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1. I have a friend who is really tight-fisted.

Every time that we go out for a drink or a meal she

says she hasn’t got any money or she mysteriously disappears to the toilet when the bill
arrives. At first we thought “poor Jenny she never has any money”, but she works 6 days a
week, so she must have some money. What should we do?
2. My best friend is always flirting with my girlfriend. He always pays her lots of compliments
like “Wow! You look fantastic tonight!” Also when we go to parties he often asks her to
dance. It’s making me really angry. What should I do?
3. I share a flat with a friend and she keeps borrowing my things without asking. At first it was
just little things like books and DVDs but now she’s started borrowing my clothes and when
I want to wear my favorite dress for example, I find it on her bedroom floor unwashed!
What should I do?
4. I have invited 20 people over for a big dinner party, they are arriving in 20 minutes. I was
going to cook a big roast turkey but I put the oven temperature too high and it burned! The
dinner is ruined! What should I do?
5. I have two VIP tickets to see Barcelona vs Real Madrid on the same night as my mother in
law’s 50th birthday party. What should I do?
6. I found a wallet in the street with €2000 in it. What should I do?
7. I am a great chef, I want to open 300 restaurants and get rich but I have no money. What
should I do?
8. I got very drunk at the office Christmas party and kissed my boss. What should I do?
9. My best friend’s ex girlfriend wants to go on a date with me. What should I do?
10. I am the manager of a big company. I have a vacancy for a salesman and my son wants the
job, but he has no experience. What should I do?
11. I know my best friend’s girlfriend kissed another man. What should I do?

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