high status in his community; wealth; cleanliness; proficient in writing; rich; happiness;

Venus - Self earned wealth; reputation; status; enjoyments; cleanliness; devotion; pilgrimages.

Saturn - Proud and boastful; mediocre financial status; uncharitable; differences with parents.

Saturn in 5th also gives similar results.

If Saturn in 9th is conjunct malefic, a very poor financial status would result

besides making the native sickly.

Rahu - His actions and professions are those befitting low class society; stingy; ill dressed; loved by distant
relatives; troubles from his community; his enemies will be cunning.Ketu - Valorous; incites quarrels amongst
others; handles matters as an adept in worldly affairs; talkative; pushing in nature.


If lord of 9 is in 9th whilst Venus is occupying the 4th, the native will enjoy happiness in many directions

throughout life.

Lord of 9th is 6th indicates little happiness.

A strong benefic owning the 9th indicates good wealth.


Venus in conjunction of a benefic in 9th indicates that during the major period of lord of 9th, the native

will be amassing wealth.


Lord of 4 in 2nd or a benefic standing in 9th whilst the 9th happens to be a sign owned by a benefic,

indicates that the native will be owning a conveyance of a decent type throughout life.

The native will never own a conveyance if both lord of 4 and Jupiter (individually or severally) stand

in malefic signs and/or 6, 8 or 12.

Moon in 2/4 (which happens to be sign owned by a benefic) or Moon in conjunction with a benefic

standing in 2nd or 4th indicates gain of a horse for conveyance purposes and as a mark of honour.

If at the same time, lord of 11th is in 4th, the native will have paraphernalia.


Gain of white umbrella as a mark of honour would result if lord of 7th is posited in a benefic sign

with conjunction/aspect of a benefic.

If lord of 7th is posited in a malefic sign conjunct or aspected by a malefic, opposite results are



If lords of 9th, Asdt and 7th are posited in 9th/11th conjunct/aspected by a benefic, the native

will become very wealthy.

Self-made man

Whilst lords of 9 and 6 exchange signs, lord of 11th is standing in 9th, the native will be a self-made man
enjoying power, pelf and luck.


In the major period of benefic(s) in conjunction of lord of 4th, there will be increased prosperity

and happiness.

In the major period of malefic(s) in conjunction with lord of 4th, adverse effect will be suffered.

Jupiter/Mercury in exaltation/friendly sign in the 9th, whilst dispositor thereof is fairly strong,

the native will not only be charitably inclined but will also become head of public institutions
run for public benefit.

Juputer and Venus in Mercurian signs, whilst lord of 9th is posited in a sing owned by a benefic

or is hemmed in between benefics, similar results will occur.

Even if a benefic is in 9th standing on malefic navamsa and malefic shashtiamsa will incline the

native towards unrighteous ways.

Pure Heart

Lord of 9th, Significator for 9th and 9th bhava madhya (9th house cusp - Nirayana). If all these

are on benefic classifications or associated or aspected by benefic, the native will be charitably

inclined and will have a pure heart.

Paternal prosperity

Full paternal prosperity and happiness from father is ensured if lord of 9th is a benefic, or there

is a benefic posited in 9th and the Significator for 9th is conjunct/aspected by a benefic.

Same results as above will occur if the 9th happens to be a benefic sign with a benefic posited

in there.

Death of father

A malefic in 9th with another malefic or both the lord of 9th and the Significator for 9th are

conjunct with a malefic --- death of father is likely in sub-period of malefic posited in 9th.

Malefic lord of 9th OR Significator for 9th, standing on malefic or inimical navamsa and in

conjunction with Saturn/Gulika will cause death of father, in their major period.

Adores his father

If lord of 9th from Asdt is powerful or the Significator for 9th is aspected by benefic, the native

will have great adoration for his father.


If the Ascendants of father and that of the son are in 6th/8th of each other, there will be

bitterness between father and son.

If the Asdt of son happens to be the 9th or 2nd from his father's Asdt, son will

adore his father.


If lord of 2nd is in 11th, dispositor thereof in 9th whilst lord of 9th is conjunct/aspected

by lord of 10th, the native will become very wealthy.

Respect from King

If lord of 4th is in Asdt conjunct with lord of 9th and aspected by Jupiter, the native will be

honoured by King.


If lords of 2 and 9, either stand in or aspect the 11th, there will be gain of conveyance and


Wealth through brothers

Lord of 3 in 3rd, whilst the lord of 9th happens to be a benefic, standing in a benefic sign or

navamsa or varga, aspected by a benefic, the native will gain wealth through his brothers.

Prosperous children

Jupiter in 5th whilst lord of 5th is standing in 9th conjunct/aspected by a benefic indicates

that the native will have very prosperous children.


Exchange of signs between lords of 3 and 9, whilst Mars is standing in 3rd, indicates wealth

from distant relatives.

Luck through enemies

Exchange of signs between lords of 6 and 9 indicates luck through enemies.

No wealth

If lord of 9 is in 9th with a number of malefics, whilst the lord of Asdt is weak, the native

will have no wealth.


Whilst the lord of Asdt is powerful, if Venus or Jupiter or lord of 9th stand in 9th or any one

of them aspect the 9th, there will be growth of prosperity, slowly but surely.


If the 9th and Asdt or their lords are occupying malefic vargas (classifications) or are being

aspected by Saturn, luck and prosperity will be destroyed.

Lord of 11 in 9, lord of 9 in 1 whilst lord of Asdt is in 11th, the native's prosperity will be

more due to his good deeds in previous birth.


Lord of 3 in 9th in company of Sun indicates that the native will have connections with

other women.

Death of father

If Sun and Moon are standing in 9th whilst the Asdt is strong, death of father in early ages

of a native is indicated.


In a horoscope where lords of 1, 2, 4 and 9 are standing in quadrants/trines, death of father,

mother and self should be expected in major period/sub-period of the said lords.

Death of native

If both the lords of Asdt and 7th are standing together in a quadrant/trine, native's death is

likely in the major period of the dispositor thereof.

Many wives

If lords of 9, 5 and 7 are weak and are posited in 6, 8 or 12 (individually or severally) and

if no benefic is posited in 5th, the native will have many wives/girl friends.

Son out of wedlock

If a native has no children at all but has a powerful lord of 5, he will beget a son out of

wedlock when the lord of 5 (during transits) is being aspected by a powerful malefic

in transit through an enemy sign.


Bondage of the native will occur during the major/sub-period of strong Saturn, lord of 6th

and lord of Asdt, provided they are standing together in quadrant/trine.


Matters concerning cows may be decided with reference to Jupiter.

" " buffaloes " Saturn

" " goats " Rahu/Ketu

" " horses " Sun

Chapter X

10th House

The following are the effects produced by planets posited in the 10th house :-

Sun - Various kinds of enjoyments and happiness; charitable; self respect; does not eat much but likes sweet and
good stuff; taste for music; in good books of big wigs; renouncing spirit.

Moon -Very wealthy; praiseworthy habits; calm disposition; sons and grand children; full family enjoyments;
bronchial disorders; lean body; kind-hearted; without a fixed profession.

Mars - Success in encounters; wealthy; owns landed property; suffers from disorders of stomach; easily gets angry;
self respect.

Mercury - Respects elders and Preceptor; very wealthy; self earned wealth; speaks little.

Jupiter - Possesses conveyance, gold and studded ornaments; picturesque house; righteous; learned.

Venus - Full fledged family; permanent prosperity; well dressed and good looking; in good books of big wigs;

Saturn - If Saturn is powerful : Very wealthy; servants; does good to menials; quick in picking-up or grasping;
powerful; influence in higher circles; good mannered; enjoys happiness.

Rahu - Passionate and erratic; greed for others' wealth; poverty; changes in environments; sinful; blameworthy

Ketu - Knowledge of shastra; good heart; wealth; enjoyments; blameworthy habits; calm disposition.

Professional Success

Mercury in own house or exaltation ensures success professionally, irrespective of whether lord of 10th

is exalted or not.

An exalted lord of 10th even if standing in 6/8/12; or Mercury and Rahu in 10th indicates professional success in

general for the native.

If Mercury happens to be the lord of 10th and is exalted, the native will be engaged in undertakings

for the benefit of the public.

Rahu alone in 10th will cause some impediments and failures in profession.

A benefic with lordship over 10th in conjunction with another benefic, especially Jupiter, indicates that

the native will be performing religious sacrifices.

Both the benefic and malefic aspects on the lord of 10th will have to be taken into account

in deciding the type and nature of profession for a native.

Jupiter in 10th indicates a native with knowledge and devotion.

Jupiter & Venus in 10th indicate a native who will be engaged in public undertakings, charities and the like. If lord
of 10th also joins the said planets in 10th, such a native would give away a large part of his wealth in charities.

Full Moon and/or Jupiter in 10th (if it happens to be a watery sign), indicates especially pious

and charitable deeds on the part of native.

Self earned wealth

Lord of Asdt and 10th conjointly stand in Asdt or 10th indicates that the native will have a single-pointed mind and

will possess self earned wealth.


Whilst Sun Moon Mercury are standing in 10th or 2nd, if there is union of lord of 10th and Jupiter,

the native will have wealth comparable to that of a King.

Source of wealth

If Venus and lord of 7th together stand in 10th, wealth will accrue through women.

Saturn in 10th indicates wealth through lower castes.

Rahu in 10th indicates wealth through low class/people following mean professions.


Rahu and/or Moon in 10th indicate, depending upon their strength and benefic vargas on which

they stand, that the native would be frequently enjoying bath in Ganges or holy rivers. If lord of

10th is weak and/or associated with malefic, the benefic effects will stand reduced pro-rata.

If lords of 10th, 2nd and Mercury are powerful, the native will be performing highly

charitable deeds for the benefic of public or do religious sacrifices.

Moon in Pisces/Cancer indicates incentive for pilgrimages. If such Moon were in 3rd, the native

will definitely go on a pilgrimage.

Strong benefics in 10th incline a native to perform religious sacrifices.


Mercury in 12th or dispositor of lord of 12th in exaltation indicates that the native will be doing


Impediments in Profession

If the 3 benefics Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in 6/8/12 (individually or severally), conjunct

or aspected by malefic, impediments in profession and failures are likely.


In conjunction with Venus, if lord of 10th is in quadrants or exaltation, the native will be

respected by all.


If lord of 4th is in quadrants in a watery sign with Mars and lord of 10th or Mercury, the native

will attain powers of discrimination/thinking of unity of Jeevatma and Paramatma.


If Mercury and lord of 10th are conjunct/aspected by benefic, the native will be exercising


Sun in 10th in conjunction with Mars, whilst their dispositor is posited in quadrants, indicates

that the native will be harsh in exercising his authority (comparable to magisterial powers &c).

Proficiency in evil lines

Whilst the lord of 10th is debilitated, if a native has Saturn and Rahu in 10th or Rahu/Ketu in

12th, he will be an adept in evil lines (counterfeiting etc.)


A native having Moon in 10th in Parvatamsa, aspected by Jupiter/Venus will enjoy fame.

Fame for a native is assured if one or more benefics are posited in 10th or the lord of 10th

is conjunct with a benefic or the lord of 10th is hemmed in between benefics.

Bad Name

If lord of 10th is conjunct malefics or the lord of 10th is standing in malefic shashtiamsa,

bad name will result.


The native will enjoy honour if a benefic is posited in 10th or the 10th house falls in a sign

owned by benefic or 10th lord is conjunct benefic. Malefic being associated with 10th or

its lord indicates opposite results, including loss of reputation.

Chapter XI

11th House

The following are the effects produced by planets posited in the 11th house :-

Sun - A number of sons; financial gains; service under King/Govt; praiseworthy habits; limited number of friends
and relatives; loved by women; ample enjoyments; engages himself in public undertakings.

Moon -

Full Moon : Administrative powers; enjoys wealth; a number of children.

Weak Moon : Sickly; dull headed; bereft of enjoyments.

Mars - Helpful to outsiders; acquisition of wealth of others; learning; renouncing nature..

Powerful Mars - Wealthy and Kingly status; very energetic; charitable inclinations; passionate; worldly enjoyments.

Mercury - Business gains and wealth thereby; proficiency in work done by hands; engages in various professions
simultaneously; long life; financial status; freedom from diseases.

Jupiter - Fair amount of wealth; conveyances; long life; prosperity; prosperous brothers; reputation; education.

Venus - More than average wealth; very good looking; pleasant to talk to; does not care much for enjoyments;

Saturn - Religious; devotion; interest in profession; happy throughout; enjoys costly and tasty dishes; average body
weight and build.

Rahu - Charitable and broadminded; good looking but sun-burnt complexion; good features; resides mostly away
from birth place; tall; proficiency in use of weapons.

Ketu - Lean body; learned; peculiar features; clever in netting in profits.


If lord of 11th is in 11th in exaltation, moolatrikona, own house or otherwise strong, auspicious effects and gains
will accrue. If lord of 11th is conjunct/aspected by benefic, similar gains will occur.

The planet posited in 11th, lord of 11th, dispositor of lord of 11th, lords of 2 and 10 and planet(s) aspecting

11th will all confer gains.

The question of gains will have to be considered from both the Ascendant and Moon sign, and the nature of

gains will depend more on the nature and strength of the planets mentioned above.

Chapter XII

12th House

The following are the effects produced by planets posited in the 11th house :-

Sun - Poor financial status; renouncing nature; losses all round; easily gets angry; sad but generous; never-ending

Moon -

Weak Moon : Lean body; almost always penniless; mean professions; vengeful.

Full Moon : Broad minded and charitable; showy; renouncing nature.

Mars - Happy but in mean professions; short life; moderate happiness & finance; expenses in evil directions.

Mercury - Clear complexion; poor; curious about others' wealth and women; always on the move.

Jupiter - Worships Shiva; sickly; beautiful; heavy expenses; proud and showy; charitably inclined.

Venus - Henpecked; wealthy; charitable; sorrowful yet humble; earns after heavy labour and endeavour; semi-

Saturn - Expenses on gambling and evil directions; seems to like company of widows and women of bad character;

Rahu - Uncharitable; poor finances; sorrows; broods over unhappy occurrences; even takes to beggary or goes to
other places to seek livelihood; his hair is yellowish.

Ketu - Ear diseases; diseases on head; puts obstacles into others' undertakings; blameworthy habits; attains
salvation in the end.


A powerful benefic in 12th indicates expenses in the right directions; malefics indicate

expenses in wrong directions, losses and wasteful expenses.

If lord of 12 is stronger than lord of 11th, the native's expenses will be more than his

earnings. If lord of 11th is stronger than lord of 12th, income will be more than expenses.

If both are of equal strength (For instance, in the case of Pisces Asdt), income and expenses will be equal.

If there are no planets in 12th, determine effects of this house from the lord of 12.

The effects or predictions concerning Yogas etc. not covered above, will have to be

intelligently delineated by the wise astrologers.


This book has been written based on the sayings of Maharshies like Garga and others for the
benefit of the public, as a result of Lord Bhaskara's Blessings, by Bhaskaracharya, in the Kali
Year 4715.


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