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Question number 1

The major environmental problems are pollution, global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain,
natural resource depletion, overpopulation, waste disposal, deforestation and loss of vegetation.

Question number 2

The role is to inform the viewer of the documentary’s message of the earths globally depicted issues
and how to supposedly overcome them.

Question number 3

My responsibility of a citizen is to keep the place I live in clean and protected. Without my disdained
protection myself as well as the place I live will cease to exist. The Impact I may leave is a
unprotected earth that people will be forced to survive on until death or create such an inhabitable
place that my kind would go extinct.

Question number 4

Make women

But on a serious note our earth has gone through irreversible damage such as 20% of the earths
rainforests deforestation for an everyday product such as palm oil, we could find sustainable ways of
mass fishing and the extraction of trees for product. For fishing the main reason people eat fish is
because of the health benefits but the fish get these benefits from the plants they eat. So we are
eating fish for no apparent reason since the vegetation from plants is what we should be eating. To
solve this problem we could simply just eat the vegetation, but this may arouse another problem but
the amount of ocean and sea vegetation is almost indefinite due to micro-organisms producing so
much. For deforestation we could extract the trees product by hand and not harm the tree, but the
only problem with that is it would cost a fortune. Really both of these problems could be solved by
simply not fishing or cutting down trees.

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