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User Documentation Manual

1. Hardware Requirements
 Minimum Memory: 8 GB
 Minimum Storage: 15 GB
 Minimum Processor: 1 GHz or faster
2. Software Requirements
 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 and any newer versions
 Antivirus Software
3. How can I install the software?
 Open your browser
 Visit
 Find and enter the “Download Software” page
 Click on “Download newest version”
 After downloading, open the file
 Click install
4. How can I log in?
 Run the software
 Find the button “log in” and click on it; it will redirect you to another page
 Type in your info into this page (such as your username and password)
 If you have not made an account, create a new one through clicking the “sign up”
5. How can I log out?
 Find the settings button; its icon is typically on the top left-hand corner of the screen
 Find the account button and click on it
 Find the log out button and click on it; it is typically present at the bottom of the
 Confirm that you want to log out by clicking the “Ok” button

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