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1- Select all the components of HDP which provides data access  FALSE

capabilities 6- True or False: Ambari is backed by RESTful APIs for developers

to easily integrate with their own applications.
 Pig
 Sqoop  TRUE
 Flume  FALSE
 MapReduce
 Hive 7- Which Hadoop functionalities does Ambari provide?

 None of the above

2- Select the components that provides the capability to move data  All of the above
from relational database into Hadoop.
 Monitor
 Sql  Manage
 Sqoop  Provision
 Hive  Integrate
 Kafka
 Flume 8- Which page from the Ambari UI allows you to check the versions
3- Managing Hadoop clusters can be accomplished using which of the software installed on your cluster?
 Monitor page
 Ambari  Integrate page
 HBase  The Admin > Manage Ambari page
 Phoenix  The Admin > Provision page
 Hive 9- True or False?Creating users through the Ambari UI will also
 Sqoop create the user on the HDFS.

4- True or False: The following components are value-add from IBM:  FALSE
Big Replicate, Big SQL, BigIntegrate, BigQuality, Big Match 10- True or False? You can use the CURL commands to issue
 TRUE commands to Ambari.
5- True or False: Data Science capabilities can be achieved using only
11- True or False: Hadoop systems are designed for transaction
 TRUE processing.
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 TRUE 18- What are the benefits of using Spark? (Please select the
 FALSE THREE that apply)
 Generality
12- What is the default number of replicas in a Hadoop system?  Versality
5  Speed
4  Ease of use
19- What are the languages supported by Spark? (Please select the
THREE that apply)
13- True or False: One of the driving principal of Hadoop is that  Javascript
the data is brought to the program.  HTML
 Python

 Java

 Scala
14- True or False: Atleast 2 Name Nodes are required for a
standalone Hadoop cluster.
20- Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) is the primary abstraction

TRUE of Spark.

15- True or False: The phases in a MR job are Map, Shuffle,  FALSE
Reduce and Combiner
21- What would you need to do in a Spark application that you
TRUE would not need to do in a Spark shell to start using Spark?
FALSE  Extract the necessary libraries to load the SparkContext
16- Centralized handling of job control flow is one of the the  Export the necessary libraries to load the SparkContext
limitations of MR v1.  Delete the necessary libraries to load the SparkContext

TRUE  Import the necessary libraries to load the SparkContext

17- The Job Tracker in MR1 is replaced by which component(s) in
YARN? 22- True or False: NoSQL database is designed for those that do
not want to use SQL.
 ResourceMaster
 ApplicationMaster  TRUE
 ApplicationManager  FALSE
 ResourceManager 23- Which database is a columnar storage database?
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 SQL and relational databases.
 Hive
 HBase
24- Which database provides a SQL for Hadoop interface?
30- True or False: For Sqoop to connect to a relational database,
 Hive the JDBC JAR files for that database must be located in
 Hadoop $SQOOP_HOME/bin.
 HBase  TRUE
25- Which Apache project provides coordination of resources?
 Streams 31- True or False: Each Flume node receives data as "source",
 Spark stores it in a "channel", and sends it via a "sink".
 Zeppelin  TRUE
 ZooKeeper  FALSE
26- What is ZooKeeper's role in the Hadoop infrastructure? 32- Through what HDP component are Kerberos, Knox, and
Ranger managed?
 Manage the coordination between HBase servers
 None of the above  Zookeeper
 Hadoop and MapReduce uses ZooKeeper to aid in high  Ambari
availability of Resource Manager  Apache Knox
 All of the above
 Flume uses ZooKeeper for configuration purposes in recent releases
33- Which security component is used to provide peripheral
27- True or False: Slider provides an intuitive UI which allows you security?
to dynamically allocate YARN resources.  Apache Ranger
 TRUE  Apache Camel
 FALSE  Apache Knox
28- True or False: Knox can provide all the security you need 34- One of the governance issue that Hortonworks DataPlane
within your Hadoop infrastructure. Service (DPS) address is visibility over all of an organization's data
across all of their environments — on-prem, cloud, hybrid — while
making it easy to maintain consistent security and governance
29- True or False: Sqoop is used to transfer data between Hadoop  FALSE
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  Semi-structured
35- True or false: The typical sources of streaming data are  Graph-based
Sensors, "Data exhaust" and high-rate transaction data.  Structured
 TRUE  Machine-Generated
 FALSE  Unstructured
36- What are the components of Hortonworks Data Flow(HDF)?
41- What are the 4Vs of Big Data? (Please select the FOUR that
 Flow management apply)
 Stream processing  Veracity
 All of the above  Velocity
 None of the above  Variety
 Enterprise services  Value
 Volume
37- True or False: NiFi is a disk-based, microbatch ETL tool that  Visualization
provides flow management 42- What are the most important computer languages for Data
 TRUE Analytics? (Please select the THREE that apply)
 FALSE  Scala
 R
38- True or False: MiNiFi is a complementary data collection tool  SQL
that feeds collected data to NiFi  Python
 TRUE 43- True or False: GPUs are special-purpose processors that
 FALSE traditionally can be used to power graphical displays, but for Data
Analytics lend themselves to faster algorithm execution because of
39- What main features does IBM Streams provide as a Streaming
the large number of independent processing cores.
Data Platform? (Please select the THREE that apply)
 Flow management
 Analysis and visualization
44- True or False: Jupyter stores its workbooks in files with the
 Sensors
.ipynb suffix. These files can not be stored locally or on a hub
40- What are the three types of Big Data? (Please select the server.
THREE that apply)  TRUE
 Natural Language  FALSE
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45- $BIGSQL_HOME/bin/bigsql startcommand is used to start 51- Which file storage format has the highest performance?
Big SQL from the command line?
 Delimited
 TRUE  Sequence
 Parquet
46- What are the two ways you can work with Big SQL. (Please  Avro
select the TWO that apply)
 JQuery 52- What are the two ways to classify functions?
 R Built-in functions
 JSqsh Scalar functions
 Web tooling from DSM
User-defined functions
None of the above
47- What is one of the reasons to use Big SQL?
53- True or False: UMASK is used to determine permissions on
 Want to access your Hadoop data without using MapReduce directories and files.
 You want to learn new languages like MapReduce  TRUE
 Has deep learning curve because Big SQL uses standard 2011 query  FALSE
54- True or False: You can only Kerberize a Big SQL server before
48- Should you use the default STRING data type? it is installed.
 Yes  TRUE
 No  FALSE
55- True or False: Authentication with Big SQL only occurs at the
49- The BOOLEAN type is defined as SMALLINT SQL type in Big Big SQL layer or the client's application layer.
 FALSE 56- True or False: Ranger and impersonation works well together.
50- Using the LOAD operation is the recommended method for
getting data into your Big SQL table for best performance.
57- True or False: RCAC can hide rows and columns.
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58- True or False: Nicknames can be used for wrappers and 64- True or False: Community provides access to articles, tutorials,
servers. and even data sets that you can use.

59- True or False: Server objects defines the property and values of
the connection. 65- True or False: You can import visualization libraries into
Watson Studio.
60- True or False: The purpose of a wrapper provide a library of
routines that doesn't communicates with the data source.
66- True or False: Collaborators can be given certain access levels.
67- True or False: Watson Studio contains Zeppelin as a notebook
61- True or False: User mappings are used to authenticate to the
remote data source.  TRUE
68- Spark is developed in which language
62- True or False: Collaboration with Watson Studio is an optional
add-on component that must be purchased. 
 TRUE 
63- True or False: Watson Studio is designed only for Data 69- In Spark Streaming the data can be from what all sources?
Scientists, other personas would not know how to use it.  Kafka
 Flume
 TRUE  Kinesis
 FALSE  All of the above

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70- Apache Spark has API's in
 Java
 Scala
 Python
 All of the above

71- Which of the following is not a component of Spark Ecosystem?
 Sqoop
 GraphX
 MLlib
 BlinkDB

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