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What Makes a Person Beautiful ?

Beautiful is a word that we often hear, but does everyone understand the definition of beautiful? Someone
once said, a beautiful person is the one with outstanding and attractive appearance. Some said that beauty
comes from the inner part of a person. In my opinion, I think there are no standard answers for beauty because
it is subjective.

People usually pay attention on other’s appearance, but we do not realize that comes from our heart.
Good qualities of a person are important in our life. A beautiful person is made of much.

First, an honest person makes a person beautiful. Nowadays, we could see lots of cheats and scams in
news. For instance, we could even read news about famous celebrities who scam and cheat though they are
physically good looking. We should not lie to anyone. Lying is an ugly action although you have a nice face.

Then, helpful and kind person. Sometimes, doing good deeds seems small. However, good deeds come
from a kind and passionate heart. All good deed starts from a small act of kindness. From these, beauty is seen
and we may start helping those who are in need sincerely.

Besides that, a person who is confident and brave is beautiful. We will not be afraid when we face
challenges. We must believe in ourselves. We can stand up again when we fail. Whenever we fall, we should
face our mistakes and failure bravely. A person who is confident and courageous are always beautiful, just
like a star shining in the dark sky.

Lastly, a person who loves his or herself is also beautiful. A person who loves his or herself is able
accept themselves. If we love ourselves, we will also be able to live a good and healthy lifestyle and to do our
best to achieve our goals. Therefore, a person who love his or herself always build beautiful journey of

In a nutshell, there are so many more good traits that make a person beautiful. As we grow older, our
beauty fades physically. However, what makes the beauty lasts is our inner self. So, I believe that we too can
be beautiful people.

(362 words)

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