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A) The advantages of living with friends

There is a stage in your life that you will have to leave your parent’s house to live
on their own and it’s a key decision because it is a starting point of your future. There
is many options to live on your own and one of them is to live with a friend. The
advantages of living with friends is there is no need to “make plans” with people you
love to hang out with and it also much easier to coordinate plans. It will always have
someone right there to go on adventures and boring things will become fun and
entertaining this is because you do it with your own friends. This is one of the fun
things of living with your friends and can create many memories of doing all the
normal things together with your friends by such thing it will strengthen your
friendship. Friends a good partners to hangout, go out, travel and have fun so a lot of
people enjoy this situation.

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