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Chapter I
Sri Gurubhya Namaha
Om Nama Bhagavathe Sivanandaya
Chapter I Ascendant
The house that is conjunct or aspected by its own lord, who is abenefic, will give benefic results pertaining to thathouse.On the other
hand, if the house is
occupied by malefic or lords of 6, 8, 12, the effects pertaining to that house will not materialise in full, or there may be destruction of of
the effects of that house, depending on the severity of the affliction. The house, whose lord is debilitated, or combust or is staying in 6, 8,
12 from the house concerned, will become weak. Houses whose lords are in exaltation, moola-trikona, own house or friendly house will
become strong
If the Ascendant is occupied or aspected by Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus, the native will be good looking. The native will
not be good-looking if Saturn, Rahu or Ketu is in or aspecting the Ascendant. A planet from the former group and one from the latter, if
standing together or aspecting the Ascendant, mixed effects will arise, and the complexion of the native will be attractive but dark
Venus/Jupiter indicate phlegmatic constitution; Saturn/Moon windy; other planets - bilious constitution. These planets if standing in
Ascendant, indicate which of the Tri-dosha (Phlegmatic/windy/bilious) is predominant in the native.
The native will become Satvik if Jupiter or Saturn is in or aspecting Ascendant; Tamasa (brutish/animal like) if Mars or Rahu is
in or aspecting Ascendant; Gyani (learned) if Ketu is in or aspecting the Ascendant; Rajasa (worldly/active) if other planets are in or
aspecting the Ascendant.
Size of body
o Fat body is indicated if Saturn/Moon is in or aspecting the Ascendant.
o Moderate bodySun/Mercury/Jupiter is in or aspecting the Ascendant
o Lean bodyothers
Yasash Renown
If lord of Ascendant is in quadrantltrine/exaltation/own/friendly native will possess yassass or fame.
house, the
If Jupiter is in Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn or Ascendant or 7th, the native will be a respected citizen besides being charitably-
Bodily happiness
The native will enjoy bodily happiness if lord of Ascendant happens to be a benefic or a benefic stays in/aspects the Ascendant, or lord of
Ascendant is staying in quadrantltrine/exaltation/own/friendly house.
Opposite results or very little bodily comforts will be enjoyed by the native if lord of Ascendant is a malefic, in debilitation, in enemy
or if Ascendant is aspected by a malefic or lord of Ascendant is staying in 6, 8, 12 or a malefic is posited in Ascendant.
If Saturn, Mercury or Ketu stand in or aspect 2,5 and 7, the native will be found wanting in sex, depending on the severity of the Yoga.
The 3 planets mentioned should be connected with 1,2 or the 3 houses mentioned.
Saturn in or aspecting the Ascendant will cause rheumatic disorders and make the native weak, as a result of craving for sex.
Mars in or aspecting the Ascendant will cause wounds, troubles from pox, fear from fire and Meha Roga or diabetes.
Saturn in Ascendant occupying his own drekkana company of Rahu or Mars indicates lameness.
Decanate in the
If the 3 planets, Sun. Moon and Mars stand together in 4, 6, 8 or 12th houses, aspected by malefic/enemy, the native will become deaf. If
Mars, Saturn, Sun and Moon stand together in the 5th house, even if there is benefic aspect, disfiguration/loss of nose/ears will occur.
Mars, Saturn and Rahu together in 8th is said to indicate disfiguration/loss of nose for the native according to Kerala Shastra
Loss of life in battle; Mars in 8th conjunct/aspected by Saturn indicates loss of life in battle, if Ascendant happens to be Leo, Aquarius or
Capricorn, whilst Rahu is in a Saturnian sign and Saturn is in Leo.
T.B.; Saturn, Jupiter and Sun standing together in 7th or 8th indicates T.B. Saturn and Jupiter in 7th or 8th indicates lung disorders
whereby blood-stained sputum is spitted out.
Prosperity; While lord of Ascendant is in Asdt or 4th, the lord of 9th in 9th, or Ascendant conjunct/aspected by Venus and Jupiter, the
native will always be enjoying all kinds of prosperity.
Size of Head; Sun conjunct Rahu in Ascendant denotes that the size of head of the native will be less than average but that his stature will
be tall with lone teeth and horse-like neck or bent neck.
Miscellaneous; If Mercury with lordship over 3rd joins with Mars and Saturn and all of them stand in Asdt, the native will be having two
urinary passages or when he passes urine, the flow may appear to fall in two separate streams.
Dumb ; The native will become dumb if lord of 2nd with debilitation joins Jupiter or Mars and stands in 3/6/8/12.
Urinary disorders; If lord of 6th or 7th joins with lord of 12th, and is aspected by Saturn, urinary disorders will result.
Hernia; The native will suffer from Anda Roga Hernia in the major period of Mars, Rahu and Saturn who are standing together in 6th;
OR in the major periods of Jupiter and Rahu if both are standing in Ascendant.
Note: Mars, Rahu and Saturn should be standing together in one sign in the 6th in the first yoga and Jupiter and Rahu together in
the Ascendant in the second yoga. Hump-back
Conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Ascendant indicates hump-back.
Throat Disorder
Conjunction of Saturn, Mars and Rahu in 3rd indicates throat disorders.
Lord of Ascendant and 3rd aspected by Rahu indicates that the native is one of the twins born.
The native should betaken as one of the twins/triplets if the lord of Ascendant is in 10th with a malefic, whilst 4 other planets forming a
Chatur Graha Yoga are standing together in any sign.
Shaven Head
Sun with Rahu/Ketu in 8th indicates that the native will be put to such shame that he would be subjected to have his hair on head
removed or shaven completely.
Note: In the good old times, to put a man to utter shame, the punishment inflicted was to shave off all hair on head. Leprosy
Moon or Mercury becoming lord of Ascendant and standing in company of Rahu/Ketu aspected by Saturn indicates that the native will
suffer from Shweta Kushta white leprosy. This Yoga is applicable for Gemini, Cancer and Virgo ascendants only.
Asana Roga (Fissures/Fistula)
If lord of Ascendant is united with Mars and Mercury, and they are all
standing together in Gemini/Cancer.
Lord of Ascendant is conjunct Mars and aspected by Mercury.
The native will suffer from Asana Roga (a disease affecting the buttocks andthe end of vertebral column, whereby the native would
befacing difficulties
in sitting comfortably). Bodily Comforts
If lord of Ascendant is in quadrant/trine/exalted/own house or standing in friendly sign OR is aspected by Jupiter and Venus, the native
will enjoy bodily comforts and all kinds of prosperity.
Chapter II
2nd House
Lords of Asdt and 2nd in company of Moon standing in 6, 8 or 12 denotes loss of eye sight.
Lords of Asdt and 2nd without the company of Moon denotes loss of sight in the left eye.
If Saturn is connected in any of trhe above 2 yogas, loss of eye sight will occur from birth. Affliction to right eye is indicated by Saturn in
12th and to right eye by Mars in 12th.
If both Sun and Moon stand in Asdt, 2nd or 7th and are aspected by the both
Saturn and Mars, there will be loss of eye sight. If there is benefic aspect in this
Yoga, Budbudha Netra protruding eyes would result.
Moon/Jupiter in 2nd indicates good white eyes. Sun in 2nd indicates red eyes
(or with tapering blood veins visible at ends of eyes)
If lord of 2nd conjoins Moon, the native will have broad white eyes; lord of 2nd
with Sun - broad red eyes.
3 malefics in 12th, Saturn in 2nd whilst lord of Asdt is in 6th. Saturn in Cancer in company of an enemy or aspected by an enemy. Sun
and Moon together in Capricorn aspected by enemy.
Blindness is indicated in the above 3 yogas as per Shastra.
Earnings by theft
The following 3 yogas indicate that the native will be earning by theft/stealing &c.
Rahu in 1,5or9
Lord of 10thin debilitation in 6th/12th
Lord of 11thin inimical sign which happens to be the 8th
A debilitatedplanet in the 2nd
If lord of 2nd is in 3rd or 8th or in exaltation, moola-trikona, or in quadrants in company of or aspected by benefic, the native will
possess good eyes, good finance, good education and happiness.
On the other hand, if lord of 2nd is in 6,12 or enemy house, or debilitation either in company of or aspected by malefic, the
native will NOT enjoy finance, education and happiness through eyes.
Lord of 2nd standing alone in own house/quadrant/trine/exaltation and at the same time is strong, indicates one good wife.
Ascendant falling in Aries, Scorpio or Leo, which is occupied by Saturn who is
both - hemmed in between malefics & aspected by a malefic denotes loss of
If Ascendant is hemmed in between Mars and Ketu, whilst lord of Asdt is alos
hemmed in between malefics, the native will lose his arms according to Kerala
If lord of 2nd is in exaltation which happens to be a quadrant, in company of Moon, the native will have silver vessels for daily use.
In the above Yoga, if lord of 2nd is in company of Jupiter and Venus, golden vessels are indicated.
If lord of 2nd is in exaltation, own house moola-trikona, or quadrant/trine, the native will be a moderate eater.
If lord of 2nd is in evil houses, debilitation or enemy house which happens to be the 3rd or 6th with Ketu, the native will turn out to be a
big eater, consuming large quantities of food.
Lump sum gains
If benefic stands in 2nd or lord of 2nd is in the company of a benefic or aspected by a benefic or the dispositor of lord of 2nd is strong,
the native will get lump sum gains.
If at least one out of the lords of Asdt, 2nd or 11th is without malefic aspect or conjunction, and is standing in a quadrant/trine/exaltation
or own house etc. the native will become rich.
If Mercury happens to be lord of 2nd conjunct or aspected by Ketu, the native will possess gold and precious stones according to Kerala
2 Wives
If both lords of 2nd and 7th are in company of benefic or aspected by benefic and are simultaneously standing in benefic house, there will
be 2 wives.
Chapter III Bhratru Bhava 3rdHouse
Bhrathru Nasha Yoga (loss of brothers) will arise if lord of 3rd is
standing in 2,6,8 or 12, enemy house or debilitation.
Lord of 3 standing in 11th or a malefic in 3rd also indicates loss of
If (i) the 3rd house (ii) lord of 3 (iii) Mars (iv) dispositor of Mars are ALL simultaneously afflicted by malefics, the native will have no
If lord of Asdt or 3rd is fairly strong, but conjunct with malefic, the native will have brothers through a step-mother.
If strong lord of Asdt or 3rd is conjunct both Moon and Mars, the same results are indicated.
So also if lord of 11th is in 11th of lord of 3.
All that is signified by the 3rd house will materialise fully if lord of 3 is
exalted or in own house or friendly house or posited in quadrant/trine
conjunct or aspected by a benefic.
If lord of 3 is in exaltation conjunct or aspected by benefic, there will be
prosperous brothers.
According to Kerala Shastra, there will prosperous brothers/sisters if both
lords of 9th and 10th, are in any way connected with lord of 3.
Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Venus in 3rd indicate valorous brothers; Moon,
Sun or Mercury - funky and miserly brothers; Jupiter or Saturn in 3rd
denotes reputed and well-mannered brothers. The above indications will
occur according to the strength of the planets.
Income from Govt
If lord of 3rd is in conjunction with Mars or has any connection with Mars, and is aspected by benefic, the native will get income from
Conjunction of Sun, Jupiter and Rahu in 3rd denotes sufferings from Hernia.
Conjunction or aspect of masculine planets to 3rd indicates brothers; feminine planets - sisters.
If lord of 3rd is in 6, 8 or 12, or conjunct or aspected by lords of 6/8/12, the native will be exhibiting little or no courage.
The 3rd from Ascendant should be considered for queries concerning youngerbrother; elderbrothers from 11th (3rd from Ascendant In
Apavasya or reverse
Chapter IV
Mathru Bhava
4th House
If lord of 7th is in quadrant/trine or conjunct Venus or lord of 4th is standing in
9th, the native will enjoy/own conveyance.
Either lords of 9th or 10th aspecting or standing in 4th or conjoining with lord
of 4th indicates same result.
Exchange of signs between lords of Asdt and 4th also indicates the same result.
Venus and Jupiter in 4th constitutes an Uthama Vaahana Yoga denoting high
class conveyances.
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in 7th being aspected by lord of 4th indicates
that the native will have various sorts of conveyances including elephants,
horses, palanquins etc.
The native will own conveyances if lord of 4th is in exaltation or 9th is conjunct
with lord of 2nd.
The following constitute Vaahana Yoga (possessing/enjoying conveyances)
Venus aspects Moon
Venus and Moon in 3rd/11th of each other
Jupiter or Venus conjunct lord of 7th
Lord of 9th conjunct with lord of 2nd
Lord of 4th conjunct with lord of 9th or in the 3rd of lord of 9th
Lord of 4th should be strong in all the above cases.
Horse for conveyance purposes with a White Umbrella (a symbol of honour) are denoted by the following Yogas.
Moon in 3rd/4th conjunct with and aspected by benefic Moon in exaltation conjunct with lord of 9th
The native will possess conveyance if lord of 4th is exalted or standing quadrant/trine/11th in company of Jupiter.
The native will always be owning and using a conveyance if lord of 4th is debilitated whilst strong Moon is standing in
quadrant/trine/11th. Note: This sloka has not been verified with reference to any horoscope to which It applies)
Landed Property
Mars in 4th or aspect of Mars to 4th confers landed property on the native. If the lords of 9th and/or 10th are standing in or aspecting the
4th in this yoga, the native wwill own vast areas of land.
Loss of Mother- when ?
If a malefic conjoins lord of 4th or stands in 4th, in the major period of the significator for mother and the sub-period of the malefic or
vice-versa, loss of mother would occur. Significator for Mother is Venus for those born during the day and Moon for those born during
If the significator for mother is in any way connected with lord of 7th and the former is standing in the 4th or is conjunct with lord of 4th,
loss of mother would occur in the major period of former and the sub-period of the latter or vice-versa.
Urinary disorders
The native will suffer from urinary disorders if lords of 4th and 7th stay in 6/8/12 with conjunction of a malefic.
Lord of 9th in 9th in conjunction with a benefic denotes Vaahana Yoga.
2 Mothers
If Mars, lord of 4th is conjunct with lord of 8th aspected by significator for mother.
Mother's character
If Mars with lordship over 11th has company of Sun and there is also a conjunction or aspect of Rahu, mother's character will be of a
questionable nature.
If lord of 11th stays in 11th in company of lord of 4th, the native is assured of help from relatives, conveyance and help from mother.
Prosperous growth of relatives is assured if Jupiter as lord of 4th stays in a benefic house.
Lord of 4th conjunct with a malefic and staying in 6/8/12 denotes that the native will be dull-headed.
Accident in water
Exalted lord of 4th conjunct with lord of 8th and aspected by lord of Asdt denotes accidents in water/fear in water.
The native will attain reputation in his community if lord of 4th is standing in 3,6,10 or 11th from lord of Asdt conjunct in a sign or
navamsa with lords of 9th and 10th.
Occasions for going underground/hiding would arise for a native whose lord of 4th is conjunct Rahu whilst Saturn is occupying 4th
aspected by both Venus and Jupiter.
Chapter V Panchama Bhava 5th House
Barren-ness is indicated
if lord of 2, 5, 7 stays in 6/8/12 hemmed in between his enemy planets
lord of 5th is in enemy house or debilitation while the 9th is occupied by a
Mutual aspect between lords of 5th and 9th causes Vandhya Yoga (barren-ness) according to Kerala Shastra.
If lord of 5th is conjunct with malefic, there will be abortions.
Saturn in 5th causes obstruction to birth of children.
Sun in 5th confers one son.
Mars in 5th confers 2 irresponsible/misbehaved sons besides loss of some
Jupiter in 5th confers 4 well-mannered children.
Venus in 5th confers 4 well-mannered children.
Rahu in 5th confers birth of children outside wedlock.
Ketu in 5th confers baby girls.
Longevity of the children will be dependent on the strength of lord of 5th.
If lord of 5th is conjunct masculine planets - Sun, Mars, Jupiter - birth of sons iscertain; conjunction with feminine planets - Venus,
Moon, Saturn and Rahu -indicates birth of girls first; conjunction with Mercury confers birth of son first,girls later OR twins consisting
of a boy & a girl.Jupiter's aspect to 9th is a
certainty for birth of sons.
First-born will be a daughter if :-
lord of 5th is in 7th
lords of 5th & 7th are together
lord of 5th is in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo or Libra
lord of 5th is conjunct/aspected by Venus, Moon or Rahu
If lord of 5th is in a masculine sign, conjunct or aspected by a masculine planet or Jupiter is in 5th or Asdt, birth of son is certain.
if lords of Asdt & 5th conjoin and stand in 5th, with conjunction/aspect of Moon indicates birth of 1 son only.
indicates birth of 2 sons indicates birth of 1 daughter indicates birth of 1 son & 1 daughter
, with conjunction/aspect of Mercury
with conjunction/aspect of Venus
with conjunction/aspect of Jupiter
with conjunction/aspect of Ketu indicates birth of daughters only.
Birth of children is certain if lord of 5th is standing in quadrants, 11th or exaltation/own house/moola-trikona or conjunct/aspected by
benefic. Benefic in 9th also indicates birth of children.
Mars in 9th gives rise to diseases like chicken-pox etc.
Rahu in 9th indicates travels far and wide.
Saturn in 9th denotes rheumatism/disorders due to 'wind'.
Sun or Moon in 5th or 11th indicates bondage. Even lords of Asdt or 5th getting hemmed in between malefics indicates bondage.
Pain in stomach/heart is indicated if malefic is standing in 5th or 7th whilst lord of 5th or 7th is in evil houses or conjunct malefic.
Earnings from non-vegetarians is indicated if lords of 5 and 2 are standing together in an inimical house.
Chapter VI
Shatru Bhava
6th House
Hydrocelel Menstrual disorders
Hydrocele would result if Mars and Rahu are standing in 6th. The same 2 planets standing in the 7th indicates that the native's wife will
be suffering from Kusuma Raga - menstrual disorders.
Lung disorder
Lung disorder resulting in spitting stained sputum would occur if Ketu joins or aspects lord of 6th or 7th.
Circle of enemies
Circle of enemies will grow if benefic stands in 6th aspected by lord of 6th. Destruction of enemies will occur if a malefic stands in or
aspects 6th.
Rahu in 6th indicates danger from poison/snake
Saturn in 6thfever/theft
Mars in 6thpiles
Moon in 6thfear in water
Jupiter in 6thDeerga Roga Chronic disease
Mercury in 6thbilious disorders
Venus in 6thdissensions with wife
if lord of 6th is exalted, a large circle of brethren is indicated. Sexual contacts
Lords of 6th and 9th conjoining with Rahu/Ketu denotes that the native will have
intimacy with low caste women.
Lord of 6th conjunct Saturn denotes sexual contacts with Soodra women
Lord of 6th conjunct MercuryVaisya women
Lord of 6th conjunct JupiterNenusBrahmin women
Lord of 6th conjunct SunKshatriya women
Jupiter and Rahu standing in 2 or 7 denotes contacts with Chandaala or untouchables.
Note: According to interpretations of slokas bearing on this point, one's own wife, when on menses, irrespective of the community to
which she may belong to, is considered equal to a Chandaala. Even contacts with women in menses may be covered by the sloka.
There will be troubles from enemies for one whose lord of 6th is in 9th conjunct with a malefic. This also results in limited prosperity.
Sufferings from Hernia will result if Mars, Saturn and Rahu combine in the 6th; or Jupiter and Rahu stand in the Asdt.
Lord of 6th in 7th aspected by Mars indicates diseases like chicken-pox etc. If aspected by Rahu (in place of Mars), leprosy is indicated.
Chapter VII
Kalatra Bhava
7 th House
Mars and Rahu in 7th indicates intimacy with women of another
community and getting himself outcast. Moon and Jupiter aspecting
them would result in native being taken back into his community after
Prayaschitham (penitence).
Jupiter and Moon in 7th indicates that the native will be following his
religion rigidly.
The conjunction of 3 planets - lord of 7th, Mars and Rahu in a sign
with conjunction/aspect of Venus indicates that the wife of the native
would become an outcast or hail from a community other than that of
the native.
The results of planets standing in 7th or aspects to the 7th are as under
Moon/Jupiter Saturn Sun/Mercury MarsNenus of women
A pretty/beautiful wife Not good looking and over-aged
The native will have contacts with women other than wife The native will be oversexed and will have contacts with a number
Lord of 7th in company of both Jupiter and lord of 5th indicates that the
native will be enjoying with 2 wives and that he will beget children from
Lord of 7th in company of both Saturn and Rahu indicates 3 wives -- the
first wife will die whilst child-birth, the second and third wives would have
Venus in common signs with Mars and Rahu also indicates 3 wives.
Venus in fixed signs with Sun and Mercury indicates 2 wives. The first one will suffer loss of children while the 2nd one will bear
children. Venus in fixed signs conjunct or aspected by Ketu indicates that the native's wife will die after giving birth to children.
Venus in fixed signs conjunct or aspected by Jupiter indicates that the first wife will bear 3 sons and the second wife - 2 daughters.
Two Marriages
Lord of 7th (who is standing in 6/8/12) is hemmed-in between malefics
and aspected by malefic
Lord of 7th in debilitation or combustion.
Lord of 7th in 9th conjunct or aspected by malefic, whilst lord of Asdt is
in 11th.
Strong Rahu in 10th/11th
Mars in 2, 4, 7, or8
Venus in movable signs with malefic aspect
Venus in movable sign with malefic aspect AND conjunct/aspected by
Jupiter indicates that the first wife will be tall, wheat/dark complexion
and with stout body; and that the second wife will be pretty/beautiful but
short in stature.
Many wives/Sexual perversion
Many wives are indicated if lord of 7th is exalted whilst a benefic is occupying the 7th conjunct/aspected by Venus. In this Yoga, if Rahu
is connected, sexual perversions and indecent sexual practice will prevail.
Number of wives
Find out the number of planets in company of lords of 2, 7 and Venus. The number of wives of the native will be equal to the number of
strong planets in the company of above-mentioned planets. If the lord of 7th or 2nd is conjunct and aspected by malefic and if the
dispositor of such lord of 2/7 is weak, the native will marry again.
Questionable character
The native will develop a questionable character if there is a planet in
4th, whilst lord of 7th is conjunct/aspected by malefic.
Union of lords of 2, 7 and 10, whilst the lord of Asdt is conjunct/aspected
by malefic, indicates questionable character.
Lord of 7th in Martian/Saturnian sign, conjunct/aspected by Mars
indicates questionable character on the part of the native.
Lord of 7th in 8th or 7th aspected by Mars indicates questionable
character on the part of native's wife.
Exchange of houses between Mars and Venus denotes that the native's
wife will be of a questionable character.
Note: The original author of this book, Gopala Ratnakara, Sri Bangalore Sidhanti Siva Shankar a Shastri is of the opinion that
the word kshetra translated above as house, stands for anyone of the shad-vargas or the six classifications namely
sign, navamsa, saptamsa etc.
Questionable character
Mars and Venus conjointly standing in Saturnian signs aspected by
Saturn also denotes questionable character.
Rahu in 7th denotes that the native will have intimacy with widows; Mars
or Venus in 7th --- intimacy with maid-servant.
Lord of Asdt and 6th conjointly standing in Martian/Saturnian signs
indicates that the native will commit adultery within his own community.
Caste/community of girl.friend
The planet with whom Venus is conjunct indicates the caste/community of the girl with whom the native will have intimacy.
Venus conjunct Rahu -- Laundry woman Mercury --- Vaishya
Jupiter Mars
Brahmin Kshatriya
The planet in the 7th house also gives a clue concerning caste/community of the native's girl-friends as follows:
Weak Sun with Rahu
Sun only in the 7th
Moon only in the 7th
Jupiter, Venus & Rahu
Mercury in 7th in signs owned by Venus
widows barren woman
fat woman
brahmin widow
- enciente woman
Sexual perversion
Sexual perversions on the part of the native are likely if
Lord of 10th and Rahu unite and stand in a Martian sign. Saturn in Taurus/Libra or Saturn & Venus in conjunction
Over-sized breasts are indicated for the wife of native in whose horoscope lord of 7th is conjunct Rahu.
Lord of 7th in conjunction with
Ketu - below average/small
Mercury - average and even
Sun - very small/nominal
benefic - short
Mars - right breast will be larger than the left
Bushy hair will prevail on the vulva of the wife if lord 7th or Venus is in a
watery sign aspected by Moon or malefic
Lord of 7th in Martian/Saturnian or Sun's sign conjunct with a malefic
indicates that the native's wife will have sparse hair on vulva, small-sized
genital organ with a foul smell.
Lord of 7th in Mercurian or Venus' signs conjunct with a malefic indicates
even or moderate sized private parts.
Malefic in 7th whilst lord of 2nd is in an inimical sign and lord of 4th
anywhere other than his own house indicates that the native will be
brought-up on the breast-milk of a woman other than his mother.
Lord of 7th in signs owned by Jupiter or Venus conjunct/aspected by
Jupiter or Venus indicates that the native will really enjoy the company
of woman.
A native whose lord of 7th is aspected by Mars whilst conjunct with Sun
and Moon, will have very moderate enjoyments with the opposite sex.
Conjunction of Saturn with lord of 7th indicates that the native is under-
Native will be under-sexed if lord of 7th is conjunct Rahu/Ketu.
Lord of 2 standing in 7th in conjunction with a malefic indicates that the
native is a non-vegetarian.
If lord of 7th conjoins a planet who is in own house and is aspected by
benefic, the native will be enjoying highly tasty dishes.
Lord of 7th in quadrants conjunct/aspected by Jupiter or Venus
indicates that the native will be long-lived, enjoy kingly life, be charitable
and possess Gyana (knowledge).
Chapter VIII AyurBhava 8th House
Alpa, Madhya, Purna Ayush
Alpa Ayush or short life is upto 32 years; Madhya Ayush beyond 32 years; Purna Ayush or full longevity beyond 70 years.
If lord of Asdt and Sun are natural enemies, alpa ayush would result; if they are natural friends, but temporary enemies or natural equals
but temporary enemies, madhya ayush would result; if they are friends both ways, natural and temporary, Naisargika and Tatkalika,
puma ayush is assured.
Purna Ayush Yogas
Saturn in 8th
Lord of 8th in exaltation, own house or otherwise strong Rahu in 3, 6 or 11 conjunct or aspected by benefic indicates not only puma
ayush but also happiness from wife and children Lord of 8th in 6 or 12, whilst dispositor thereof is in 8th
Madhya Ayush Yogas 33 to 70 years longevity
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter in quadrants/trines
Lord of Asdt in quadrants conjunct or aspected by
Venus/Jupiter. Happiness in addition to wealth is assured.
Lord of 8th in conjunction with a benefic and at the same time
standing in a benefic house and quadrant/trine. Learning and
happiness will also result.
Saturn in exaltation, own house or friendly house and at the
same time, fairly strong.
Jupiter and Venus (both as benefics in the horoscope) in
quadrants. In addition to longevity, the native will do high class
charities for the public.
Saturn and lords of 8, 10 and Asdt, stand in
quadrants/trines/11th in any fashion.
Lords of 9th and 10th in Ascendant
Moon in exaltation, own house, moola-trikona, friendly
house conjunct/aspected by both Jupiter &. Venus.
Venus, Jupiter and lord of Asdt in exaltation aspected by
Lord of Asdt in Asdt and lord of 10th in 10th
Exchange of signs between lords of Asdt and 10th OR
conjunction between them.
Lords of Asdt and 10th aspect the lords of 5th.
Lord of Asdt is conjunct Moon aspected by benefic.
Strong lord of 8th conjunct Jupiter and connected with lord of
Jupiter in Asdt conjunct/aspected by lord of 10th.
Lords of Asdt and 9th unite and stand in Asdt aspected by lord
of 5th.
Lord of 9th is aspected by Jupiter whilst lord of 5th is not
Benefics in 4th as well as 8th aspected by Jupiter.
Lords of Asdt and 9th in conjunction.
Jupiter aspecting lord of 5th
Lord of 10th in exaltation
Benefic in 10th
Connection between lords of 5th and 10th
Saturn in 11th or friendly house
Lord of 8th in quadrants
Saturn in 9th in friendly house aspected by Jupiter
Lords of 3 and 8 in Asdt aspected by lord of 9th
Lord of Asdt in 9th whilst lord of 5th is in Asdt
Whilst lords of 9th and 10th occupy 9th and 10th respectively,
Moon is also strong.
Even if lord of Asdt is weak, if conjunct with Jupiter and
staying in quadrant/trine.
Alpa Ayush Yogas Below 32 years
Puma Ayush plus Happiness
Puma Ayush plus Reputation
Malefics in 12th and 8th
Saturn conjunct lord of 8th aspected by malefic
Whilst lord of Asdt is weak, a malefic is in 4th, both without
benefic aspect.
Whilst both lords of Asdt and 8th are weak, if all malefics are
posited in Asdt, 7th or both.
Lords of 4th and 5th conjunct with malefics and standing in
Lord of Asdt conjunct with lord of 8th or 12th.
Lord of 3 in 8th with malefic aspect
Lord of Asdt in 6 or 12th.
Moon in 6, 8 or 12th
Lord of Asdt conjunct with lord of 8th without Jupiter's aspect
Lords of Asdt and 8th - both in debilitation/combustion.
Malefics simultaneously in 3,6, and 11 confer not only puma ayush but also happiness.
If lord of Asdt is in own house or quadrants without malefic connections, puma ayush, good habits & reputation are indicated.
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus standing in 2,3 or 11 in any
manner denotes puma ayush according to Garga Muni. JupiterA/enus in quadrants indicate 50 years longevity; both in quadrants 100
Lord of Asdt and lord of 8th, both in own houses confer 64
years longevity.
Both lords of 5th and Asdt conjunct or aspected by Jupiter
confers longevity around 100 years.
Lords of Asdt and 9th unite and are aspected by Jupiter,
longevity of 100 years would result.
The mere stay of Jupiter in exaltation, quadrants, 6, 8 or 12 constitutes some relief for the malefic yogas operating on the horoscope.
Balarishta possibility of death in childhood is nullified if Lord of Asdt is strong. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in quadrants/trines, all
evils are nullified and the native will enjoy long life.
The following 2 yogas are also capable of nullifying evil yogas in a horoscope:
Strong Jupiter in Asdt irrespective of his lordships and whether he is a benefic or otherwise for the horoscope. Rahu as a benefic is
standing in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn.
Venus and Jupiter are capable of nullifying all evil effects operating in a horoscope.
As far as Moon is concerned, Jupiter's aspect on Moon will cancel the evil of Moon staying in 6, 8 or 12 for those born during
nights in the waxing half and during the day in waning half.
Long Life
Full Longevity will be enjoyed by the native if Saturn has some benefic yoga besides lordship over Asdt or 8th. Sun in Asdt and Mars in
8th constitutes a Raja Yoga whereby the native will enjoy Deerga Ayush (long life) and Kingly life.
Maraka - Death Inflicting Planet
Lords of 2nd/7th are Marakas. Planets posited in 2nd/7th are also Marakas.
According to some, even planets aspecting 7th/2nd are marakas and that 2nd is a greater maraka sthana than the 7th.
Next in order, lord of 12th and planet posited therein, become marakas, but with benefic yoga, they cease to be marakas.
Lords of 3 and 8 also become marakas provided they are not in exaltation and not connected with benefic. if
they are malefics, they are definitely marakas; Sun and Moon, even with lordship over 8th do not become marakas but with
lord ship over 8th and exaltation, Sun and Moon become Marakas.
Having decided the maraka evil in this fashion in the order of priority given above, determine time of death with reference to the
Maraka Major Period. If no planet has Maraka Dosha as stated above, then determine the death-inflicting planet from among the
lords of 3,6,8,12 and 11 (in order of priority) provided there lords have no connection with benefics or benefic yogas.
Stay in the above mentioned signs, connection with a malefic and malefic aspect should be considered for the above lords.
In their Major Period or sub-period, death will occur. Even if a planet other than Saturn possesses Maraka Dosha, if Saturn
also has Maraka Dosha plus malefic qualities, and even if the former's Major Period occurs first, Saturn will take over the
function of inflicting death on the native.
Puma ayush, Madhya ayush and Alpa ayush have been detailed above. The method of determining the maraka planet has also
been given in the previous sloka. How to reconcile the former with the latter? If, as per yogas, the longevity is more and the
planets causing the yoga are fairly strong, whilst the Major Period of a maraka planet selected as per the previous sloka occurs
earlier, the latter indication will go in vain and the native will enjoy the longevity conferred by the yoga.
Death, when?
Death will not occur in a planet's own sub-period Swa-bukti, but in the sub-period of a benefic; failing that a malefic in conjunction with
the maraka planet.
If lords of 12 and 8th are faily strong and if they happen to be marakas, they alone cause death in their own sub-periods. If they are weak,
they will not cause death; instead diseases to relatives, diseases to native, loss of finance, fear from enemies, King/Govt, thieves, fear
from spirits and allied troubles will occur. Death can occur in the first Major Period of a native if it happens to be that of lord of 8th in 8th
or major period of lord of Asdt. For Cancer Asdt with Venus in there, Jupiter in Pisces, Moon in Gemini, Saturn who is in Scorpio will
become the Maraka. That is to say, death will occur in Saturn's Major Period in spite
of the yoga arising by reason of Venus in Ascendant and Jupiter in 9th, with Jupiter's aspect on Venus and Ascendant. So far, methods of
determining longevity based on saying of sages like Maharshi Parashara have been given. According to Maharshi Jaimini, lord of 8th or
malefic in 8th or RUDRA are marakas.
If there is a wall, pictures can be painted on it. Likewise, good
and bad yogas in a horoscope can be enjoyed/suffered only if
there is longevity. So determine longevity first in a
Yogas for marriage and birth of children, if they exist strongly,
some times even if longevity is poor, the former may be taken up
as a clue for greater longevity than that indicated.
Longevity of a native is to be decided with reference to planets,
Yogas and their various qualities/strength; and with the blessings
of the Lord and the Sages, correct longevity can be determined.
Chapter IX
Bhagya Bhava
9th House
with reference to Lordship
Lords of trines are benefics; if lords of trines happen to possess additional lordship over 3, 6, or 11, such planets are not as good benefics
as lords of trines. In other words, a planet having lordship over a trine and 3,6, or 11 will also confer some amount of malefic effects.
Full Moon is 100% benefic.
Kendradipatya Dosha
Jupiter and Venus with lordship over quadrants do not confer benefic results, by virtue of Kendradipatya Dosha (evil possessed by a
benefic by reason of its lordship over a quadrant).
Full Moon with lordship over a quadrant gets the least or minimal Kendradipatya Dosha.
Next, in the ascending order is Mercury with lordship over a quadrant, if Mercury is not connected with malefics.
Jupiter with lordship over a quadrant acquires greater Kendradipafya Dosha than Mercury.
Venus gets this evil greater than Jupiter.
Weak Moon, Mercury conjunct with malefic(s), Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu having lordship over quadrants confer benefic results.
A planet owning Ascendant and 8th (simultaneously) e.g. Mars with Aries as Ascendant, Venus with Libra as Ascendant,
will also confer benefic effects. For Libra Ascendant, Venus will confer slight malefic effects by reason of a benefic owning a
quadrant and 8th, besides benefic effects as lord of Asdt. Not so for Mars with Aries as Ascendant, for he owns Aries as lord
of Asdt, and as a malefic owning a quadrant confers more benefic effects compared to Venus for Libra Ascendant.
Quantum of Benefic Effects
Lord of 9th in exaltation, own house or 10th confers full benefic effects including property, fitness for public life, reputation, prosperity,
Kingly life etc. 50% benefic results as above will be realised if lord of 9th is in Asdt, 4th or 9th or in friendly house; 25% of similar
effects if posited in 2, 3, 7 or 11; 12.5% effects in 6, 8 or 12 or debilitation or enemy house.
Lord of 10th in exaltation, own house or 9th/friendly sign indicates that the native will reap full benefic effects professionally. If lord of
10th is posited in friendly house which happens to be Asdt, 4th or 5th, only 50% of such effects will be reaped; 25% effects in 2, 3, 7 or
111 12.5% in 6, 8 or 12 or debilitation or enemy house.
Further benefic effects and their greatness/superiority will be proportionate to the good deeds done by the native.
Rahu/Ketu and Lords of 2nd/12th
Lord of 2nd and lord of 12th will confer effects of like nature as their dispositor or the planet in conjunction with.
For Rahu/Ketu also in a similar fashion. With reference to the two lordships of Mars, if Mars is pronounced as malefic, only
malefic results can be expected. Malefic Mars with lordship over 10th will yield malefic results only. When Mars owns 10th
along with lordship of trines, for Cancer Ascendant, benefic results will occur.
Raja Yoga
The union of lords of 9th and 10th produces Raja Yoga is accepted by all.
Where there is exchange of signs between lords of 9th and 10th, in spite of one of the planets owning 3,6,8, 11 or 12th, a
high class Raja Yoga will be realised, but where there is no such exchange of signs and lords of 9/10 own 3,6,8, 11 or 12th,
Raja Yoga effects will not materialise.
In this context, it should be borne in mind that in the above case, even though Raja Yoga does not materialise, the planet with
lordship over 9/10th and without lordship over 3,6,8,11 or 12th, will still remain the significator for Raja Yoga.
Even for Aries Ascendant, lords of 9th & 10th, i.e. Saturn and Jupiter, despite their lordship over 11th for Saturn and 12th
for Jupiter, if Saturn is in Sagittarius and Jupiter in debilitation in Capricorn, there will arise a Raja Yoga, though
comparatively it may not be as nice as those occurring for other Ascendants.
Mere combination of these two lords (9th and 10th) will not produce Raja Yoga.
Perhaps a hint is thrown in the above sloka that exchange of signs between planets is superior to conjunction in a sign.
For Leo and Aquarius ascendants, Venus and Mars, respectively, have lordship over 10th but they are considered malefics due to their
lordship over 3rd.
Mercury and Jupiter for Capricorn and Cancer ascendants, are considered malefics due to their lordship over 6th.
In spite of the above remarks, if there is exchange of signs between lords of 9th and 10th, there is bound to be some amount of
Raja Yoga. In such an event, the evil due to lordship over a dusthana (6, 8 or 12) or 3, 11 gets reduced.
For Taurus Ascendant, Saturn is for all purposes a benefic.
Lord of 5th in conjunction with lord of 10th is also a significator for Raja Yoga. The effects of the Raja Yoga will always be
proportionate to the strength of the significator.
Raja Yoga Effects When?
Lords of 3, 6, 8, 11 and 12 are malefics. If any of these lords get connected with benefics or Raja Yoga Karakas, in the Major Period of
the lords of 3,6, 8, 11 or 12, but in the sub-period of the benefic who is in conjunction with the former, the Raja Yoga effects will be
If a benefic stands in conjunction with a Yoga Karaka planet, in the Major Period of the latter and in the sub-period of the
former, the benefic results will be reaped.
If there is union between strong planets owning quadrants and trines, Raja Yoga arises. Amongst these, union between lords of 4-5, and
10-5 cause Raja Yoga.
The Raja Yoga effects arising due to lords of quadrant and trine will materialise in their Major Periods but in the sub-periods of
benefics who are not connected with the significators (Karakas) of the Raja Yoga. If there are more than one such sub-period,
the strongest should be preferred.
Rahu/Ketu standing in quadrants and conjoining with trine lord or vice-versa, also produce Raja Yoga.
Connection of lords of 8th or 11th would, to an extent, lessen the effects produced by Raja Yoga caused by
union of lords of 9th & 10th.
Such Raja Yoga effects start materialising during the sub-period of maraka in the Major Period of the Raja Yoga karaka planet.
In sub-periods of malefics (in latter's major period) the effects will be in peak. In sub-periods of benefics not connected with
the Raja Yoga there will be middling results.
Rahu and Ketu posited in auspicious houses and becoming Yoga karakas, if not conjunct with other planets, confer their
benefic effects during their own sub-periods.
Effects of Sub-period
If lord of major period (maha dasa) is a malefic, there will be mixed effects in sub-period of a benefic in conjunction with the lord of
major period; and very bad results in the sub-period of a malefic in conjunction with lord of major period. In sub-period of benefic who is
not connected with lord of major period (who is a malefic), there will be some benefic effects.
In sub-periods of lords of trines occurring in major periods of lords of quadrants or vice-versa, there will be much happiness, provided
that such lords of quadrant/trine are not owning 3, 6, 11 or 12th or connected with their lords.
Effects of Major Period
Effects conferable by the lord of major period are never realised in their own sub-periods but in the sub-periods of planets connected in
some way with the lord of the major period.
Maraka Evil for Jupiter & Venus
Jupiter and Venus with lordship over quadrants and standing in maraka sthanas become greater marakas. This applies to Mercury and
Moon as well, bot not so seriously.
When Sun and Moon are highly benefic, they do not become marakas.
Major Period Effects
A planet in debilitation which happens to be 6,8 or 12th will
confer very bad effects in its major period; but a planet in
debilitation which happens to be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 11th will confer
benefic results also to some extent.
In benefic sub-period occurring in major period of a benefic,
there will always be benefic results, and a mixture in sub-periods
of malefics.
In benefic sub-period occurring in major period of a malefic,
there will be bad results in the first half and good results in the
In major period of a maraka planet connected with a trine, there will be only bad effects. Lordship over trine will go a waste, if
the planet happens to be in 2nd/7th. A maraka planet in 6th, 7th or 9th will confer good effects during its major period.
Sub-period Effects
There will be financial losses, fear from King/Govt, thieves and
fire and loss of relatives in sub-periods whose lords stand in
6th/8th of the major period lord.
In the sub-period of a malefic in the 8th of a major period lord,
there will be fear of theft, fear from King/Govt, fire and water,
upset of health and financial losses.
In the sub-period of a benefic in the 8th of a major period lord,
there will be good effects in first half and bad effects in the
In major period of Rahu in 9th, there will be loss of father,
financial loss, change in environments, adversities for relatives
Mercury and Jupiter together in the 7th indicate Raja Yoga;
Rahu and Jupiter together but aspected by benefic, same
Major Period Effects
During the major period of lord of 11th standing in quadrants, the native will be acquiring costly things, enjoy much gain etc.
Raja Yoga
A high class Raja Yoga arises if Moon is standing on Rohini 4th
constellation, aspected by Venus whilst malefics stand in 3. 6, or
Exchange of signs between lords of Asdt and 2nd indicates that
the native will be supporting a thousand people.
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all three together in 7th indicates
Raja Yoga. Lord of 9th in 2nd with Moon also indicates Raja
Major Period Effects based on Avasthas
There are 10 kinds of avasthas for the planets. The effects produced by planets in their respective major periods will be
dependent on the avastha enjoyed by it at the time of birth, which is signified by the name pf avastha as shown below :-
1. Swastha Avastha
A planet in own house is said to be in Swastha Avastha. During its major period, the native will enjoy reputation, homely
comforts, education, prosperity, wife and children, finance, charitable deeds, all round happiness etc.
2.Deeptha Aavastha
A planet in exaltation is said to be Deeptha Avastha. During its major period, the native will enjoy all the effects mentioned
under the Swastha Avastha in greater measure and intensity; besides conveyance, helping relatives, honour from King/Govt;
greater authority being wielded, respect from others, longevity, auspicious celebrations at home and paraphernalia.
3.Muditha Aavastha
A planet in intimate friend's house is said to be in Muditha Avastha. During its major period, the native will enjoy good food,
good dress, perfumes and cosmetics, ornaments, happiness due to birth of son.
4.Santha Avastha
A planet in friendly house is said to be in Santha Avastha. During it smajor period, the native will enjoy company of friends,
have a calm and unperturbed disposition, good sense, education, righteous habits and means of livelihood, happiness,
contentment and other auspicious results of like nature.
5.Heena Avastha
A planet in conjunction with a benefic is said to be in Heena Avastha. During its major period, the native will have change
in environments, travels, an inferior status, bitterness with relations, and adversities.
6.Dukhita Avastha
A planet in enemy house is said to be in Dukhita Avastha. During its major period, the native will be subjected to fear from
fire, King and thieves, death of relatives, quarrels and misunderstandings, travels to unknown places and suffer sorrow.
7.Vikala Avastha
A planet in debilitation OR in bitter enemy's house is said to be in Vikala Avastha. During it smajor period, diseases &
sufferings, separation from family, performance of obsequies, delays and obstacles in undertakings, increased circle of
enemies will occur.
8.Khala Avastha
A planet defeated in a planetary battle is said to be in Khala Avastha. During its major period, the native will be subjected to
financial loss, quarrels and misunderstandings with women folk, bitterness with father and sons, hatred towards ohers and mental agony.
9.Kopitha Avastha
A planet in conjunction with a malefic OR otherwise connected with a malefic is said to be in Kopitha Avastha. During its
major period, the native will idiocy or loss of intelligence, foolhardiness, diseases, financial loss, fear of death, bitterness with
many, fear from distant relatives, fear from poison and poisonous creatures, fear from enemies, King/Govt.
10.Peeditha Avastha
A combust planet is said to be in Peeditha Avastha. During its major period, the native will suffer bondage, sickness;
occasions when he will have to depend on others, being put to shame and put to inferior status.
There is a further avastha called Sakta Avastha which applies to planets which are strong. Planets which are strong in Rasi and Bhava are
to enjoy this Avastha. Good deeds, reputation and increased happiness will prevail in their major periods.
Significations of 9th House
The 9th house signifies Preceptor, father, Ishta Devata (family deity), luck and prosperity. Therefore, if the lord of 9th and the 9th house
have benefic connections, the native will have particularly good luck and prosperity.
Father's Death When?
Father's death and performance of obsequies in that connection
should be predicted in the sub-period of maraka planet or lord of
10th in the major period of malefic conjunct lord of 9th.
For Aries and Cancer Ascendants, death of father is possible
in the major period of Jupiter who is in dusthana (6, 8 or 12) with
aspect of a malefic.
Father's death is also possible in major periods of significator for
father posited in dusthanas (6, 8 or 12) or malefic in conjunction
with the significator for father.
Father of the native should be presumed to have died before
birth if lord of 9th and significator are conjointly standing in 9 or 5
connected with lords of dusthana or enemy or malefic.
Death of father immediately after birth of the native is possible if
lords of 4th and 9th ar together with connection of strong
Son Greater Than Father
If lord of 9th is in exaltation, own house, or moola-trikona, the
native will bring honour to his father by his good deeds and
If there is exchange of signs between lords of 5th and 9th and
the planets occupy exaltation etc. much good luck in the matter
of father and children is indicated.
Lords of 1,4 & 9, conjointly standing in 11th or friendly house, indicates great prosperity and luck.
Religious Leanings
From the 9th and its lord and from the planets connected with them, particularly with reference to the strongest of the lot, determine the
native's Ishta Devata family deity, or God, his religious leanings etc.
Chapter X, XI & XII
Chapters X, XI, XII together since the number ofslokas is less.
ChspterX KannaBhava 10th House
Professional Success/failure
The native will be professionally a non-entity or be without a profession if lord of 10th is in combustion, debilitation, in enemy house or
otherwise weak or in 6, 8 or 12.
Sources of Income
Means of livelihood
There will be loss of profession if lord of 10th is with Rahu. Lord of 10th in own house, exaltation etc. indicates the native will be
successful professionally.
If lord of 10th is in 11th connected with Jupiter and Venus, the native will have good profession and self-respect.
Sun in 10th whilst the dispositor thereof is in 5th and both are connected with Mercury, the native will possess intelligence and enjoy
bath in Ganges.
If lord of 10th is in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or 10th, the
native will be charitable, have self-respect, interest in music, be a moderate eater, neat & tidy, be prepared to renounce, enjoy happiness
and lead a care-free life.
Saturn in 10th indicates income through menial classes
public in general and Rahu in 10th - Mlechhas
Mars/Sun in 10th indicates income from Government;
Moon/Mercury through Vaisyas.
Native's profession will be indicated by the lord of navamsa occupied by the lord of 10th from Ascendant, Moon or Sun, whichever is
the strongest. If there are planets in the 10th from Ascendant, means of livelihood should be determined from such planet(s).
Chapter XI LabhaBhava
11 th House
Mercury orKetu in 11th denotes gold; Venus/Moon in 11th denotes pearls; Saturn/Rahu -
weapons/implements. Based on these, determine the gains of the native.
Limitless Income
If lord of 11th is in own house/exaltation eye. aspected by benefic and conjunct with lords of 9th and 10th,
there will be limitless income.
Source of Income
Planets in 11th cause income from the following sources:
Sun through father
Moon mother
Mars brother
Mercury maternal relations
Jupiter son
Venus wife
Saturn servants
Prosperity of Elder brother
Lord of 11th in combustion, debilitation, stay in 3rd or conjunction of malefic indicates that there will be no prosperity to the elder
brother(s) of the native.
If the lord of 11th is conjunct with a benefic and aspected by a benefic, and at the same time there is a benefic in 11th, there will be very
good prosperity to the elder brother(sO of the native.
In other words, elder brother(s) will enjoy as much prosperity as there is benefic aspect or conjunction to lord of 11th or the 11th house.
Chapter XII VyayaBhava
12th House
If lord of 12th is a malefic or a malefic is standing in 12th or lord thereof is in debilitation or enemy house, conjunct or aspected by
malefic, the native will have expenses in the wrong directions, gambling losses, develop a bad character and ultimately, suffer poverty
and sorrow.
If lord of 12th is a benefic enjoying exaltation, own house etc. and stays in quadrant/trine in the company of lords of 10th or 9th or a
benefic stays in the 12th, the native will have moderate expenses and good habits too.
The planet in 12th indicates the channels through which expenses arise.
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About the Author and Source
As usual, Kerala the state from Sage Parasara hailed has contributed one more great soul in KKN. The translator after B Suryanaraha
Rao, has been a great exponent and devotee of Swami Sivananda. He donated the books to Sivananda ashram. Mr NN Krishna Rao,
though from Kerala, studied in Warangal and added the suffix Rao along with. VB Choudry had translated a few of his works. His Brihat
Parasara Hora was the 1st work done in English in 1959. R Santhanam did meet his son VK Iyer in 1984 and started his works which are
now the benchmark in some of the titles.
VK Iyer had published some of the books from time to time like his sister late Vma but as the only surviving member of the family and a
good software programmer as well, has been generous enough to publish these works on the net for the benefit of all Jyotish
lovers. The language used in these texts is very modem and apt for the time and has made the "desha, kala, paristhiti" rule well a lot
better than later work of sri R Santhanam. A cursory reading will surely keep you using it for future readings. This online resource is
available at: http7/sites google cornlsite/astrohooksite/Horne/indexJ
(From a mail posted in ALA Yahoo group by the Astrologer GB Prashant Kumar)
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